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Memes are becoming real lads.
Daily Reminder that the Ottoman Empire was a White Islamic Empire and turkey is rightful Aryan Clay.
Wonder if they dare rape American troops after battle like they normally do?
Trump is letting Erdogan do it because they're not US forces.
Trump has united the entire world against Israel and I'm not even joking
Look at these faces
Look at this face.
The star already gorged on clay when a mudslide ran through Oprah's neighborhood
remove TÜRK
They'd have to win first.
If memory serves, there are about 300 US soldiers in Manbij. A combination of special forces a Marine mechanized company. So its not precisely small beer.
a comment on that article says
>Newsweek is reporting fake news. There has never been either war or any isis in Afrin prov in the whole history of the conflict in Syria. Stop regurgitating Turk talking points.
Daily Reminder that accepting Islam voids your Aryan status.
Nothing will happen. US soldiers will withdraw in 24 hours as they did it before.
Fucking roaches, they were supposed to have all of their F35s paid for before starting shit with us. Perhaps their other planes have a U.S kill switch as well. Sure is going to suck when their radar and shit stops working.
Daily Reminder that religion doesn't change your race
But US is still in Syria and hasn't withdrawn anywhere.
We have absolutely no reason to withdraw. What is turkey going to do? Attack a US defensive position?
The best part is both sides are armed by the U.S/ZOG. Neo-Kikeservatism going full retard.
Makes a nice payday for the MIC though.
The Turks are vermin but the Kurds are fucking morons for refusing to allow the Syrian government in to protect them. They will never have their own state and should stop sucking U.S and Jew dick. Should have learned their lesson by now.
"They know what they signed up (((for)))"
Yes. They are bat shit crazy
How about Afrin? I wont even remind you about Iraq/Afghan. But its sane to withdraw here.
Yes. And Trump will have to swallow it. NATO > local conflict. Losing Turkey = losing mideast as a whole.
It most certainly does, kike.
Turkey has been a bad actor for awhile now, and Erdogan has already been making overtures to Putin which has not gone unnoticed. If they were to attack US troops, we would not necessarily have to take it lying down.
After all, Cyprus is just as strategically located as Incirlik is. Turkish Forces on the Island may find themselves on the receiving end of a forced reunification effort if the Turks decided to really start shit.
> religion changes someone's race
fucking kek
And what can current administration do "to lay it down"? You have nor allies neither big bases in the region outside the Turkey. Also Turkey arned forces are equal to the rest of NATO except US combined. The most expensive butthurt mission in the history of US? I dont think so. There is no technical way to punish Turkey fast and noticeable.
That's nice rabbi, go suck off your kike or pedophile warlord now.
They would have to be. The US would defend troops under fire, regardless as to who was shooting at them. Any cycle of escalation at that point would be seriously to the detriment of Ankara.
Why haven't we given the kurds stinger missiles and pointed them at roach airports yet?
Implying fast and noticeable. The escalation chain here would involve Turkey doing some pretty unforgivable things. The simple truth is the US ultimately has the biggest stick in this argument and we know it. If the Turks are dumb enough to risk war with America over their little border adventure they need to calculate for just what that means.
Sure, it might take a few weeks to get 5 Aircraft Carriers into the Mediterranean and move SHAPE to Greece, but it can be done given sufficient motivation. Ultimately the US only cares about control of the Bosphorus and access to the Middle East.
Turkey is not a "requirement" for either.
NATO imploding on itself would be mint
hopefully Erdogan is as insane as he looks and we're about to see Turkroaches being erased from the earth
Okay, so who will provide you basses and suply for "five carriers"? Who will support mission from the ground? What will Trump do with social outrage? Average american with positive value of IQ understands that Syria is not an american business/interest/income source/whatever else but some strange Obama heritage.
Let this be the spark that starts the raging race war!
He has nothing to lose, he has USA by the balls.
We don't have anything to lose either. Reason I say we should just slip the kurds a random WMD and call it a day. The flu this year is pretty nasty...
Take a gander at this map Ivan. Also what the American people,regardless of IQ or voting status, will want if Turkey attacks US troops will be dead Turks
Most of those are dependent bases which are based on Injirlic/Kuwait suply. Logistic is not portal-based yet.
USA has more predator drones than Turkey has warplanes, they have more tactical nukes than Turkey has air to ground missiles, the US has more aircraft carriers than Turkey has military ships of all classes combined.
The US could literally put Turkey's lights out without thinking about it, and we all know if they so much as point a gun at an American position Trump will retaliate with fire and fury.
everyone has an opinion
>Russia’s Blessing and US Mixed Signals Push Turkey Ahead in Syria
>Turkey and allies capture hill in offensive against Kurdish fighters in Syria
[all for a fucking hill]
>UK "recognises right of Turkey to secure its borders" with Syria
>Turkey confirms use of German tanks in Afrin offensive
>The Turkish government has confirmed deploying German Leopard tanks against the Kurdish YPG militia in Syria.
>Top general: US won't withdraw from Syrian city despite Turkey's warnings
>Turkey detains 300 people for social media posts criticising its Syrian offensive as Erdogan's airstrikes kill 55 and destroy ancient Byzantine Empire temple in the town of Afrin
International laws and (((conventions))) make it a bother. Why we bother adhering to the bullshit when we have so much more firepower is fucking stupid.
> tfw whole NATO Europe and USA will fight with T*rks and few of us Balkanoids will sit and eat sarma and drink slivowitza
Absolutely /comfy/
You aren't run by the UN anymore, Trump's no cuckold and he sure ain't no closet goat fucker like your last president, it's Trumps rules now.
Nothing wrong with a little pest control.
Laws and Conventions that we are majority non-signatures to. Most of the shit like the Geneva Convention was never signed by the US. We just play nice to it because if shit goes sideways, we will use landmines and chemical weapons if we damn well please.
>Trump gets impeached
>Pence inaugurated right in the geopolitical position to launch a fucking Crusade
Are you seriously suggesting that Turkey would be capable of sustaining a concerted effort against the US on two fronts? You seem to expect that the forces in Europe proper wouldn't travel down in a few days to the Greek border and just mass for a huge push like we did with Iraq. Within 72 hours every fighter and bomber would have daisy chained via mid air refueling or just base hopped their way to the theater and two weeks into the war air supremacy would achieved.
As for what happens after, I doubt Trump would bother trying to occupy the country. It's more likely that the Kurdish region would be removed from Turkey and maybe Trebizond might be removed and declared an independent state as they're ethnically different from Turks. As for the European side; nobody knows what would happen there, it may be that Greece would go full tilt and reclaim Constantinople and expel the population from Edirne and Instanbul like the Turks did with Smyrna and Constantinople after the Greek-Turkish War (1919–1922)
There is just no way for Turkey to win a war against the US. They may pop the forces in the nose for a bit and win a few early battles through sheer material advantage but once that happens their fate is sealed as more and more forces pour into the theater.
Pence is a fucking scumbag and Trump isn't going to be impeached.
Is Turkey attacking USA territory/something or just some group backed up by USA that some CIA niggers and US training officials are standing there? What are they doing there? And I also ask the same for the Turks as well, invading a sovereign territory. Is this some NATO project or something?
Why didn't he helped Iraqi Kurds and those guys got BTFO from Kirkuk and the surrounding oil fields? He already folded in that event. This Operation Olive Tree is probably another rendition of Battle of Kirkuk (2017) or Kirkuk 2.0 and some theatre by US to "pretend again that they care about the Kurds and shiet". No one trades a strong NATO member for some landlocked group based and non-sovereign.
This. The US wins the escalation of force hands down. It just takes Erdogan miscalculating bigly. The Normies won't give a shit about the strategy or the geopolitics, or the historical realities involved. If the Turkish Army kills US troops the only people backing down had better be the Turks.
The US has Special Forces trainers, logistic support and a company of Marines with Stryker IFV's in Manbij.
Mark my words, the destruction of Turkey will be a race between the USA and Russia. Whoever gets there first.
The absolute autism of Erdogan about the Kurds will be his downfall. Putin is literally playing 4D chess by moving aside and letting Erdogan invade Afrin, and make a direct conflict with US backed forces inevitable.
If Turkey got kicked out of NATO, they would be absolutely devoured by Russia, especially considering absolutely no one in NATO is going to fight to defend Turkey (kekking just thinking about it)
Oh god please. Please. Let us burn tbe turks in hellfire. Let us restore Turkey to a democracy. Death to Erdogan!
Turkey can barely even defeat the Kurds.
Hope the roaches kill plenty of amerifags
Daily reminder that Islam is more Aryan than Christianity.
Let's hope they do. Oh those arrogant disgusting turks. I will cum buckets if they end up in a fight with us. I hate turks. Hate them!
Kill yourself
>Trump's no cuckold
did something happen ? why would us and turkey fight ? turkey is not invading manbij, no ? only afrin.
Star and clay is referring to CIA and fodder
You have absolutely no reason to be there except shoving your jew nose where it's not wanted.
Umm, nukes & eventual fall of your would-be empire in case you chimped out? In case you haven't read the history all evil empires fall inevitably, mutt.
>You have absolutely no reason to be there
The same as Turkey.
Daily reminder aryan muslims are better than atheist mutt Muricans
If Roosevelt has his Rough Riders, we should assemble a regiment of the most autistic LARPers the world has ever seen and retake Antioch. Who's with me??
Why stop at Antioch?
Why stop at Jerusalem?
When we go to war with Israel, we can take Jerusalem. But as is tradition, we must take Antioch first.