Is it degenerate to flirt with other women than your partner even if you have no intention of ever being unfaithful? I'm in a happy relationship, but hotties are always giving me attention at work and I reciprocate, but not excessively so. I make the occasional dirty joke, am extra friendly, and I get the fluttery feelings sometimes, but I never touch them inappropriately or outright tell them they're hot or anything. Sometimes they even slap my butt or give me hugs and stuff, and I tend to make it clear that I enjoy it.
Flirtatious behavior with other women
Nice slide ghread schlomo
I think you know the answer user
get the fuck off this fucking board chad normie
The most degenerate thing you can do is illicit other people to tell you how to think.
27 “You have heard that it was said to those of old,[a] ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[b] 28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
If any of them ever took me aside and tried to pull some shit like kissing or more, I would stop them. But if they flashed me or something like that, I would probably not mind.
I'd tonguepunch her fartbox desu
Flirting is a useful tool to maintain frame and remind your woman of her place and dispensability.
It is only degenerate if used with ill intent. Like as a stepping stone to cummies with other bitches.
The more comfortable and normal you make this behavior the closer you get to cheating. With my ex wife, I started out a nice young upright man, and in the end was snorting coke out of whore's assholes and doing everything you can possibly imagine with dozens of women folk. It's up to you what you really want to do.
Just trying to convince yourself you wouldn't do it but you will.
would you be ok with your woman doing that too?
This is a good larp, OP, keep going
Post more pussy/asshole and thongs, faggot. Nobody cares about your Chad-LARP
what i've learned from woman is that they're pure evil
and their intentions to ruin your life may not seem like their goals at all
but they are
they'll use you for their kicks then move on to the next guy the same day
don't cheat on your girl in anyway because its not you flirting with them
its the girls flirting with you you're never on the end of winning with them
I can guarantee if you find a woman who works on keeping up your interest, you won't flirt with any other female for fear to fuck up your relationship, and same goes for you. The problem is, they're almost non-existent, and once the honeymoon is over they take your commitment for granted and let themselves go, ignoring the fact you're surrounded by endless possibilities to improve your situation. That goes for men as well, but women have to put a double effort in it if they want to settle, cause to them hitting menopause means game over, to you means you're ready to fuck 20yo pussy again. This is such a basic concept it's a tragedy it's not pushed through every tool of communication possible.
this is an "is X degeneracy" thread
>your partner
Now that's fucking degenerate! Get married. If your too old to have a "girlfriend" and more serious that dating, you should be married.
Also, don't let cunts play these stupid games with you. It's fuck all to do with you, they just want to think they're hotter than what they expect your girl to be.
It's okay bro. It boosts your self-esteem. I even do it with my friends' girlfriends, but everything is platonic.
More ass floss pics plz
>other women
Let's start at just the one.
You're asking for a future sexual harassment suit and public shaming. If s chick hit on my at work, I tell her to go be a whore somewhere else. This is a place of business, not a brothel.
Stupid cunts. Why are they working anyway? Shouldn't they be at home taking care of kids? Useless. They are worse than blacks. At least blacks go the fuck away after they get their gibs.
might as well do it your wife is already cheating on you any way.
>is it degenerate
yes and sage
>is it degenerate to incite lust?
Sup Forums is a chad board, loser
she deserves the good ol' lickaroo
aussies have no sense of humor since they voted to be gay
they lost all their pride and shitposting ability
American humour is only 56% of proper humour.
No, it's not degenerate. It's actually beneficial to both yourself and your woman. Firstly, it's beneficial to you because it both keeps you on other women's radar and always you to keep, maintain, and improve your "game".
Secondly, and more importantly, by flirting with other women you make your girlfriend, fiancee, or wife feel insecure. It is important for women to feel insecure in a relationship and thus be forced to sexually compete for you against that of other women. Your significant other should never feel her position is guaranteed; that would be a recipe for disaster.
Even if this is a larp, it is nonetheless good strategy. Flirting does not cross the "cheating" boundary. It's more playful than anything of real consequence. Keep doing what you're doing OP.
That is disgusting, OP. The ZOG-brained roasties may perceive user being an awesome stand up guy as flirtatious, but don't flirt with other women. 1) it weakens you in your role as a leader to one woman. 2) it is encouraging their depraved inclinations towards cheating.
Women have a much stronger desire to cuck other women, than men want to cuck other men. That is just science.
At least your toothpaste flag has 100% whitening power.
normies and chads need to leave
>No, it's not degenerate. It's actually beneficial to both yourself and your woman. Firstly, it's beneficial to you because it both keeps you on other women's radar and always you to keep, maintain, and improve your "game".
>Secondly, and more importantly, by flirting with other women you make your girlfriend, fiancee, or wife feel insecure. It is important for women to feel insecure in a relationship and thus be forced to sexually compete for you against that of other women. Your significant other should never feel her position is guaranteed; that would be a recipe for disaster.
>Even if this is a larp, it is nonetheless good strategy. Flirting does not cross the "cheating" boundary. It's more playful than anything of real consequence. Keep doing what you're doing OP.
so much this
It all depends on the girl you are with. If she has a problem with it saying Sup Forums gave you permission isn't going to do shit.
>1) it weakens you in your role as a leader to one woman.
No it doesn't, it strengthens it to be honest with you. Puts her on edge and reminds her she is still in competition with other women. The worse thing in a relationship is complacency and boredom; this is what really leads to the collapse of the relationship.
>2) it is encouraging their depraved inclinations towards cheating.
How is flirting depraved or cheating? It's just playful banter with a sexual edge to it.
You sound like a sociopath
I flirt with other women in front of my girlfriend. She needs to know her place and how replacable she is.
Yeah he does? Thanks doctor faggot for your soy consultation. You know, i bet you beat off to really fucked up shit. Only repressed faggots call a dude a psycho for being brotier.
stupid stinky whore, video playset
I would love to moisturize that starfish
I don't know bro, do you want an uncomfortable trip to HR?
>flirt with other chicks in front of your gf to show she can be replaced
>gf flirts with other men as payback
>both are miserable trying to overpower each other
I swear you guys are fucking idiots with relationships, most women who cheat do it out of revenge or feel neglected. If you think that a healthy normal woman would put up with that sociopaths behavior youre wrong. Only weak person here is the one who needs to manipulate his partners in order to keep them from cheating.
No it isn't. Psychopathic behavior would be abusing your significant other either physically or emotionally. With flirting we are just talking about playful banter with a sexual edge to it. There's no harm to it, you aren't cheating on your woman and neither are you attempting to.
You don't stop fishing just because one of the fish decided to jump back on the boat.
>Implying that same rules apply to men and women
You think that any of what is said here is real?
He'll be back in a month complaining he got fired for playing grab ass at work and whining about feminism
That is a fantastic absolutely DELICIOUS looking ass hole.
He's just said he flirts with other women to put his gf in her place to make her feel like she is replaceable, how is that not a sign of manipulation?
it's over, OP. God has spoken
>using your eyes is a sin
Will someone start shooping some poop in these kinds of photos and recirculating them.
Tell me the difference between a womans asshole and a mans.
I am such a disgusting degenerate, please show me the path to redemption, Lord.
I would phrase it as "a reminder that she is still in competition with other women". It helps prevent complacency, which is how many relationships become dead bedrooms or collapse. As far as flirting is concerned, it's playful sexual banter that has little consequence. When it would cross over to manipulation and abuse, I'd say, is when it makes your girlfriend feel unwanted or undesirable.
I do think it's wrong however to flirt with other women with the specific intent of keeping your girlfriend in check. Conversation should be more natural than that.
>Is it degenerate to flirt with other women than your partner even if you have no intention of ever being unfaithful?
Not unless your partner objects, no. There's nothing wrong with it but if your partner isn't happy then you should probably listen to how they feel. Same goes if you felt uncomfortable with men doing it to her.
Flirting is really just teasing and getting a rise out of someone but in a funny way, loads of people do it without even realising, there's really nothing to it.
>I know you can see shit-stained sphincter-wrinkles but it's OK because the actual hole is covered
woman's looks nice
man's doesn't
>Tell me the difference between a womans asshole and a mans.
One's cuter than the other.
>angry lonely frogposter
I thought that was a shitstain at first. Realized part of balloon knot
Somehow I doubt anybody who's been married 50+ years would give this as marriage advice
watching too much porn with bleached asshole?
Yes he does. Because women have shown that they are attracted to sociopathic tendencies. This actually has been proven by psychologists. They're called the Dark Triad personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.
When you learn Game you learn how to exhibit these traits, whether or not you actually have them, because they are what women demand right now.
And yes, this is one of the major reasons why they need to be fucking controlled.
>most women who cheat do it out of revenge or feel neglected
If a person feels neglected in realationship, it is this persons duty to talk to partner and resolve problem, not to fucking cheat.
>beliving negligence is a valid reason to cheat
Jesus Christ
>both are miserable trying to overpower each other
If you EVER need to even struggle for power in realationship, you are already a cucked beta. The only acceptable realationships between men and women are:
- Men dominates and leads
- Responsibilities are accordingly shared between men and women, leading to no-conflict realationship.
If you have unironic conflicts in your realationship, you already failed.
>Beliving strong independent women that can dominate meme
user I really enjoyed your post so here's a (You) because you said exactly what I now don't have to.
so i have 800 dicks so im also super jacked and also fucking 9 girls right now
this is a real post
that's fine, I used to stand behind women at the arm or even behind them at lines for the grocery and masturbate behind them
its difficult to cum in these areas because getting caught is risky buisness and depending on the climate outside it can hinder your performance sexually
for me I always buy ticket to warp tour and other concerts and make my hand relief over here because the women are always in a dancing mood and we get cramped and tightly compressed to fit everyone in, I love it
one time I stood behind a sweet little blonde pussy cunt and she was really energetic and her tiny little ass smashed into the head of my cock like 20 times I didn't even need to stroke and made sperm from that along
666 hail satan raaaaaaaaaaaaaa piss and shit in my mouth oh dark one ahhhhhhh
That's because it's not marriage advice.
Thats the lgbtxyz community for ya
He said partner not 'wife', rabbi
Reported. Post is off topic. Photo reflects exposed bunghole.
I have the same problem OP. I always bang em, and here's my logic:
I have a really large penis. I enjoy knowing that all of these 10s I'm nailing today will have a moment in their future where their bf/husband asks them "am I the biggest cock you've ever had?" Just imagining the look on her face when confronted, and potentially the look on his face if she answers honestly makes it all worth it to me.
are you the Matisse of our times?
U jelly or wanna suck his dick?
Reported for off topic dick sucking.
>Tell me the difference between a womans asshole and a mans
Nothing, really, they're both fine.
>It helps prevent complacency, which is how many relationships become dead bedrooms or collapse
>the key to a healthy relationship and ensuring that both partners enjoy their time most with one another is to go out of your way to make the other question their value to you all the time and foster feelings of insecurity, jealousy and competition with other women and probably push them towards similar behaviour in response
user you're a fucking idiot if you think this is good long-term relationship advice.
im a princess mmmmmmmm hahaha
eat my ass faggot
>If a person feels neglected in realationship, it is this persons duty to talk to partner and resolve problem, not to fucking cheat.
Anyone with a brain, reverse image search his pic to show that the chart is bullshit.
Op is a degen asshole fetishist
Nuff said
All women demand men display some form of sociopathy. The question is how much. And the answer is "How sexy do you want to seem to her?"
The essence of Game is letting your woman know that she is completely replaceable. If you cannot do that she feels like she owns you and can do whatever she wants with you or behind your back. You have to make her afraid of the idea of making a mistake with you.
Not afraid in the sense that you're going to hit her. Afraid in the sense that you're going to do something far far worse to her: You're going to stop paying attention to her. For women, attention is like food. You take control over your attention, how much you're going to give, why you're going to give it, when you're going to give it... you take control of the women in your life.
t. dicklet
Yes because you fail to control your urge and you're just doing it to satisfy yourself and get whatever high it is that you're getting.
The first and only victory is to conquer self.
50 years ago women wanted to get married because we had a functional society. Now they want alpha fucks and beta bucks. And you tell me what we do about it.
Your autistic Game meme sociopath behaviour is only relevant if you just want to go out and fuck people, not for relationships. How the shit is sociopathic behaviour supposed to be helpful in a relationship for fuck's sake?
No matter how much OP thinks he is in control it will eventually lead to more than what was originally intended.