Capitalism is goo-

Capitalism is goo-

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Revolutionary_Army_(Argentina)

Unless everyone starts eating chink food such as bugs n shit, people have to starve. The global food supply cannot sustain earths population.

I guess we should all just go back to feudalism, I'm sure it killed fewer children.

I can make a baseless claim and say anything I want too Vlad.

Those fucking kids are not dying in fucking capitalist countries.

And communism killed more people, you dumb faggot Sup Forums doesn't support neither go fuck your self

Jews did capitalism.

Poverty is the default state of nature.

Capitalism is shit, but I don't care if brown people are starving and dying. We need to get rid of capitalism and bring back chattel slavery instead. Force these shitskins to work.

Socialist Cuba has 0% child malnutrition, despite being under blockade for 50 years.

In Capitalist USA, the richest country on earth, 85% of children suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency.

3 million American children experience hunger on a daily basis

Soviet Union had a famine

>And communism killed more people
Source: "Stalin: the second Hitler" by Dr. Chaim Abrahamovich Israelovitchstein

Are you even implying communism is better? Every time it's been tried millions died due to hunger, stfu nigger



>People dying worldwide is the result of capitalism
No, capitalism has killed more than communism, but capitalism has been tried in basically every country under the sun, while communism has been tried in like 26.

Capitalism Death Toll: 400,000,000+
Communism Death Toll: 150,000,000
Let's say 150 countries have been capitalist that gives us 400 million divided by 150 which equals 2,666,666. Meanwhile roughly 26 countries have been communist so that gives us 150 million divided by 26 which equals 5,769,230. Either way fascism (not national socialism) has killed less and has been more successful.

>3 million American children experience hunger on a daily basis
EVERY child experiences hunger daily. Then, they eat, and are no longer hungry. Get your shitty tardfact nonsense out of here, you commie fucktard, and go hang yourself.

tell me, has communism helped in feeding people?

>Communism Death Toll: 150,000,000
Your number is not supported by any objective demographic data or statistics. Just the "estimates" of "historians" paid millions of dollars by corporate funded think tanks to push anti-communist propaganda. Idiots like you, incapable of critical thinking, are nothing but slaves of the same Jewish banksters you claim to oppose.

Just look at how your billionaire oligarch "God emperor" deceived you, treated you like a used whore cumdumpster. You got no wall, no change in foreign policy, no change in economic policy. But you did get 3 Goldman Sachs bankster Jews, including the literal Jewish Goldman Sachs CEO, appointed in dominant economic positions in the government.

Russia had famines all the time under the Tsars. Under the Communists they had famine for a while, and then they stopped having famine.

Same with China.

In contrast, capitalist countries which haven't had proletarian revolutions have way higher rates of malnutrition and starvation - see India, Philippines, etc.

So amazing to live in Cuba, I know, Right?

Now lets tot up the non-combatant fatalities of Communism over the last century.


Show your real flag

That's natural selection and to go against it would cause overpopulation and a decrease in quality of life.

Nigger I'm not a capitalist and I have never supported Trump, either way communism has definitely killed a fuck load of people, the only argument commies have against this is "muh demographics u retard da population still went up" which is shit tier, not only that but communism is without a doubt the least successful political ideology to date.


>either way communism has definitely killed a fuck load of people
Still you've not provided any evidence for your claim.

To people who were fed anti-communist propaganda since elementary school, Communism has "definitely" killed a fuck load of people, just like to people in the 5th century, the sun "definitely" revolved around the earth.

It's undeniable that a ton of people died in the Russian Civil War, it's undeniable that a ton of people died in the Russian Famine of 1921, it's undeniable that a ton of people died in the holodomor, it's undeniable that 300,000 priests were killed by bolsheviks, it's undeniable that a million (minimum) died in gulags, it's undeniable that a shit load of people died to Stalin being a giga autist, it's undeniable that 1.5 million people died in the Russian Famine of 1946.Same applies to china, a fuck load in the Chinese civil war, a ton due to famines, a shit load during the great leap forward, a huge famine during the great leap forward.

Tell me Commieanon, how many people do you think died in these tragedies?

>inb4 they're fake xd

This is just a shit-flinging contest.

>150 million
About half of that would probably be a more realistic estimate.

That's Yemen.

>Socialist Cuba has 0% child malnutrition

fuck off to cuba then, you pussy

That would still give it a higher death average that capitalism, 75,000,000 divided by 26 = 2,884,625 meanwhile the capitalism death average is 2,666,666

*615 not 625

>It's undeniable that a ton of people died in the Russian Civil War
Nobody denies this
>it's undeniable that a ton of people died in the Russian Famine of 1921
It's also undeniable the famine was a result of environmental causes
>it's undeniable that a ton of people died in the holodomor
There was no "Holodomor". There was just "holod" - hunger, starvation, from a famine caused by a serious epidemic of crop rust (read Tauger)
>it's undeniable that 300,000 priests were killed by bolsheviks
No source
>it's undeniable that a million (minimum) died in gulags
No source
>it's undeniable that a shit load of people died to Stalin being a giga autist
No source
>it's undeniable that 1.5 million people died in the Russian Famine of 1946.
A famine caused by widespread devastation caused by the Nazi invasion
>Same applies to china, a fuck load in the Chinese civil war, a ton due to famines, a shit load during the great leap forward, a huge famine during the great leap forward.
Under Mao, China ended famine. China suffered from famine for thousands of years. A famine in the 19th century killed hundreds of millions. The GLP famine was the last famine China would ever deal with, thanks to the policy of collectivization and mechanization (modernization) of agriculture.

Define capitalism.

>Socialist Cuba has 0% child malnutrition, despite being under blockade for 50 years.
kek, source is what, that pro-cuba wordpress blog?
That's less reliable than this place

Implying any of the shithole countries that contribute to these statistics could be functional under any system (besides maybe a foreign power). They don't even have capitalism. Capitalism implies that theres actual Capital and infrastructure. None of the people in these countries are smart, hardworking, or forward thinking enough to create the capital or insitutions necessary for a functioning prosperous society.

This is the greatest thread ever.

>it's undeniable that a million (minimum) died in gulags
>>No source
Comes from the soviets' own record keeping - which were probably way low

>baseless numbers and false attributions to capitalism in a mostly socialistic and oligarchic world
Slide thread

Retards having children, we need more abortions for shitholes.

There is enough food and surplus, just distribution is bad, and not everyone deserves to live not hungry due to their own inability to engage in agriculture.

Did you know that socialist countries often do lie about how well they are right? I mean queengibs here used to lie all the time about inflation, resources , even faked information , even saying that we had less poor people than germany (actual quote )

Commies get the noose too.

Lmao the photo in the OP is from Argentina. This country isn't capitalist retard

Try getting that food to everyone in the world before it spoils

Communists can't into reality

>in countries that are not capitalist

wait why the fuck would capitalist european countries give a shit about third world children? isn't it their fault that those countries have poor laws and its countries are popping out kids like crazy?


And kids drink water from the ground because they are retarded I mean I bet theres a fucking hose there right next to her Theres always one in parks

Birth rates in Europe were 4-6 children per woman just a century or so ago due to piss poor infant mortality rates and the need for families to compensate for the lack of government social security nets with large families to take care of their sick and old. The issue's a lot more nuanced than "hurr durr mud people need condoms".

Also, there's enough food grown in the third world to feed the hungry, but the problem is a fucktonne of that's shipped off to first world markets to benefit multinational corporations. Kinda like how the death caused by the Irish potato famine coulda been avoided had like 70% of Ireland's crops not been shipped off to Britain while people were going hungry. *THAT'S* capitalism. Food not to eat, but food to sell.

Fuck, forgot image.

That water belongs to whites. Niggers can get their own.

Did Nestlé lobby in your country's government to be able to buy all your country's drinkable water sources and sell you their bottled bullshit back at a profit too?

I said define as in write its definition, not post a shitty generic appeal to emotion tier picture.


My bad, I get the two confused sometimes.

You're right. let's move towards a purer form of socialism. It's working so well in Venezuela.

Argentina is 100% capitalist.

These were the people against capitalism. Most of them were killed by your CIA-installed dictator.'s_Revolutionary_Army_(Argentina)

So angsty. Such dark. Much gloomy moody. Wow!

Nah, we have water I don't have to pay Nestlé yet I wouldn't be suprised if someday we come to that though

It collapsed under it's own weight. So yes. It failed.

Capitalist european countries use their military, political, and economic power to force "third world" countries to open up their markets and labor power for exploitation by Western capitalists, thus making life in those countries miserable for 95%

>Capitalism is a political system

posting statistics of anarchies that descended into anarchies and failed states because of socialist and communist dictators and then blaming capitalism

Im guessing most of the starving dying kids are in shitholes that hate White people and the West

Alright, so now that you have explained to me what is capitalism let us continue our conversation even further shall we? In which countries are majority of deaths in OPs pic happen, and if you want to look at it on a grander scale which continents?

The 1960s called, they want their outdated theories back. I know commies don't respect the idea of private property, but don't steal like that!

12 million extra children are conceived; niggers do the niggin if you give them moneys

Man that sounds great, sign me up!

Private ownership of the means of production (factories, railways, oil rigs, harbors, farmland, etc)

>Le trotsky cuck boys
Good thing they are dead and irrelevant today

Many thanks for your reply as well, now please participate in the conversation i have with your comrade by answering my post here fucking evil that people can't stop flocking to it.

I thought about taking a vacation in Venezuela....I heard they have some really cool zoos.

Multiple famines, and the funniest part, during peace time

Actually meant to link these guys

>Not real communism
Stop you are embarrasing your self.

>Socialist Cuba has 0% child malnutrition, despite being under blockade for 50 years.

I bet you also believe that Cuba has better healthcare than the US too.

kek thats more like communism u faggot
good bait tho


>goo gaa gaa

Most of these are from china, Russia, North Korea etc. These are all communist countries. At least in capitalist societies you can survive if you're competent enough.

Yeah they are fucking shit, not that what we got was better. Argentina is like this we are always between two things that are going to fuck us.

Ever been to a place like India or the Phillipines? 95% of people literally have nothing at all, the government is completely rigged in favor of foreign corporations. Only hope for a decent life for the masses is through proletarian revolution and the liquidation of the neo-colonial state.

Fuck if I know, I'm not OP and I didn't make that image, I'm just here to falseflag shitpost.

Now compare these numbers to the reality of 200 years ago.

>every country in the world is capitalist
Most countries where this goes on are either outright socialist or have a dictator with supreme control over the economy and no free market

Alright then, our conversation will continue with OP, have fun!

>capitalism rising the living standards of the world but decide to enact welfare state in developed countries, decolonize 3rd world shitholes, allowing the new leaders to go full retard in protectionism and rule with corruption instead of law, tax the poor in rich countries to give that money to the rich in poor countries while calling it 'aid', and just straying further away from capitalism
Fuck outta here.

lol photo from shithole country who doesn’t even capitalism

it’s mostly crony capitalism you silly faggot... also more brown kids starving to death doesn’t bother me

There's been plenty of communism in Africa. You may want to look where that went. Actual hope for Africa comes from countries like the Maledives, Botswana and Ghana. And then "neo-colonialism" by CHYNA who also became rich, powerful and actually went out and reversed the (((colonial white supremacist exploitation))) of their country and are now on their way to world superpower status - when? They abandoned orthodox marxism. Chinks are a practical people, maybe you should learn that, too, instead of larping from your mom's basement.

Tsarist Russia wasn't capitalist it was feudal if anything
Same with China when the emperor and later warlords ran it

If you have a monarch/dictator that has absolute controls on the economy that's not capitalist

goverments are rigged to favor foreign corporations, implies heavy regulations, still calles it capitalism, you shizofrenics nead to learn to seek psychological help, not activist groups


how can people be killed by freedom of exchange? People can only be killed by force

You must be a special kind of retarded to even think this claim holds some merit.
How is it capitalism fault that children die of dieases and malnutrition? That has always happened in human history, with a lot of it happening in the enlightened commie countries.
How is it capitalism fault that people have children that they can't support? Specially in shitholes, which they just pump out niggas one after another.
What are you going to blame capitalism next, a tornado or volcano killing a lot of people? Certainly capitalism fault, as every single death since the birth of humanity lies in this economic system!

communists even at their strongest still lost, because they implement system that needs flawless people to work

>blaming capitalism for the evils in India
>completely ignoring the socialist policies they had just a couple of decades ago and how the liberalization of their economy is what finally began to improve their standards of living