Why do holocaust deniers exist, Sup Forums? Most of them hate the jews enough anyways. Think about this: if they hate the jews, and proclaim so much that Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong, wouldn't they be jumping for joy if Hitler had mass exterminated their least favorite kinds of people?
Holocaust Deniers
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It's impossible for Nazi Germany to kill 6 million people in the timeframe given.
Hundreds of thousands? Possibly.
There's also the fact that the Jews use it for propaganda purposes, which is despicable.
Fuck off, kike.
This thread has been done to death. And hiding behind a nazi flag is too cliche.
Nazis killed many Jews. Although it was probably in the range of 800,000-2,200,000 million. Not anywhere near 6. Also, the gas chambers weren’t real, but they shot quite a few of them. Sometimes for almost no reason they would shoot and kill Jews.
Hey rabbi watcha doin?!
So you're speculating. Sage.
Just because you lads cannot kill a few emu does not mean that the German war machine cannot kill millions of Jews.
Nonsense. Especially since they had help from the indigenous Polish people after the invasion. Polish death camps.
Lurk moar
>we have memes about this already kid
National Socialists are pretty low on members because of jewish manipulation of media. They would distance themselves from people if they were to express the holocaust as a good thing so that is why they deny it.
How much longer until the media starts complaining about a racist candy bar?
Do the math.
It's literally impossible.
You can barely break a million.
6 million Jews fled Europe, but only a portion of that were killed.
I don't like Hitler. I just hate jews.
In fact, I believe he was a jewish plant, so my holocaust denying is in line of my world view.
Newfag heres how we know the holocaust didn't happen.
The pics were fake.
Shlomo, you have been found out. You're out of time, you filthy kike.
That maths.
This cunt knows
See, it only sounds feasible if you describe things in extremely vague terms, such as claiming "the German war machine" is capable of killing 6 million Jews.
I'm sure you won't take my word for it, so here's an exercise you can do to convince yourself:
>1. Look up approximations of how many bodies were accounted for in mass graves
>2. Do the math to determine how many bodies of the 6 million total are unaccounted for
>3. Given that the unaccounted bodies could not have vanished into thin air, they must have been cremated (prevailing theory). So, how many unaccounted bodies must have been cremated?
>4. Look up the total number of "death camps". For the sake of argument, take the largest of them as an example. Multiply the number of crematoriums by the number of death camps. Determine the rate in which bodies must have been cremated during the WWII time period in order to account for all the missing bodies.
You will quickly see that it is laughably impossible.
Why do you hate them? Why do Ukrainians hate the Js so much???
Are you seriously implying that the truth should be based on your personal feelings? That's the type of thinking I'd expect from a liberal.
Yes, it would've been better if 6 million Jews actually got exterminated, but my feelings don't change the fact that 6 million Jews did not get fucking exterminated.
>1 post by this
>obvious bot post is obvious
p sure the holodomor may have something to do with it. just a guess though.
So if someone agrees with hitler, they should think that he had six million jews killed regardless of whether or not it seems feasible or likely in their eyes?
That's what you seem to be saying and that is beyond stupid.
Even before that they hated the (((you know who’s))).
Actually accounting for all the half Jews they killed in Poland as well as the gyspies, gays, and so on it's 6 million. The Holocaust wasn't just Jews. Even Jews don't traditionally claim that. You idiot
can't imagine why. jews dindu nuffin.
Was the holocauster real?
Nobody seriously denies the holocaust. It's just that the topic is infamous enough for people to invest into it emotionally, but complex/obscure enough for people to remain ignorant as to the actual facts, and this combination makes it really easy to offend people with impunity. When you go online and deny the holocaust in front of other people, they feel angry and betrayed but they don't have any real arguments since they haven't spent 15 years reading historical accounts and archives. You throw some of the Sup Forums-grade fake facts at them and they collapse, unable to muster anything that isn't an appeal to authority - an authority that's an interested party in this case. This frustration is one of the reasons they make it illegal to deny the holocaust.
tl;dr People deny the holocaust because they think it's funny.
Learn to spot shill threads
The official story is that 6 million Jews along with 5 million non Jews were killed for a total of 11 million. Try again.
People do seriously deny it. Same with the moon landing, Trumps low innaguration turnout, that Arabs hijacking aircraft was the cause of 911, and so on.
Because denial is the last stage of genocide.
>(((Michael Shermer)))
It's just conspiracy theories goy believe the real story of rooms where we would kill thousands of people with diesel exhaust then bury them in large pits capable of holding 900,000 bodies, then digging up that pit and burning the bodies. The women burn better than the men
If he wanted to kill them, why not starve them like Eisenhower did to the Germans when he wanted to kill them?
Why is it illegal to question or investigate a historical event? If it happened, investigation would prove it was possible.
I do not have to prove a negative; If someone claimed Daleks fought in WW2 I would not be required to prove that they didn't fight.
All those things look to me like they would be pretty fun to deny. I also deny the existence of retards who would seriously deny something they've no idea about.
>we've removed 2% brown chocolate dye number five from our nougat and is pure marshmallow nao
>makes 863 million Dollars for this
can we have one non commercial thing
>kill Jews
>no reason
Perhaps some deniers don't hate Jews?
1 post by this ID
My hatred for Jews doesn't trump my love of truth. Gas yourself.
The holocaust clearly did not happen.
Stop believing in fairy tales.
The main turning point for me was when I learned of a story that said German soldiers threw jewish babies into the air and shot them. This was when I was in middle school, so if you're used to being fed bullshit and liking it I can understand why it is painful to let go.