Why is national socialism frowned upon, but communism isn't?
Why is national socialism frowned upon, but communism isn't?
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One wants genocide on jews and the other wants people to share things.
History is a lie.
one didn't commit the greatest atrocity humankind has ever known
>American education
>One wants genocide on everyone who isn't a Jew or their puppet, and the other wants to exterminate fascist communists.
nice argument
Because the (((communists))) won.
That's literally the only reason.
Because National Socialism already served its purpose, Israel is a state and any Nazi pawn of use was put to work in the CIA.
I don't remember Marx writing about genocide. I remember him saying Communists want peace.
>Oy vey!
There is nothing special about the Holocaust, the only reason people make a bug deal about it is because it happened to the relatives of the people who own the media.
Communist peace is taking the grain of a starving farmer and his family, in order to feed the party.
The culture says communism is okay because thats what ((they)) want.
Natsoc is not okay because it directly opposes the jewish agenda, communism, multiculturalism.
It is nationalism mixed in with a social awareness for your people, your nation and emphasizes on class unity rather then class war.
The farthest right you can go is Natsoc.
In post modern society nationalism is quickly coming under attack, but Natsoc is literally defined by the foundation myth as "evil".
The path least traveled bares the most fruit, take the unbeaten path
Read quote pls
Please point out where Marx wrote this is what Communism was.
Libertarian is the most sensible one there, the NatSoc propaganda just makes you delusional.
Read 200 years together.
but who will build the roads?
one was jewish and the other wasn't.
It doesn't matter what Marx wrote. Political theorists can write down whatever they so choose. In Marx's case, his theory was incorrect, evidenced by the starvation and execution of millions.
Yeah but those places weren't socialist or communist?
The world has a lot of photos of Nazi atrocities and so the left wingers in control of media and academia can't defend it. What they've instead done is spread the idea that National socialism is a right wing philosophy (despite having socialism in the name). This allows the left to tout communism as a morally virtuous system despite the fact that socialist and communist governments have killed around 40-260 million people. It is nevertheless harder to find hard evidence of a solid number because when you were declared an enemy of the people, any record of your existence was often erased. Photos of executions were also rarely taken.
source: hawaii.edu
One was against jews, second propped up jews.
>communism is about sharing
Then why the genocide and violent revolutions?
One won WW2 the other was on the losing side. so the winner gets to portray their ideology as the correct one.
wasn't communism
>"Communists want peace."
>The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Nazi Germany wasn't National Socialism.
Read 200 years together, and tell me that with a serious face.
It is.
"Will the peaceful abolition of private property be possible?"
"It would be desirable if this could happen, and the communists would certainly be the last to oppose it. Communists know only too well that all conspiracies are not only useless, but even harmful. They know all too well that revolutions are not made intentionally and arbitrarily, but that, everywhere and always, they have been the necessary consequence of conditions which were wholly independent of the will and direction of individual parties and entire classes.
But they also see that the development of the proletariat in nearly all civilized countries has been violently suppressed, and that in this way the opponents of communism have been working toward a revolution with all their strength. If the oppressed proletariat is finally driven to revolution, then we communists will defend the interests of the proletarians with deeds as we now defend them with words."
Nazi literally means National SOCIALIST german workers party. They named it, I didn't
Maybe. I haven't enough literature on National Socialism to say.
Because nazis killed 6 million of innocent jews who dindu nuffin. They actually just control what you eat, say what you have to do, where you will work, how much you'll earn and everything
That's Marxism-Leninism, in particular Stalinism.
Germans have made an attempt to apologize for the holocaust. Russians haven't done anything to apologize for the billions of lives communism has ruined.
>DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea.
They named it. It must be true.
>socialist and communist governments have killed around 40-260 million people
>communism is touted as morally virtuous
If you looked at anywhere other than Mises.org and Breitbart you'd know this is bullshit.
Yes and Hitler spoke of wanting peace too.
It's irrelevant as neither Hitler nor Marx's goals could be achieved without bloodshed.
they are both considered trash here
So why did he genocide all those people?
Wartime propaganda and a couple generations of communist infiltrations into institutions of learning.
Muh not real communism goy. Grow the fuck up, and realize what pieces of shit we are as humans. Your Utopian state is a meme, that infringes on everything America stands for.
Why did Pol Pot?
Why did Lenin?
Because jews love communism
I did, look at the link I posted, I am just saying it is touted by academia as being virtuous, because the progressive to conservative professor ratio today is something like 12:1. also when was the last time you heard cnn bash communism. As for Dr. Rummel's numbers, those are just estimates. As I said absolute numbers are hard to come by. If you've got a better estimate I'd love to hear it.
Those weren't communism.
Our ancestors didn't have roads and they were happy. Most people in Africa and Asia today still don't have roads and they live and are happy.
>le not real communism meme
Not what I said. I'm not even communist. I just know that Marxism-Leninism and Stalinism are particular strains claiming roots in classical Marxism.
This is either bait or an anarcho-primivist either way I'm not taking it.
A strain of HPV is still HPV.
and Hitler wasn't actually practicing National Socialism. Pilpul casuistry doesn't change the fact though, that we work with the examples which we have.
If I make an ideology that says I'm am the sole leader of a country. I run production. Everything I say goes and call it. Capitalism-Anonism. Can we now use this ideology as an example of capitalism?
Again that might be true. I haven't enough on National Socialism to dispute it. All I know is those weren't communism and you can't them as arguments against it.
Of course, I want to ruin the current state of America. We need to go back to our roots, and get rid of these stupid fucking bankers.
What the fuck is that pic lmao
Marxists do that all the time.
They also said they were practicing democracy. Is that an indictment of democracy?
That image visualizes perfectly the leftists mental sickness
Then obviously they aren't Marxists if you see my point.
Our founding fathers abhorred democracy. They described it as a wolf and a sheep, debating on what is going to be for dinner.
Technically "Nazi" is a slanderous term that ultimately means National Socialism. Kind of like Nigger means Black African. Neither gave themselves that name.
Does it ever both you that you are the most laughed at ideology that exists.You guys are thought of as even more autistic than communists or Nazis.
>posting a meme and not making an argument
wow u really got me
No, I don't.
All I see is a shameless display of the no true Scotsman Fallacy.
Because Communism is the system of the weak
and most people are weak
>Our founding fathers abhorred democracy
They stuck to Enlightenment ideas like democratic ideals and republicanism. What they hated was factionalism.
Anarcho-capitalists really are the worst.
For it to be no true scotsman. It actually has to be a scotsman.
They hated a lot of things, and we have somehow managed to check every box in modern American society.
unfortunately, humans don't do well when asked to share shit, who would have guessed?
Fags are petty good at sharing their AIDS, so at least you guys have that going for you.
You are a faggot, you faggot.
You know communism is literally no better? And that ideology has been tried and failed for an entire century. Its still being tried and it's failing. It preaches faux moralism whilst genociding swarms of people. On the bright side, it's great for weight loss and population control.
yeah, I'm bad at it though, being a virgin
astounding observation skills itt
Please don't go full retard on me user.
Yeah, the "holocaust" was nothing compared to the hundreds of millions that communism killed
Well, just don't go crazy and suck 1000 dicks. Stick to not being degenerate, and you very well may live a normal, happy life.
Because communism won and nazis lose
>live a normal happy life
>when both the jews and the right want me enslaved or dead
one is everyone must work
the other is (((special people))) should live off the work of others
Have you tried to stop being such a massive faggot ?
Nah, cant undo my birth and I dont want to die either.
One side won world war two. That's the only difference.
Communism at least in theory makes sense. In Anarcho-Capitalism the theory doesn't make sense.
Nice argument
Fake it till you make it. Get a wife,make some children,secretly jerk off to gay porn,and you will have as close to nice life as you can get.
Also if your kids won't be flaming faggots you might become creepy uncle.
Not even in theory
It really isn't.
Nah mate fuck that, national socialism is still socialism. The markets are not free.
>spreading my inferior genetics
>get a wife
I thought you wanted me to stop being so gay.
Why do you consider your genetics inferior?
Then get a husband, same story, except weird uncle part.
NSDAP wasn't socialist just like DPRK isn't democratic. Hitler chose the "Socialist" label because it appealed to the working population which he needed in order to get the war machine going. The nazis were pro-corporate and not anti-capitalist, and absolutely not socialist.
Learn history poland. Especially yours.
Doubling down on the No True Scotsman Fallacy isn't an argument either, so you get what you deserve.