Schiff doubling down... "Partisan memo" to save Trump's ass

OK we need someone who can put themselves in their shoes, here. I cannot for the LIFE of me figure out why they are doubling down. How can they think this isn't all going to come out at this point?

SOMEONE FUCKING EXPLAIN how they think doubling down is an effective strategy at this point?!

What other options do they have left?
We have all passed the point of no return.
These are the convulsions of something dying.

People are stupid enough to parrot the shit MSM regurgitates for them.

Is it really that simple? They have no other cards?

it's afraid

I guess you could say Schiff is about to hit the fan

>SOMEONE FUCKING EXPLAIN how they think doubling down is an effective strategy at this point?!
they'll claim the ignorance card

Big surprise America's most likely Pod Person is saying this after publicly looking like he has had a gun to his head for months.

Good one Carlos

we'd have heard about it by now. they make shit up and its in the news cycle for weeks. if anything actually did occur it would be up for a year with round the clock soros funded protests

10 feet higher Carlos!

They have one card left. Domestic nuke.

>says that republicans are trying to send the country on a wild goose chase
>right after says yes, they will continue digging in the russian investigation


I think they told Trump as much. We'll see.

Remember Hawai'i? That was their attempt to get Trump to start a nuclear war


No, this is why it is very dangerous to believe your own bullshit. Day of The Rope is coming.

What? How? Do they REALLY think he is that stupid? I thought it was just a narrative they were pushing but didn't believe.

they're way beyond doubling down
if they public was a casino they'd be 8 figures in the hole
watch what happens when everyone actually does their taxes after months of democrats lying about the tax plan
this whole time they thought they'd be able to get trump out before various truths started making their way to the people
now their time is running out

The irony of the statement:
GOP Memo:
>All Dems opposed letting congress see
>All Dems opposes letting it be public

Dem Memo:
>All GOP voted to allow memo to be seen by congress but must follow the same process (another vote for public release)
>They’re literally sperging our because if they leak it, it’s illegal, and if they try and vote for it, it will likely get shut down by the GOP majority

Nunes cucked Schiff

Yes, they do think he's that stupid. The media portrays him as such, and Clinton referred to him as a pied piper candidate according to wikileaks

And yet somehow, he's the president

It couldn't be. DOES ANYONE KNOW!?!? IS IT TRUE!?!?

No shit. We’re lucky he’s using his real name.
>Anderson “cooper”
>James “Elephant”

I saw schiff at one of my color cone parties.

They still have the media, most of the mid and low level bureaucracy, and billions of dollars in funding. They'll go down fighting

they could crash the value of the dollar
they could tell KJU to nuke Hawaii
they could do some assassinations

that's basically it though, the deep state is fucked

You can travel towards an endpoint 1/2 intervals at a time and, although infinitely close, never actually reach it

They will never admit that they were CIA propaganda.

On the other hand it could be that they still think they can win, which is the scariest possibility. God only knows what they’ll do once it reaches into pizzagate

I love the irony of him saying that the president's personal interests are held above national interests. Yet, it's key fbi agent's personal interests that brought us to this point. Guy is a shill.

The ultimate card: alien invasion. Get ready for the space race war boys

I knew i should've stayed home today!

Doubling down on what?

Do you think anybody could ever be afraid of fanfic written by the absolute moron Devin Nunes’s aides?

It's effective because their media will repeat their narrative and brainwash sheep.

I honestly wonder how democrats must feel having a neo-con who votes for every middle east war with ties to a ukranian arms dealer as a liberal thought leader.

Hi Ivan

We've already moved past the memo being fake since Wray forced McCabe out and are now claiming that Russia is using body doubles of the Republicans to control the country for all our ironic shilling. Try not to fuck this up for once user.

I don't understand what the fuck is happening (would like a quick rundown) but I hope a happening happens.

God fucking dammit Carlos

Why are they doubling down? Obviously because Russia is winning in their ploy to take out America so that they can be number one, and they are trying to protect the American people but are losing, they know what is about to happen to all of us..

That whole group of people looked scared. It must be a trick. That, or they are really stupid. If there is something to be scared of, you don't go on TV looking scared.

>SOMEONE FUCKING EXPLAIN how they think doubling down is an effective strategy at this point?!

They are desperate, and hopelessly stupid.

My paycheck went up $0.50. Whoopdee-fucking-do. I would rather have a funded and functional government.

>body doubles
literally all my whats

Don't worry, /user/, all the commies in your government will be gone soon when Trump's plan comes to fruition!

they're hoping they can ride it out to 2018 without a major reckoning. They don't really have any other issues to rile up their base.

You're acting like they had free will to make that choice. They could have been ordered to talk to the media like idiots

Honestly the narrative writing teams are running on fumes at this point. It was either body doubles or Russian brain slugs.

Too soon for that. If they rolled out an incomplete project we would pick apart faster than they can keep updating it.

Trump and his Repub buds are throwing in the kitchen sink to save his ass. I hope it backfires. To think big Bill was impeached for a blow job. This country is doomed

Who is this guy? Really?

The world dont need dollars. Tomorrow it could be deemed... everyone has a right to get what they wish.. in exchange for working... work makes freedom

There isn't any single other public figure with a more punchable face. Prove me wrong.

Trump is by FAR the most punchable person alive.

Absoutely agree. Seeing his crazy eyes just makes me so mad. Seriously, how hard is it to just lower your fucking eyelids by half a centimetre.


shillery shillery shoo

> $0.50 raise sucks
When you make more than burger-flipper wages, a 25% increase will mean more.

Appear confident that there is know problem..... then literally blow some shit up somewhere and blame North Korea or Russians or fuck, even ISIS that Obama let over.... you could really blame anyone you want when you control the FUCKING MEDIA OUTRIGHT.... anyways yea, expect a false flag. That is the only way out of this

*no problem... not "know problem". Just think "9/11 playbook"

the only thing going through Schiff's mind is cocaine

The DNC's only possible escape plan at this point, is to blame EVERYTHING on Putin, claim Putin and his agents "TRICKED" the DNC, Obama, Hillary, etc into thinking Trump was doing illegal shit with Russia and then find a couple of sacrificial lambs in the FBI/CIA to take the fall under the logic that "they knew Russia was manipulating the Democrats to create panic/chaos but did nothing, because "they were in too deep to back off".

And even that might not work in terms of damage control.

Maybe if the Democrats tell the Dreamers to go fucking kill themselves and allow Trump to deport ALL OF THEM/give him EVERYTHING (the wall, mass deportation, sanctuary cities told to bend over and renounce their bullshit, and draconian restrictions on all future immigration) MAYBE, MAYBE Trump will agree to said "out" to reset shit.

lmao this guy still thinks Trump shouldn't be impeached.

Today he just refused to enforce law. He has broken his oath to hold up the Constitution. RIP Sup Forums's dreams. Bye bye Trump!

This isn’t doubling down. It’s gaslighting.


I like how they're simultaneously claiming the memo is a nothing burger while pulling their hair out trying to stop it from being released.

Looking like a discount Michael Keaton

I don't understand what you don't understand.

The Dem plan is to meme into the public consciousness
> "This is just one of several memos, intelligence agencies are divided in the interpretation of things"
so that when it says "King Nigger should be jailed" they can just say "Peh, of course the memo promoted by Putin shills would say that, why don't you take a look at (((our))) memo too?" and the Dem memo conveniently pulls a Clinton on them saying 'the use was irresponsible but not illegal'.

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