Look at what I got at Goodwill for a dollar

Look at what I got at Goodwill for a dollar.

>Jewed by the Jews with a book about Jews telling jokes.

The joke's on you.

Any holocaust jokes?


goodwill???? Jew detected


We should start Photoshopping the nose glasses on Jews. It would be funny.

>good goy


Oy vey goys not buying the newest Chinese garbage at my foreign corporate storefront.

>"Ah, yes, we're goyim."



Post more!




Nice op, I got these for a dollar at Goodwill too.




Boy, you're in for a treat!


>not listing it on eBay for $500



fucking kek. this is why the modern pc left is such a killjoy, it destroyed race banter

These are pretty good. Maybe if they would hire more jewish writers for comedies, they wouldnt be so shitty.

I didn't know they re-released Anne Frank's Diary, thx OP


okay i laughed

You have to make a pdf man

I've posted all the ones I thought were good
But you must support the Jews goyem


checked and kek'd

I got that same book for Christmas

I might post something more tomorrow depending on if I find anymore good ones

A Jew Rabbi and a Catholic Priest are walking past a playground when they notice a bunch of kids playing on the swings.
The priest turns to the rabbi and says "we should screw those kids"
The rabbi says "out of what?"

Actually pretty funny

That punchline sucks.

I saw this at my High School library a few years ago.

genuinely kek'd