Is the mutt meme really true for Americans...

Is the mutt meme really true for Americans? I think its just europoors being really jealous and butthurt of us personally

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Come to los angeles and find out


its all true

ethnic pride is a meme that people use to cope with their own inadequacies

my fiance's results came back with ~65% UK, 15% Irish, 5% scandanavian, misc others,

the mutt meme is a psyop really
classic divide et impera strategy
Ask yourself, how come so fast that many memes sprung pu?
separate 2 white groups (europeans & americans) and turn them against each other
and succesful too, so many euro nons bought into it

whites vs whites

It’s a fucking psyops made by Shitskins to divide and conquer the white countries you dumbass

i stand by my burger brothers, doncha fuckin fall for this, it’s ways a memeflags+ spreading new ones with useful idiot butthurt Europeans jumping in

Yurp will be the mutts when all their women become Mrs. Allahu Dirkabar JIhaadi Muhammed


nice proxy

found the tard


>Wenn ich das seh!

americans cant into maths, we're mathmutts

Might be true for a lot of southern, but most people I know come in during WW2 fleeing a European country. Unless your great grandparents got blacked, you probably arnt a mutt. Most America’s are a melting pot of European blond though. So I’d say we are European mutts, that’s basaiclly what the nationality of “American” is. For a white person anyway.

Watch them spam "butthurt mutt" memes in response. When your only argument is some memes from Sup Forums then you just need to clam up.
Other than that yes many americans are literally mutts

blood and soil

Halt die fresse du verfickter hurensohn

Little bitchfaces shitskin coming to our country, fuck of you worthless little shit

Not really. Most Americans are mixed-ancestry but are mostly European.

this meme is funny but I also feel it really hits the nerve for some posters

so it has to be partially true,I dont know

You gotta look at 23andme threads where Europeans are posting their results, they are all mixed as shit

even if a white American has an Indian or black great-grandparent or other distant ancestor, it doesn't truly matter in the grand scheme of things. The non white genetics will get bred out of existence and disappear over the next generations

Yeah. America has the most white people are earth (around 200 million) and is 77% white.

So, thank god we aren't as cuked as France and Germany (still were more cuked than the Czech Republic and Poland)

>the mutt meme is a psyop really
>classic divide et impera strategy

lol no its not. That's implying euros and americans ever liked eachother to begin with when we didn't

the "amerimutt" meme is just a product of that. Personally, I think it's funny and just laugh it off.

It doesn’t hit the nerve as much as a Greek poster getting called tapenade or none-white

BTW i stand with greek Brothers and you are of course White yet you get extremely butthurt getting baited

>white country
The fucking state of these people

The 'mutt' drawings are literally dominicans. I kjow tons of people who look exactly like that. The drawings before were about the media idolizing illegals. Then later some turned it to amerimutt

This. They are pretty daft about their heritage though. Lots of people don't know or don't care. I know a Spanish guy who thinks he is the same as a Mexican.

Cause you don’t see the bigger picture and have no deep understanding of how and where memes originate don’t you just go on and say it’s ain’t this or that

And consider yourself a minority with the way of how you react. It’s just as pathetic as calling a german poster some mudshit name like ahmed or muhamed

White Americans are whiter than the French, Italians, Spanish, slavs

no the mutt meme is fake. most white people look european. the mutts you see are hispanic and asian mixes that give rise to the mutt face. I'm not saying that this won't change in the future, but for now it's just a funny meme.
pic related is what you would see on an average street in nyc

lol what
pretty sure that being 3/4 white is still white

I didn't like it at first, seemed to much like divide and conquer kike tactics.... but now I can't help but notice just how many "white" americans have brown hair, slightly darker skin and brown mutt looking eyes.

The fuck do you think it was before 1965 you fucking uneducated stay up late fuckface



1920 vs

Its true senpai

>slide thread
parsley, ____, rosemary, and thyme


Like most memes it has a kernel of truth to it. There are plenty of disgusting mutts in the USA, and a lot of the population is non-white, mostly in the Southwest and Southeast (Latin and Black, respectively). It could be argued that America's heterogeneous population is a source of strength rather than weakness but that's another debate.

Another thing to keep in mind that 'piure' Europeans are rare. A lot of conflict and interbreeding took place through European history. With America it's a similar thing, but with different races rather than different ethnic groups.

What are you saying? Germany and Britain are less white than they were in 1920. That doesn't mean that they're not white countries. They are because they are majority white.


Im actually backing up your statement

And the past 70year are irrelevant and the demographic change was pushed down our throats by the Jews

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

It's not about your skin colour, but the complete absense of spiritualism and culture amongst your population.

I spy a nigger

Its Sup Forums's favorite new meme
It will come and go


Blood is the source of civization. Well bred blood.

So we should make the world a nice global dictatorship, right? Fuck off, Stalin.

Mutt meme is a jewish trick in the fact that it sprung up very quicly and was usedto divide americans and euros
>demographics wise though
>65 percent white
Getting closer thanks to the jew.

"whiter than you muhammad" is literally a true statement


I know this is a word I thought you in a nigger hate thread earlier this week, glad you try to use it you subhuman shitskin

Just look at that mutt and tell me they're not real.

Shut the fuck up. Stop calling them europoors you divide and conquer piece of shit. And they have nothing to be jealous of. We both have our ups and downs. Thats part of being a human you kike bastard.

No, someone posted 23andMe data that showed most white Americans being pure white.

56% white does not mean everyone is 56% white; it means that only 56% of the population is white.

I'll always be in your heart.
Nope, pretending that skin color will make up for you dropping out of college is obvious and sad.

You got your feelings hurt Junior?

I think it's just friendly banter usually, all whites should stick together. Anyone that seriously says that all those millions of pure European whites are mixed mutts is just trying to muddy the water



>when the bank won't accept runescape money


What a bunch of idiots.

You got a high res version of that?


There are more versions of the „remember what they took from you“ flash wallpapers

DONT personally have them, check out the fashthreads when they pop up

A bunch of niggers.


We all know you’re a dumb nigger jamal

Wtf is going on, explain


Its europoors not being able to understand demographics. They thing its 67% on an individual basis, like everyone single person is only 67% European.
What they fail to realize is about 67% of people in America are 100% European.

Think of a white man, take away 40IQ points with the majority of the prefrontal cortex

This is not a Sup Forums meeting, this is a Manhattan which is 40%white camwhore meetup


I have seen this webm many times now but first time I realize this retard ducks right into the punch

lmao how stupid

Amerimutt is real, though the 56% is obviously a joke and most mutts are just of different European origin. Still the whole concept of being white is only needed because Americans are 100% mutts even when they are 100% white.

They look like they're having fun


What’s your opinion about reduced cromagnio types?

When the most common name in Europe is now Mohammad, and state sanctioned muslim on white rape is mandatory, I don't think Americans need to be as worried about niggerization as yurocucks.

>Cherrypicking pictures showing upper middle class whites enjoying their liberties

I would be rather friends with 1000 of these people then one of you subhuman shitskin, seriously fuck off from my countries you pathetic rat. Who the fuck does it feel posting with a foreign flag as your own?

At their current migration rate, they will be the mutts

also this
Digits have confirmed

Lol where the fuck did that come from, since when was this about anthro-shit


It was a meme started by euro fags getting butthurt that muricans who were posting about euro countries becoming islamic.

facts, burgers are:
>poor short
>no culture


There's got to be a hell of a story behind that.

people age and she put on weight. She'd probably be fine in the past.

we prefer to be called hybrids
