Jewish journalist Harry Shukman just doxxed a conservative high school stduent because he made a post on Reddit about calling ICE on an illegal alien.
What the fuck?
Jewish journalist Harry Shukman just doxxed a conservative high school stduent because he made a post on Reddit about calling ICE on an illegal alien.
What the fuck?
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oh god everything is so wrong
Not surprising. But you cannot really blame someone for making their presence known on that jew honey pot. Good on him for sacrificing himself for the country though. If he has his life ruined, at least he was responsible for removing one less poisonous entity.
Talk shit, get shamed. What's the problem. He'd probably have been fine if he hadn't used the n word.
Well, you can only be warned so many times, you know.
>posting personal information on reddit
>going on reddit at all
but le based kekistani high schooler! so frickin based!
Yes, I am sure he would have been totally fine, Nasheed. It was the Nasheed word.
I say fight isn't over. Anyone who wants to silence Americans can be torched. What is a Jew going to do to subvert the US when suddenly the major Jews start getting "sick" like they are doing to Americans? Kill all of them if they persist at darkly invading our Democracy. Exterminate from top-down, of course... that's where Hitler went wrong.
>be a young, able-bodied, nationalistic youth
>take pride in your country
>do your civic duty and report criminals to the appropriate law agency
>some jew doxxes you
What a time to be alive. When did it become wrong to take pride in your country and her people?
for calling ice on a middle schooler and posting a picture obviously showing that he's taking pleasure from knowing he just ruined someone.
Why do people not put the whole story in the tittle of their threads?
is Sup Forums biased or something?
Let this be a redpill for any if you fags that still think that you can play by the rules and not fear any consequences. This is nigger tier in terms of hatred for following the rules.
Illegal immigrants aren't criminals silly.
Your civic duty is to report your neighbor?
What is wrong with expediting the legal processes of the country? Obviously the person he reported was genuinely fair game for the federal government to remove. What was wrong with him helping the national security of the country?
Glass houses nigger.
Okay, whats the problem here? Conservatives can defend themselves they don't need the whole fucking media apparatus to help them out.
He didn't use the kid's name
So the right thing to do from here would be deport his family .
You know to not brake up his family and shit.
It's the right thing to do if you think about it.
Because just because someone overstayed their visa or came illegally it doesn't make them a fucking terrorist.
Yea they are.
It's illegal to enter the country illegally, kek. You are a brainlet.
>Reiner was born to a Jewish family in the Bronx, New York
Holy fuck youre retarded.
Illegal doesn't equate CRIME.
When did I say terrorist? Reread and respond again if you have anything to add.
>crossing the border illegally and staying without visa isn't a crime
someone start a gofundme for the kid
make him rich
gas the kikes racewar now
gas the kikes racewar now
gas the kikes racewar now
Illegals aren't your neighbors anymore than I would be a Frenchman when I visit France, and make no mistake, that's what illegals are: visitors who have overstayed their welcome.
My dad has a list of about 100 to 150 illegal aliens names because they use to come to him for financial and legal advice. Ever since the election he has gotten more and more bitter against these illegals and I am constantly trying to convince him to report all of them to ICE. These are about 100 families that have been falsifying information for years. I hope he will because that would be kinda funny.
Snitches get stitches. Next time he shouldn't be such a tattling bitch.
>release personal identifying information on the leftist propaganda machine known as plebbit
>be surprised when a jew retaliates against you
just another reason amongst a endless list of reasons to kill all the jews.
kill them all goyim, kill them all
Let me explain it brainlet.
When someone commits a crime, they go to jail.
When someone crosses the border, they get a free ticket home.
If it was a crime, the police would solve it, not a special team of immigration guys.
Get it?
No it just means they are breaking the law and it's my civic duty to report them to the authorities
>he just ruined someone.
That's a terrible euphemism for
>Did his duty as a citizen
Its a violation, not a crime. Learn the fucking law you twat.
It is an abstract kind of cohencidence.
Never ever show your face in our occupation regime.
Do citizens not report crimes in your country?
Can't wait till they try to kick him out or silence him, the trial will rule in his favor.
These people need to stay on reddit.
Turning in paying clients is carrier suicide. Also it's a breach of confidentiality. He would lose his license.
user I would be beaten near death if I was in Israel and wasnt a legal citizen. Not to mention its impossible to be an illegal migrant in Mexico once the government knows you are one its get out or go to jail.
An eye for an eye user, but I'm with you on this, the journalist needs some hard ass doxxing, we should get to work on that, might find something naughty
Wrong. Crossing the border illegally and overstaying your visa aren't crimes, they're violations of immigration policy.
You brainlets really are an embarrassment. Im done here.
>Illegal doesn't equate CRIME.
Okay Muhammad. As long as it's not haram. It's fine.
he was warned he did a stupid thing
>When did it become wrong to take pride in your country and her people?
>user I would be beaten near death if I was in Israel and wasnt a legal citizen.
Were talking about the USA. Dont move the goalposts sweetypie.
So was the spic deported or not?
GOOD. personal responsibility. every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
that dumbass should have not bragged online. let that be a lesson to everyone here on Sup Forums
Nice proxy
Do you report everyone you see smoke a joint or every girl who gives head where sodomy laws forbid it? What kind of bitch are you?
I love how confident you are in your own ignorance.
Fucking google it if you dont believe me.
Illegal immigration isn't a crime.
Ö-Ö-Ösi-JIDF b-b-bist D-Du d-d-das?
Halts Maul drecks Piefke.
What a bunch of faggots. I hope more American youth continue expressing their patriotism. These pampered pussies need to be knocked down a peg
Ja, Du bist es tatsächlich
Verpiss dich nach AfD-general du Saupreiß.
Holy fuck you are dense.
Violating the immigration policy is ILLEGAL.
Please off yourself to clean up the gene pool.
>A Jew attacking a white with nationalists views.
>The Fake News Media proved again that they have no more morals for white people.
if someone found out that a classmate had stolen thousands of dollars from a bank and reported it to the police he would be a hero, but since the money is being stolen from the american people he's shamed. what a sham.
Not true. They have civil rights. They'd arrest and question you. No torture. Then they'd let you go on the other side of the wall. Unless they had reason to hold you. They rarely do. Maybe that's why they will lose
We should all try to report at least one illegal immigrant to ICE to make this backfire on Shukman.
Verpiss Dich nach reddit, Mordechai
Nice false equivalency faggot
this will just accelerate the moderates and push them further right
if it weren't for the reddit police state, r/T_D would be 100% extremist right by now
Are you retard? in right there in the article, or you just read photos?
>diversity is our strength
>lets just let every illegal stay
Fuck off subhuman shitskin
>Drug crimes are on the same level as falsifying citizenship documentation and using the resources of a country while not being a citizen for decades. All the while faking social security, driving without a license, and using emergency rooms and draining resources.
Generation Chad strikes again
Being a violation instead of a crime doesn't make the action suddenly have no concequences.
There are procedures to deal with violations, some get you a fine, others get you deported. It is still within civic duties to report either.
Try harder
>How to report illegal immigrants anonymously
What bullshit jews beat the shit out of nonjew illegals in their turf all the time and even put them camps out in the desert.
poor dumb bastard shouldnt have posted his full face. Oh well. He'll be a martyr for how the left destroys children
He's not a licensed anything. He's just the only guy in the neighborhood that knows anything about the law, finance, and taxes. These dumb illegals used to bring their extended families to ask my dad for advice. He used to have hundreds of fake names and phone numbers that these illegals used to use to fill out their taxes and get breaks from the government. I think he lost a huge chunk of it when we finally moved out of a shithole city. He said that he could find every illegal alien because of something that they use to fill out their taxes. He did an estimation once and he said that there is about 5 million illegal alien households in the US.
this is Sup Forums, you faggot.
ICE has a report hotline specifically for the reason of finding illegals. Blame government policy if you blame anyone at all, not for this citizen who reported a crime.
What needs to happen is more people should be reported to ICE in retaliation for this guy getting doxxed.
>Crossing the border illegally and overstaying your visa aren't crimes
What the fuck am I reading
Do you call it a crime when someone touches the wet paint that says "do not touch" ?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Okay, you have to be trolling.
No one is this retarded.
Your persuasive powers don't work here, Dane
This, it's pretty memetastic to do something like that and def primo lulz but bragging about it in a place where your identity can be traced is fucking stupid.
It's actually a crime. A crime is something not legal. Illegal is not legal. Are you shitposting or legitimately retarded?
>NSA collects your data from browsing this board
>Tfw you realize you're gonna be framed and hanged
If it's against the law to touch the paint, yes.
You will have to hang me first.
You're such a little bitch
>doxxed for doxxing
How karmic
Why the fuck is getting a non citizen evicted from the US a bad thing again?
>Crossing the border ILLEGALLY and overstaying your visa aren't CRIMES.
This sentence gave me cancer.
Lefty Jewing.
What a little white pussy. Any black guy could kick his ass.