Trump draining the swamp

>Trump draining the swamp
>20 years of liberal brainwashing being reversed
>glow in the dark niggers getting BTFO
>JQ quickly becoming discussed more and more amongst normies
>Spics in panic mode over getting their asses deported and the wall
>Mudslime travel bans
>Nigger posturing and "you mad bro?" in turbo mode because they know their time is running out
>pathetic leftists have no arguments left so they try using our own against us

Is this the greatest time to be alive?

Could be user, could be.

none of those things are because of trump, you fucking newfag normie. trump is already proven to be a shabbos goy. you're retarded fucking mutt.

How much do you get paid to shill?

Needs sauce.

>Is this the greatest time to be alive?
Trump is going to finish what Hitler started.

>Trump is going to finish what Hitler started.
Chickle, snort, guffaw. You mean the trump that prayed at the wailing wall? You really think Hitler would have slipped a prayer in the rock?


Take a hike, kike

I couldn't be happier

Friendly reminder that reps did 911 dems complicit semites got all the profit whites and arab civilians murdered...

Citation needed

I've never seen anything like this. What an amazing time in American history.

Is Sup Forums really just full of shill and bait threads like this now? Where did real Sup Forums go?

>shill and bait
>Where did real Sup Forums go?
We moved a long time ago, champ. Just stopping by to say hello.

You forgot to say russia.
>-.02 from your account.

The country will probably break up because of Trump. You asswipes can found New Hilbillyland

if i would have known this was actually possible i would have made something of myself instead of quiting life and living in a basement. i had no idea this day would come and i believed the world was beyond redeeming. why couldnt i have known there was a chance? or that there were more out there like me?

>glow in the dark niggers
like, degenerate aliens or something ..?

>Trump is going to finish what Hitler started.

Are you Americans this legitimately retarded? Trump is the biggest Israeli-Shilling, Jewish-Arse-Kissing Shabbos Goy of a President America has ever seen.

Then this proves there's always time, bro.

There's still time.

When Trump is removed, America will rise again. Faggot nigger Trump must GO.

Keep saying it, I bet it helps you sleep better at night.

Kys fat boy nobody needs you to come outside piece of shit

I got out of my room four years ago. There's hope. You don't have to lock yourself away.

>POO ID and memeflag

>doesnt board evolution theory

Look here newfaggot, by not following rules, faggots like yourself are brought en masse to these boards. Mentions in news make it worse. This is most evident in the cancer that metastasized on b many years back. No board is good for long and realistically no board is ever good. That’s the point you mong. Lurk moar or an hero(preferably live because my gore folder needs a refresher).

>Trump draining the swamp
Kind of.
>20 years of liberal brainwashing being reversed
Not trump.
>glow in the dark niggers getting BTFO
>JQ quickly becoming discussed more and more amongst normies
Not trump and most likely due to altright people and so on.
>Spics in panic mode over getting their asses deported and the wall
This is good.
>Mudslime travel bans
not enough.
>Nigger posturing and "you mad bro?" in turbo mode because they know their time is running out
trump loves niggers
>pathetic leftists have no arguments left so they try using our own against us

Maybe the #metoo is a good thing
The first step to healing is admitting to yourself that you have been used like a dirty cum rag.

Shill are shitting their pants.

Looking out their windows. Wondering when the vans will arrive. Wondering if they'll ever see the light of day again.

I adore him. Would unironically take a bullet for this man or Barron.


He's filling the swamp with worse
Chinese hoax?
Cia still running things
Shilling for Israel increases
Obama deported more
Challenged in court


>Is this the greatest time to be alive?
We're getting there.

>Cia still running things
I will make them /ourguys/ if it's the last thing I do.

>Mudslime travle ban
>Saudi Arabia