>negros are so fucking dumb
Get a load of this shit lads
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a coping mechanism, given the two choices of living in a fantasy world where you had a rich and interesting history, or living with the fact that your entire race is basically a genetic dead end that did nothing of value until some white DNA got in their. Honestly I'd take the cope just to deal with life.
>Whites are so dumb.
(Pic is for autists claiming ancient China was white.)
do they not understand that ownership of king heritage means that they created slavery, genital mutilation, sacrificed uncountable numbers in the violent wars for thousands of years, etc.?
>Blacks being a genetic dead end
When will the black race die out? They aren't capable of ANYTHING when left to their own devices. They always need a white person to educate, feed, or give them a job, because they aren't capable of doing any of that on their own.
It's sad but it's true.
user, they are literally only thinking of the shiny gold shit the Kangz have. Niggers are that simple.
Attention Black user
This thread is intended to keep you from reading the release the memo threads
I work with some blacks. No joke, one guy named his son Cairo, and another girl named her daughter Nefertiti.
They both got irritated when I pointed out that Egyptians were Arabs.
I wonder how these people react to real Arabs or Egyptians telling them that they are not connected to Egyptians at all, and Nubians are not the same as American blacks at all.
Why do blacks give their kids the worst fucking names?
Don't be silly. They'll likely never meet an Egyptian. These are backwoods people.
> Nigger supremacists
Yeah, I already know what it's going to detail.
I just don't feel like wasting 17 minutes of my life on that.
>kangzzzzzzzz shiiiittttt
The whole basis of the "Egyptians were black" debate rests on the idea that Egypt is in Africa so therefore African = Black. Even though historically there were never any blacks in North Africa unless they were slaves.
These are the same people who think Hannibal was black because Carthage was in North Africa. It's really hard to argue with that level of stupidity.
Not only that, but Cairo isn't even an Ancient Egyptian city, it was founded by the Fatimids in the 10th century
>stealing bikes wasn't enough, jamal wanted to steal whiteys history now
this is retarded.
Don't make light of this shit.
This is the type of bullshit the Jews will teach and stir up the niggers with if and when they spring them against you.
Look at how many views it has and how many likes to dislikes.
Niggers are eating this bullshit up.
One day, when whites are almost gone, the Chinese will just colonize Africa for its resources.
Chinese understand darwinism. To win in civillization, you have to be ruthless.
i have been digging around, there is plenty of this fake bullshit floating around niggers are eating it up. Niggers believe "picnic" stands for "pic a nigga" We need to start actively investigating what a typical nigger consumes. I've been noticing blacks have been giving me more dirty looks than usual for NO REASON out in public for about a year/two. Start a thread exposing some the (((bullshit))) these niggers are eating up
Fuck the memo you cuckservative moron, your memo doesn't mean shit.
stop posting this circumcision pic
It's sort of funny really, even though given nigger stupidity it's serious too. Black Hebrew Israelism seems to be popular among niggers, if not that then definitely black egypt myth. Let these dumb niggers believe their retarded niger fairy tales, it only brings for the race war sooner.
what a cringy load of crap
he's using some resident evil music, can he get his video removed for copyright shit?.
When government stops cultivating the black race.
None of them came from North Africa.
The Tarim Basin is barely in China. It's more central asia, and that mummy was a proto scythian.
blacks before the jew
blacks after the jew
> because mongoloids are known for being 6'6 and having red hair and celtic tartan clothing
t. buttblasted gook
and no one is saying that china or the chinese were white, were saying that there was aryan tribes in western china, and they were.
They were mostly Turanid people
Pic related is how they might have looked like
Niggas be delusional.
this pic makes me feel ashamed of what we've done. I'm so sorry that we polluted the new world with niggers
>When government stops cultivating the black race.
>mfw black people are literally being bred like farm animals because they vote 95% Democrat
Holy FUCK I never even thought about it like this. The left is seriously evil as fuck
this randomly popped up in my YT feed. so random and it blew my mind by how many views it had.
>When will the black race die out?
If whitey weren't feeding niggers and treating their diseases they would have died off a long time ago. Think about how many niggers are alive today because of naive white people helping them. My race doesn't do shit to help blacks and never will.
The presence of whites near China and by proxy in China from time to time is well documented and accepted. This isn't even controversial in the slightest. Chinese chronicles were autists who recorded absolutely everything.
Also, nobody ever claimed chinese culture as such is white or that we created it.
Simple proof: go listen to Dan Carlin's history podcast about the Khans and the steppe cultures.
As for the WE WUZ bullshit it doesn't make any sort of sense and it just makes blacks look even more pathetic, because everyone knows it's bullshit.
this makes me laugh
This wop landlord knows what niggers are....
>I’m just here to make you dink yo
Why can’t niggers talk properly?
>got in their.
RIP English
Moonman, moonman can't you see?
By ancient china you mean like the western portion of Asia that was settled by the Indo-Europeans. Esians had already created a civilization by the time Indo-Euros migrated but nonetheless they did exist in much of the western parts of Asia.
>Honestly I'd take the cope just to deal with life.
That's why you're here larping as a nazi chad who would save the white race
This is actually a hypothesis that i've been thinking about on and off alot lately. If it weren't for Western Colonization and the slave trade to Western Countries leading to the eventual ties and aide that we provide for African countries now--- would the African as we know them, have died out or the population be extremely small. Have they reached their genetic dead end and are we fighting the laws of nature and evolution by keeping these outdated genes alive in a world that if you don't progress / adapt / evolve then you are replaced.
When soyboys meet to talk lol
im scrolling that comment section and not a single "WE"
wtf pol?
>europe was originally called africa
Stovepipe is definitely deleting all the good comments. Goddamn shines, man
*starts crip walking*
+ Illuminati + deep state + Bilderberg.............
The left is what most old chinese ladies look like to me
Hannibal was a kike. His name means "Ba'al has favored me" Hebrew and he was an ardent worshiper of Melqart/Moloch.
Those views and likes.... I think we made computers a little too easy to use, all these kangz are able to navigate to youtube now
>We wuz indians
So if ancient China was closer to being European than Chinese, where did these 'Chinese people' come from? Wasn't there evidence of white people living throughout the middle east/Egypt/North America as well?
Why was the world once colonized by whites, yet whites now cower in fear?
must be sad to have to delude yourself into believing that long ago your race wasnt at the bottom of the barrel but got beat up and had everything taken from them and thats the only way you can go on living
i mean if it bothers you that much wouldnt you at least try not to focus on the past. it seems like it would be natural for black people to not dwell on that shit
I want to bash lisp mans skull
The average nigger is literally mentally retarded.
All the comments for this video are Yass King, Slaaayy, so you know this nigger spends all day every day erasing the thousands of hilariously racist comments. This makes me chuckle. Let's give him some more so he can stay busy.
Kek! Just lost on the first seconds with his nigger accent.
> So if ancient China was closer to being European than Chinese, where did these 'Chinese people' come from?
Western/central Asia is where Indo-European remains are found. You're making the mistake that all of what is now China had always been Chinese which isn't the case. Modern day Northern Esians still descend from the ancient Chinese. It's just the land the ancient Chinese people inhabited was nowhere near as large as what they inhabit today. It would be like looking at modern day US and assuming that whites had always lived in that land.
> Wasn't there evidence of white people living throughout the middle east/Egypt/North America as well?
Yes, they were. Indo-Europeans had a mass expansion which lead them to migrating out of the northern Caucasus to all sorts of regions including Europe.
> Why was the world once colonized by whites, yet whites now cower in fear?
When whites conquered the world they had a collectivist culture and identity. Now that their culture and identity is in decline because they adopted the false virtue of tolerance and individualism they are in decay and are being destroyed by the very non-whites who they sought to accept, tolerate and treat as their equals.
>trans Atlantic slave trade
>nigs were brought from west and central Africa
>nigs get freed
>nigs claim north african middle eastern heritage
Ok Kangz. Explain this to me.
Sigh if we do die out someone make the Chinese promise to just kill all the nigs, better for the human race to proceed without them for the advancement in the long run
Why does everyone suddenly forget about the Islamic slave trade? They were only short like two million slaves. 10 million vs 12 million.
Its not really about that. Its more about them claiming that the Egyptians were black