'W-we're going to start a war!'
>guzzles soymilk
'W-we're going to start a war!'
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Shhh, it'll be fun
West Virginia based af
vermont can go kill yourself
based Wyoming, all of them have guns
Fuck off faggot its not our fault we got colonized by a bunch of jew yorkers
T. whiter than you
Mayocide soon!
White vs non-white is more divided.
That's because the map would be 100% blue if you count nonwhites onyl.
Lets hunt these faggos
Gas the kikes. Race war NOW
>no data for households without guns
But the majority of people with a gun voted for Hillary according to the map and jew yorkers don't own guns. You did this to yourself bro.
What the fuck is their problem?
Gasoline, fertilizer, bullets, and guns will always be cheap and plentiful in America.
I do get a boner at the thought of getting to shoot commies in the streets. I think I could get a k/d of at least 5
It's Vermont...
>implying just because i vote for the party that doesn't think i'm subhuman i don't own firearms
if the republicans stopped humping evangelicals i'd happily vote for them but as is i'd rather give up my firearms than be lynched for being homo
Hopefully much higher than that. These are unarmed, untrained, limp-wristed liberals we are talking about so I’d say the ratio would be closer to 100:1
Good Job WV, truly Appalachia and the South is God’s country.
Wyoming, you guys are awesome.
Vermont, what the fuck are you doing, dude?
>everybody owns a gun in wyoming
That's interesting
Audible Kek. I'm just trying to not sound like some delta operator larp.
There are plenty of gay Republicans user. Look at Sup Forums.
Day of the rope coming fast.
wat does soycum taste like?
West Virginia sounds pretty nice, too bad its a shithole filled with abject poverty and nigger-tier whites
West Virgina take me home
Wyoming is my retirement plan. I'm saving as much money as I can so I can buy a home and move to the middle of no where in Wyoming.
>West Virgina take me home
Thats one of the few songs that chokes me up if I'm over tired or a little drunk
Lol this
how about you shove your gun up your ass and pull the trigger.
I bet you'd cum harder than you ever did before
>Implying you shouldn’t be lynched
Unironically, that's backwards. Most Republicans have a pretty libertarian mindset. They don't really give a fuck what you do in your spare time, as long as you leave them alone.
That being said, it's wayyyy to late for that now. The dems sealed your fate.
Average gun owner is conservative and owns 8 guns.
Average liberal has 0 guns and cries if misgendered.
They won't start anything except little tantrums in the cities where they have massive numbers. They are trying to bait the right into throwing the first blow so they can cry for sympathy and look like the victim.
Fuck me I need to catch up
soycucks will use their wives pussies as weapons
>Those guns
Fucking disgusting. How hard is it to google a fucking reference for a drawing?
Nobody would care that you're a homo if gays didn't act like such flaming faggots. It's your business but fuck off for trying to make it mine.
Does Sup Forums think it's masculine and tough?
>pol is one person
Fuck off retard
> nothing
Except, you know, the race.
Based Wyoming.
Vermont is so peak soy even gun owners are leftist sissies. How come?
>when the % of unarmed households in your state is less than the margin of error
>nigger punches friend
>pull out gun
>kill the nigger
>don't get arrested
I love this country.
>man white people be racist and sheeeeeeeeeeeit
>niggers resort to violence when theres a verbal dispute
>>niggers resort to violence when theres a verbal dispute
Well, they're literally chimps
Gun owner.
Former Democrat.
I vote hard right now.
If any shit goes down I will have the back of any American.
Commies being neither American nor human.
>that pic on the right.
"Riker reporting in sir, we finally made it home from the, uh "mirror universe"...yeah. Unfortunately, Chief O'Brian was killed in action."
see ya there, fag.
How many gays get lynched by Christians? If it's less than 50 you're better off voting Republican for your safety.
Though it's funny how liberal talk radio hosts like to equate not having marriage with lynching.
Guess who's gonna win the war? Hint, it ain't the democrats
Question - is this households that have LEGALLY REGISTERED and own a gun? Cause I think a lot of liberal criminals that voted for Hillary own guns
Agreed 100%
the brothers don't know a lot about guns desu.
6 shooter with my magazine. That doesn't work. What? What? media.giphy.com
Our little girls are more badass than niggers.
West Virginia and Vermont are Sup Forums as fuck
Ive already ID at least 19 fucking commies where i live. First to go they will be
We have already won. You have Trump and dirt. We have the future and the real America. Just fuck off.
>completely ignores all the negro and hispanic gangs and criminals
There are 10s of 1000s of them, guess who they are going to fight for.
>based vermont
That was a number of years ago. How's she scoring, these days?
Real america being right wing
Fu liberal scum
100% THIS.
I was an anarchist for several years and my core philosophy was "leave me the fuck alone and I don't care."
I still hold to that.
The only difference now is that I see that anarchism is impossible in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-racial environment.
There's more to it than that, but essentially humans are hard wired for hierarchies.
So, I want a hierarchy that's minimally invasive to my life.
The left is the opposite of minimally invasive.
They want total control over my life.
The right is the only group that more or less will allow me to live how I want to live.
I used to be a Democrat with leftist leanings.
I fear the left like you wouldn't believe.
I've seen them for what they are.
They'll even let their precious gays get slaughtered by Muslims if it helps their agenda.
Nothing is worse than an ideologue leftist adhering to an agenda.
They're like golems or zombies or something
I'll take a right wing nut bar over a leftist because the right wing nut bar will just make fun of me for being something strange.
The leftist will try to correct me using state power.
I'm glad I rejected the left and the Democrat party.
I don't mean to rant - it's just crazy-making living where I live.
I live in Los Angeles.
Should we be keeping records?
You haven't won anything. Go back to your cry in. Maybe you can hit up a safe space and color to calm your nerves
The 70 IQ chimps will starve to death within a week once the power goes out.
>unrestricted gun ownership
>can't even use them to protect your own home
Vermont is a special kind of cucked
You think they aren't going to eat their liberal puppeteers?
>I used to be a Democrat with leftist leanings.
Congrats on seeing through. Also, how fuck does someone get like that in the first place?
Holy fuck I need to practice my marksmanship more. This was impressive.
Not sure - latest on youtube was this:
From a couple years ago. Guess she's 18 now...
>Guess she's 18 now...
>West Virginia sounds pretty nice, too bad its a shithole filled with abject poverty and nigger-tier whites
People live in cages where you're from Chink. STFU
All I want is some land where I can shoot, but it's do fucking expensive here. Feels bad
Wat. They have constitutional carry, there. You can walk into a store, buy a pistol, a box of ammo, load the mag and then pocket-carry it out of the store.
>There are 10s of 1000s of them, guess who they are going to fight for.
Most of them would be behind Democrat lines causing mayhem.
Move to AZ. We still enjoy freedoms here
Gun laws != self defense laws
Is land cheap? How's job market?
Castle doctrine best doctrine.
so what are some good small/mid size cities in West Virginia?
I'm a second amendment kind of guy
>so what are some good small/mid size cities in West Virginia?
>obvious yankee
The biggest city in WVA is Charleston at 50k and goes down from there
which Vermont doesn't even have
You're forced to call the cops and cry in a corner if niggers break into your house
Job market is honestly fantastic, if you go a little ways out of town land is cheap. Fringes of Phoenix Metro and you can pick up acreage for 10-20k per acre. And open and concealed carry are legal
I live in Los Angeles.
I was raised in it.
The only thing that saved me was a proclivity for analysis.
People would tell me things and I'd roll the ideas around in my head.
It wasn't until I was in college that I started to really see through everything.
Part of the problem was that I didn't know anyone who wasn't a leftist or a Democrat.
Getting opposing or counter views was not part of my life.
I had to work it all out on my own and so it took more time.
Now I can't watch television or movies or anything without seeing through all the layers of assumptions made by the writers.
I see through propaganda instantly now.
It's kind of a curse because I hate 90% of media now.
The only T.V. shows I like are The Rifleman and The Andy Griffith Show.
Reality itself ended up redpilling me to the point that I've swung all the way to ethnonationalism.
And a goodly portion of that redpilling was seeing that the left betrayed everything I value.
And I can't talk about it with anyone I know because my whole city is pozzed as fuck.
You wouldn't believe the hell that Los Angeles is.
I'm rambling - I just had surgery a while back and I'm on pain meds.
>le epic soy meme
You really want to bring suicide rates up bud? Gun owners kill themselves four times more often
>vote democrat
>no guns
>get muslim migrants
>get thrown off roof
>at least I didn't get lynched by those nasty gun toting republicans
This hits real close to home.
To this day I don't understand how someone could see a nigger getting in his face and not expect that to happen
>ITT: neckbeards LARPing about communism