>tfw non white but admire Hitler
What do?
>tfw non white but admire Hitler
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
What kind of non-white?
>black, poo, middle eastern or mix containing any of them
Find a black, poo or middle eastern gf and don't have children.
Don't be a cuck and go back home. East-Asians have a lot of history to be proud of and you shouldn't abandon it.
Realize his dream
do something for your own people.
Victory through Salvation
Nat soc isnt racist, all races could/can benefit from Nazism. Hitler himself wasn't racist and liked to see the good in all forms of people. The Nazis were Christians as well. Let Jesus guide you and don't let anyone guide you off a path to everlasting life and knowledge user.
Kill yourself
>nazis were christian
himmler was literally a pagan
and im pretty sure hitler was excommunicated
It's ok
Stay out of the way when shit starts.
exactly how I imagined OP looked like
Make your race great
Anyone that unironically wants a NatSoc state modeled after 1940's Germany is a fucking retard, period. I can understand "muh white nationalism" but Nazism literally places Germans and Nords above all others while placing Medis and Slavs in lower castes.
I wonder who is behind this post
>National Socialism places Germans above everyone else
Do you know where National Socialism began?
Hitler was a political genius.
Return to the country of your lineage and work to make that country great again. Reduce that country's need for foreign aid or refugee waivers.
>history to be proud of
>be japan
>get nuked
>be China
>get raped by Japan
Asia has objectively worse history and culture than africa and the niggers.
Hitler being excommunicated (if true) really just means he didn't fall into the Vatican's good grace, he still was a Christian.
You don't have to be white to admire Hilter like you don't need to be Romanian to admire Vlad Tepes or Greek to admire Alexander the Great, or Mongolian to admire Genghis Khan
Who cares that he was racist? Everyone was racist back then, everyone is racist, it's natural to love your race the best
You can still respect the greats throughout history
>stop respecting white people if you're not white REEEEE
(((who))) is behind this agenda?
>what do?
Lurk more. You don't start Sup Forums with 'only the blue eyed blonds were standing while rest of us sat down because the teacher told us we would've been gassed in Nazi-Germany' middle school tier understanding of Hitler.
Go home and make your native shithole less of a shithole.
Leftists will say that a true intellectual is someone willing to change his mind when faced with a good argument.
I believe the truth has a certain ring to it.
Hitler was a pagan if anything, he thought Christianity had a weak set of beliefs and those made European people soft. He thought Islam was a better fit for a country with the intent to become a war machine.
You had to be ancap LMAO give the sauce or GTFO pleb
There's nothing wrong with that. You can still be a national socialist but you have to work on your own people, you can't join white natsoc nations though.
Islam is the only way
Become the Hitler of your race. If all races on Earth can become god tier, that would be great.
The implementation of islamic law across the world would lead to a globalist multi-racial nation. That's fucking dumb dude.
Hitler wasn't a Pagan, an atheist, a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or a Buddhist.
>In Hitler's eyes, Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves; he detested its ethics in particular. Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle and the survival of the fittest. —Extract from Hitler: a Study in Tyranny, by Alan Bullock
>He was not a practising Christian but had somehow succeeded in masking his own religious scepticism from millions of German voters. Though Hitler has often been portrayed as a neo-pagan, or the centrepiece of a political religion in which he played the Godhead, his views had much more in common with the revolutionary iconoclasm of the Bolshevik enemy. His few private remarks on Christianity betray a profound contempt and indifference... Hitler believed that all religions were now 'decadent'
>According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[207]
Am I white?
There's better sources than table talks FYI. I started looking for other sources since christkikes are so quick to dismiss table talks, and there are dozens of other sources.
Do a barrel roll
post a side pic
bost benis so I can tell
become black hitler
That would depend on your genotype.
This to be honest. If you're non-white you still have an opportunity to build your own ethnostate. Use modern tech and bleeding hearts to finance a tech revolution in your home country.
Help us by continuing the research into germline modification. Germline modification allows us to make changes within the human body that will be passed down hereditarily. The "designer baby" concept is a lot further along than most people realize too.
More importantly, in addition to what I've stated above, we need to implement it widespread through the concept if spreading it through a vector like a virus. Now, this virus won't actually hurt any individuals. It'll merely change their genes, so that when they have a child, that child will be a Germanic individual with blonde hair and blue eyes.
> Oriental couple have white baby with blonde hair and blue eyes
> Mestizo couple have white baby with blonde hair and blue eyes
> Arab couple have white baby with blonde hair and blue eyes
> Jewish couple have white baby with blonde hair and blue eyes
Imagine the entire world having nothing but white babies from here on out. Differences and jealousies would be gone over night. No more tribal/ethnic differences to bicker and fight over.
This is no exaggeration and is actually possible since the invention of CRISPR. Technology will save the white race.
>hitler was excommunicated
Hitler and the Nazis were supported by the Pope. Pretty sure he got un-excommunicated
>If all races on Earth can become god tier
Except they can't.
If you buy into Hitler at all, you have to take into account the racial implications of his philosophy.
Be glad. National Socialism brings out the best in all races. Resist the Jew. Strengthen your self and your race (whatever it is.) You ought to put your life at the feet of the Cross of Christ Jesus, too. Not much point in a strong race if your soul remains condemned. Good luck, POC-user. You're on the right track.
make your race as good as you can.
the jew calls you goyim too
You'll grow out of it my edgy little friend
nope, you're a mutt.
Himmler had plans to convert to paganism after Germany would have won the war. A lot of the SS was also in on it.
Welcome to Sup Forums believe it or not this is the right place for you, Sup Forums is one of the most diverse boards on the internet.
DAMN that's all I needed.
>3 random citation
>No links
>Extremely bad sourcing
>Oh well time to forget about national socialism amirite famalam
Himmler may have been a pagan, Hitler wasn't. Hitler even made fun of Himmler for this neo-paganism he was practicing and his attacks on neo-paganism were featured in newspapers at the time.
this confuses the poltard
Join the club, I guess.
Lol no it doesn't.
>this confuses the newfag
>The Nazis were Christians as well.
And that's why they failed. You don't win against the jews by worshipping the jew god.
i dont thik there is a problem there
STay racially true and promote a healthy society for your people. Hitler didn't hate any other races he just loved his own.
What race are you? Form and ethnostate if there isn't one. Move to it if there is one and give your life to it. Or just do what I do and argue in favor of Hitler because it's an amusing challenge.
except the slavs which he was going to literally exterminate out of existence. Fucking kill yourself you god damn retard
Hitler was non-white himself so there's no problem.
Larp as a national socialist on imageboards obviously
Leave nigger
>posting kike propaganda
Probably because they were killing ethnic Germans. Talk shit, get hit.
are you a nigger? if so, suicide is the only option.
if you are a non-nigger, youre good, my man
i would highly advise you for your own mental health to actual real historical events and not rely on literal Nazi propaganda shit out by the greatest propaganda artists of all times to get your world views from. If you really think Poland was ethnically cleansing Germans you are so retarded you should not be allowed to breed. Literally show me on piece of authentic evidence that is not literally Goebbels propaganda that says that ethnic Germans were being killed in a manner which warranted the complete dissolution of Poland and extermination of Polish people. Hitler literally wrote in great detail in Mein Kampf how he plans on taking over the Slavic lands and repopulating the place with Germans
Over 250,000 non-germanics served in the WAFFEN SS, let alone the normal Germany army...
Fight against the jews.
Mein Creme
Is it pagan?
>murican education
You’re completely wrong
“A study in tyranny”
I’m sure this source is completely unbiased
this.here is the real truth and dichotomy of politics today.msm and the (((left))) want brown and white divided.its why they try to empower niggers with blm and soros with antifa.they are fueling division,they prime chaos so they can profit from it.
what we want is peace and everyone to enjoy their own culture.we want true progress and a multicultral mixed human race isnt the way to get there.people say we are stronger united and its true.mixed we are identityless,countryless roaming zombies ripe for slavery.who will be "whitish"and holding the chains? jews.pure unmixed jews.ask why israel hasnt taken a single refugee and why no one in the world has called them on it.poland and hungary refused and are being crucified for it.
without history,without culture,you lose pride,place and honor for your own people and places you live.a fully mixed society would be a crime filled shithole,100 times what it is today.
have pride in who you are but have the intellect to realize who your true enemies are.
to me jews threaten humanity.ive known them all my life and at core,all,without exception lack compassion for those outside judaism,they are literal sociopaths.niggers are hapless morons but i feel a slight pang of compassion for them because they have been played so badly by the left they are culture fucked and beyond repair possibly.they need strong positive leaders to shun the left,the bullshit and get it together.
aside from those two i dont have problems with rest of the world.keep your identity i want you to have your own proud heritage,we can meet at the olympics and pit strengths......
hitler is most maligned human being on planet earth,when you really study learn and figure shit out youll see the lies
yes,someone posted a chart yesterday showing whitey,it includes brown.
nanites.its coming.
Hitler was a fucking idiot who mass-murdered whites and essentially brought Germany to sad state it is today. Mussolini was a much better leader.
Reminder this is what a shill looks like. (look up)
>(((who))) is behind this agenda?
Shit skins and niggers
There would be nothing ironic about that. Commie Jews don't represent non-Jewish Semitic people. "Antisemite" is a false propaganda term to shut down conversation.
Only a Christian race traitor wouldn't be able to see that your meme is full of Semites.
>mass-murdered whites
Look at SJWs (most of which are white) and tell me they don't need to be mass-murdered.
Nanites are certainly going to be a revolutionary method to doing a lot of things, but I personally thing germline modification through viral application will be what saves the white race. I've dedicated my life to the furtherance of both Germline modification as well as finding the method to allow non-whites to have Germanic babies.
Imagine every non-white person within the world having a Germanic blonde haired, blue eyed child? It's going to usher in an era of greatness never experienced throughout the world.
>Nat soc isnt racist
>The Nazis were Christians as well
Hitler was atheist with satanic sympathies. He also wanted a blonde-haired, blue-eyed world only.
What do I do besides kill myself
And no I'm not pulling an elliot
where does hitler explicitly state this?
is that you Shaun?