Why don't jews use latinos to replace Europeans?
Why do they insist on using negroes and mudslims?
Why don't jews use latinos to replace Europeans?
Are latinos actually white?
Do the J00Z consider us white?
Their males are too beta. You don't use women to subjugate
>highest interracial marriage is bean men + white woman
>meme flag
(((They))) don't want to test their chances
They fear a crusade, and only certain people might do it.
We IZ whites n shiet
Cause latinos/latinas believe in god, jesus, and the virgin mary.
Thats a flat our lie. The highest numbers are Asian women and White man and you know it. Shit the fuck down taco
nah, we whites senpai.
back to hispachan
i honestly don't get it
most latinos are huge jew lovers
People wanted this jew as president, not even memeing
It's cargo cult western culture with Indios and its weird.
Like using cults for saints to justify outright murder and drug peddling.
>gringoes believe this
she looks mainly Castilian.
>American education
>jews being able to hold off violent cartels
they can barely fend off some kids throwing rocks at their tanks
She looks hispanic, look at the nose, wide nostrils, wide nose.
Because they know Crackers will never go full 1488 only shitpost about it.
Both NIGGERS and Mudslims are the dumbest mother fuckers on Earth so their easier to manipulate.
its literally the opposite its white man + bean female
>he gets baited into admiting that his race is getting beaned one way or the other
Is this buxom titcow white?
Clearly latina
you've been playing too much ghost recon.
So is this your closet DACA argument? I'll give a bump only because of pic related.
man, i've seen eyes like that only once, those were the prettiest i've seen
Because the standard of living on latin countries is better than Africa/Middle East. Latinos are also westernized, at last.
yeah which is just as bad - it just proves that white men are the thing they fear most, which is the cause of the fall of western society.
Some Jew bet another Jew a dollar that he could subvert us on hard mode, with niggers and Muslims.
>mexican geograph education
fuck off paco
I've passed through a now closed store, i always say hi to the cute there, she got mugged there yesterday.
There's not a day in which i don't hear an ambulance, not a day watching the army going through the city with machine guns.
I had to pick a empty bottle from the street to defend myself from a thug,
etc etc...
Everyday, all the day is stressful here, and i live in the 6th most livable city
>tfw don't get to rape german qts
But I do have a blonde girlfriend.
Kristina Vogel
The jew fears the mutts
Is that why every night I am on pol I see you post the same threads over and over again mexifag?
feels goods walking home drunk as fuck with no fear
White Hispanics and Castizos are welcomed
shitskin Amerindian and mestizo scum can fuck right off
Pick one
You need to go outside more..
I see eyes more beautiful than that every day.
so you got nothing better to do than to watch my threads?
literally the same
no you dont
replacement isn't part of the plan, its not even really the goal, they just want to dump in as many foreign factions, pit them against the majority and let the in-fighting begin. this weakens the nations and doesn't let them focus on bettering themselves and stopping the international jew from attempting their world coup.
latinos have weird taco bodies.
and they turn sour quickly, and by sour i mean they turn into goblin creatures.
That still makes no sense, who do you think has a bigger chance, the taco man beating CIA FBI and DEA, subverting the most powerful country, or just some dudes from a desert.
t,mad he doesn't get a cute latina
That is 90% filters get rekt hoface
how does it not make sense? a house divided falls. this is some of the most ancient wisdom passed down through generations.
the state is modeled after the family. to subvert the state you have to subvert the family. one of the easiest ways to do this is multiculturalism, then no one agrees on what a family is and how its structured.
Unironically proving burgers are stupid as hell
>only posting women with high European admixture
Most of your women are fucking ugly little goblins with belly fat, and have all the nigger indian genes.
Africa is only a stones throw from Italy, which is why so many Southern Italians are so dark.
Same with the middle east.
You could cross land and small waterways on a raft. Importing from the Central/South American region requires a long voyage by ship or plane.
Gringos say that they are superior and all that shit.
But why they are so stupid with logical things.
>Me practicing in a grand turism hotel at summer
>No poor folks
>Pople from every race
>Just blondies make it tired
Small talk:
>Gringo call room service.
>I ask for the problem
>Gringo says ask for which faucet is for warm water.
He don't even try to open one of the faucets, if is cold the other is the warm.
They always gives problems for nothing.
I'm a half beaner and I think it's because this mix would be sympathetic to whites more than mulattoes. I know a few mullatos and they are more black nationalist than full blacks despite half their family being white. I wouldn't put it past them to murder their white family members if the full blacks asked them to. I find myself sympathetic to whites because a lot of people mistake me for white because I have green eyes and light skin so if they started rounding up whites I might get fucked big time. I can't be the only half breed with this concern.
So do blacks
Why do so many of you use unironically use Muslim in the same context of a race or ethnicity
cause latin people show some shame, not much but some
Because we would actually enjoy latinos.
they're worse than Africans in every single way.
1.They're all lazy and unemployed
2. They're all criminals and want welfare
3. They take all of our jobs
4. None speak English (I've never met 1 single Latino that spoke English)
5. They're responsible for the most rape in the country
6. They don't assimilate
If we want to fix the U.S. & Europe, the state needs to cease all the assets of Latinos and give them to struggling African Americans. This will pay them back for slavery. I will be a form of reparations while at the same time fixing their under performance,
No such thing.
It's Castellano and the exact same as EspaƱol.
Stupid Gringo. :/
>t. 80 IQ Juan Jesus Spiczalez
Arabs make only 25% of the Muslim population, their are far more Asian and black Muslims
We're not gonna divide our families for some pathetic insecure weeb.
You can fuck right off and we'll conquer the USA while Asians conquer Canada and Africans conquer North Europe with Arabs.
Relative to population because Asians are like 2% of the American population and 90% of their dating pool is white. In absolute numbers it's beaner male and cumskin female
I'm Jewish
We leave the latinos in the U.S. to clean our toilets. I wouldn't even do that to a goat loving muslim. We do not consider you white
Any more questions, Paco?
>don't fuck with the Jews, greaseball
Nice shit post breh
But hambrientina is full of niggers.
I don't like this
Mexicans killing each others here like they do in Mexico lol. Pay and Build the wall paco.
this and they would eventally bring about the holy global empire and become white in white parts of the world thus leading to worldwide christian white domination
They do, what do you think is happening in America?
>Fantasies from Paco: Paco thinks he's white edition
The whole "hispanics are invading the U.S." thing is old news and it's been shoved out of the news cycle and down the memory hole for a reason.
Now the next strategy is to convince everyone that all sorts of brown "people" are white and Sup Forums fell for it.
Remember, if everyone's white, nobody is not white and then the white decline doesn't matter.