post salt over memo passing vote
Salt Thread: Memo Edition
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can't wait for trump to ignore the votes of congress like he's doing with the russia sanctions
I could fucking live off of this shit - inject it straight into my veins and just bask
Also that entire thread all the way down is just a goldmine. Seriously.
This is why the left can't meme. The right doesn't even have to do anything. The memes write themselves.
>muh muller
why do people keep claiming Trump is unchecked?
A literal who judge can stop any executive order he signs for months, every thing he does is vilified by the media and entertainment industry where's the gross misuse of power no one is seeing?
fuckkkkkk these people are so fucking stupid
>name is GOT reference
the modern left, folks
>muh democracy
cant wait for boomers to die
>absolutely delusional
The state of democrats
STILL with the tax returns jesus christ even dems cant be this washed up
is this faggot /ourguy/
Star Wars resistance, Dumbledore's Army.
Are they still mentally children or did too much entertainment screw up their minds.
Well meme'd
>no matter what the memo says the left will refuse to believe it
This memo better result in something they can't dispute or it's going to be a shit show.
That's what happens when hollywood raises your children for you.
This is the problem with leftists. They seek so much validation that they can't imply, or use metaphors. They have to fucking spell everything out so they can be sure they get the attention of le star wars fans
This is why they can't meme, because they can't get into the advanced complexities of memetic overlap without having to stop and spell everything out like a retard
They literally think their lives are a movie.
I love that Hitler has been completely marginalized. I don't think Hitler killed a single Jew. I know Trump hasn't and they are clearly equivalent according to twitter.
For all we know, Hitler lowered taxes, increased consumer confidence, and made Germany Great Again. I'm going to have to rethink everything now. I'm not even sure WW2 happened.
>quotes in other comments about we the people
These faggots are so fucking fake it's ridiculous. I'm a god damn American whether a nigger is in office and I'm an American when Trump is in office. I'll be an American till my dying fucking breath, and if I have to die when the race war happens to defend my country from third world niggers, so fucking be it.
They appear to already be falling into whataboutism. Threaded reminder that this is what killed the Roman republic.
Those people still think Trump / Russia is a thing. You can clearly see they are worried now. That feeling they're experiencing is the truth about to rain all over their pussy hat parade.
Well if your meme depends on leftists being smart enough to understand it you are going to lose a significant portion of your audience
Literally no self awareness. I doubt he’s ever did any introspection.
Goddamn I hope they fucking bring it, I'm erect just thinking about it. I really hope these fucking leftists try revolution, I'm gonna cum.
God damnit why won’t these people revolt they’ve been threatening it for over a year I’m getting bored.
My popcorn is ready for this thread. The shills are terrified.
Oh shit, Darcy is getting ready to escalate this. Stand back unless you want to get revoluted by xir.
>the peaceful left
Bet they wish they had guns
based McNaldos
Why not both?
>Military action against Russia.
Hillary Shills still continuing with their pro-WW3 programming.
Holyshit Americans, get control of your liberal faggots before they start a nuclear war with Russia
We can't let Hillary get the nuclear codes
>say this shit on /pol and everybody thinks your fbi
>say this shit on lefty twitter or reddit and people just suck you off for it
every time
> Read text.
> This has to be fake. No one is that cringy.
> Check twitter link.
Too fucking right or any of them idiots.
Poor Russia getting blamed for what America does all the time.but Russia didn't do it
>Hello fellow angry progressives, who wants to blow up a federal building with me?
>get information released to you
>upset it's not kept secret
This is why normies love being tracked by Amazon and Google and other prototypical AI governance systems. This is why normies cling so much to the culture-crafters on TV and popular media. The average human being does not wish to think and will gladly resign himself to hive's decision making. Whereas critical-thinking is reflexive to human beings, it is a momentary and almost impossible state of attainment for the normie.
No worries friendo the football is in good hands :^)
Same. I’m ready to be the first kid in my block to hang a communist!
some of them actually do
should we be scared?
Trump has to be the most genius miner to ever exist. We don't even have to enter the mines ourself! the salt comes to us.
>leftists start the soy rebellion
>quickly crushed due to nogunz
>They are all felons now and can no longer vote
so the cycle has changed again: trump is no longer an incompetent old man with alzheimers, he's back to being literally hitler
The main issue is that a critical component of a meme is humor.
Leftists are humorless by definition because a critical component of humor is offense.
They're so busy virtue signaling, that humor would destroy their carefully crafted image.
Somebody needs to flash an update on the normie BIOS. Shit is getting ridiculous.
>we must show conservatives our peace and tolerance... THROUGH FORCE
Democrats don't know that we're a REPUBLIC. lol
I feel like Obama was pushing towards a more friendly arrangement with Russia?
He would actually most likely be a mouse droid.
Protip: There is no minority memo. Schiff never did his fucking job like Nunes did. They shit themselves when Nunes delivered a solid investigative work. They tried to bluff by saying they had a memo knowing it would ge a no vote and see how its being used as ammo? I called this shit from the start. Alpha go getter Nunes BTFO of beta lazy cuck Schiff. Game on
Cmon, a glock with a laser dot?
All this angst over a lil ol fake memo?
Gee, dems are acting like it's the end of their party or something
The CEO of the DNC did quit an hour ago without notice...makes you think huh?
Can you imagine if trump actually did do something? Would they start burning buildings down? It's a single piece of paper with some information on it, and people are acting like it will destroy the country and kill millions, it's silly.
>t-the blue wave is coming!!
Saved this one for the "remember this day"
II'm never gonna let them forget it.
She shows uncommon wisdom for a democrat
>Gee, dems are acting like it's the end of their party or something
Well their DNC CEO Jess O'Connel did just fucking quit after only being on for a year
The #resistance has been playing 5D chess this entire time.
Is this satire?
So the DOJ and FBI are all Democrats according to this poopushing jew.
There is nothing the left won't dispute if it is convenient for them to do so.
Checked. Happenings keep on happening.
Libs on suicide watch.
God these fucking faggots love living in fantasy.
It's just a mounted light. I have the same one. That said, lasers are not necessarily ridiculous. I don't carry with a laser, but I see the use in one. For example, finding yourself in a compromised position, unable to achieve a sight picture
>military action against Russia
the nuclear policy of the US is basically "we have the capability to glass your country three times over without breaking a sweat, and just in case that isn't enough we also have the capability to glass just your military outposts without getting a mote of fallout on the cities next to them, if you want to try this we will fucking win"
the nuclear policy of Russia is basically "we're going to lose, but by god we're going to make you regret ever starting it"
start a nuclear war with China, at least they will stop after they've turned NYC into a smoking crater. they won't go the extra mile and start packing warheads with pure nerve gas.
Oh, it's a coup alright. Just not in the direction they think.
No. It is not satire. This is the mainstream left in America.
chill out there ace
>when people quote Hitler not realizing he was talking about them and their world view
was this guy serious with the "they did not even read it" nonsense. Its the fucking house intelligence comittee that voted to release it. David Nunes, one of its members, wrote the memo.
> locked open, empty, no mag
> responsible gun control indeed.
Batteries in flashlight are dead.
Probably never fired it.
Why are they so afraid?