So it looks like the true heirs to North America are Europeans after all. So much for the invocations of "sacred native land" lel
"Native" Americans BTFO
Natives arrived in North America 90kya you fucking retard.
Liberals are so btfo by this all their native Americans are blah blah is so bogus now
Did you pull that number out of a hat, user?
liberals aren't saying America rightfully belongs to asia you retard
What are they saying then, "genius"?
Well duh, how the F the tribes could be there otherwise when Columbus arrived.
Ive known this for a while.
Indians in canada were very abusive towards women.
The lawyers are the ones who started and are continuing this, white man put you in residential schools to opress you.
Cash cow
odd when I talk with native Americans they are fine with me being here not so much with the liberals.
>So it looks like the true heirs to North America are Europeans after all.
And they became the natives retard.
>inb4 but they were European before being natives
Then you are should bow to the superior black race. Checkmate.
>He didn't already know about the Solutreans
>He hasn't heard of the Azgen
>He's not familiar with White Gods
Lurk more, r*ddit.
>Europeans are native and then became native
Mexican intellectuals, everyone.
This, the majority of "muh stole land" are 1/32 native libshits and guilt-ridden white libshits
seems like common sense that people came from both directions
What is the point? Almost Everyone is living on Conquered land. Scandinavians took their land from the Laplanders, The English took England from Celts, The Japanese took Hokkaido from the Ainu, The Chinese took Taiwan from Various Austronesian groups, The Arabs took North Africa from the Berbers and other groups that lived there. If you conquered the land, it is yours so long as you can defend it.
the migration route from asia is incorrect;
they were thought to be seafaring OR traversed the coastline on foot or took the rough route depicted in the pick
>European-style stone tools
needs to be thoroughly described by a real journal before any of this is taken seriously, the article is written for idiots
there are strange and wild legends of the creatures who first inhabited the Americas.
This explains the r1a in some native Americans they also look a lot different than full blooded mexicans
Don't forget the legends of blonde giants
>t. increasing nervous wh*Te dog
i like Amerindians. i wish Mexcrement would stop associating themselves with them.
NA "native" > spic
>le 56%er
>r*ddit meme flag
pic related is you
they were pre scandinavians hunter gatherers today more closely related would be finnish sami
Next month "THEY" will say africans discovered Japan.
>Only I bes allowed to re-write history
>pathetic mewlings of a sub-human shitskin
1-pre scandinavian hunter gatherers (beringians) cross the bering
2-protoasiatics cross the bering later and conquer the land
3-european conquer the land
You know your meme flag is sad. Whites really are the only ones who care about the environment.
4- jews conquer us all
its not new evidence this is all almost 10 years old
no one takes this sh ti seriously
>showed up in america first
are we going to count this as a win, or? it seems like that time vikings found the place.. and then died.
lol by that logic Africans are "heirs" to everything
Yes and? Why did you kill off the injuns if they had Caucasian/Neanderthal (Proto-Cro-magnon) DNA?
I know... because "whites" are the devils in the Torah and Christian bible. Cave dwellets. Edomites.
You killed off the NaZis that were fighting for their people and wete trying to get rid of the false, Synogogue-of-Satanry, "Judes".
Whites are their own worse problem.
Stop. Mexicans and libtards are using these narratives to justify flooding the country with foreigners not American Indians. American Indians are usually part white and many are conservative af. Many don't want the country flooded with foreigners either. Many are Christians and have zero problems with whites.
Want to guess how I know you're a nigger? Come on, guess.
During the ice age many of them developed certain facial features and pale skin color as shown in Op's pic related they came from a snow shit hole but eventually after that shit hole period called the ice age they developed diffrent features beacuse of climate adaptation which changes your genes over time and natural selection choses certain genes for that population difference. So now you got red skinned people instead of pale blondes
Quit namefagging you fucking r*ddit spic nigger faggot.
Calm the fuck down dude you look autistic, kraut and tea
America b.c. By dr barry fell is a good read for anyone truly interested in this subject
1. slants got their shit tier eyes due to wind and no trees "acording to sceince"
2. why didnt the eyes change back? in SA/NA
3. skin tone became brown not red due to sun exposure
4. this makes them look more like their south east asian cousins instead
Inuit fucks give me back my land!
Most Prairie niggers are worthless drunks. All that free shit and you do NOTHING. A small percentage of you were smart enough to build casinos but all you did was create a society of lazy drunks with free money. Penchanga members get MINIMUM 50k a month.
>Namefagging spic calling anyone else an autist
of course he didn’t; natives never invented hats
His Mapuche ass is too dumb to count properly
Spirit of the bear
Nuff said, nigga.
Tiem 2 post some GMS vids like in 2012.
This is the white man, errybody.
Two words:
Cinmar bipoint
native americans are not white and they are not asian. they're native american. how are you this stupid?
No, they're Jewish. Read the Book of Mormon.
>American Indians magically appeared on the American continent
Hello, Runs With Scissors
I'm an ethnic Nephite and hold dual citizenship
That would make the Amerindians European though. Which they kind of are, almost all of their Y-DNA is haplgroup Q which is a direct sibling to both R1a and R1b. Q and R split right around the time of this theorized migration even
they are ancients hapas
As a white American I am going to start referring to myself as First Nation.
>magic Indian people appear out of the ether and own the land forever despite 90% dying of disease
>checks out
Who exactly is the retard here, user? Enlighten us with your wisdom...
True First Nation
Soultrean hypothesis? I've also seen a lot of people mention red headed giants found in North America, and even as far as south as Peru in South America. Then you have the Northwest European genetics of the pharoahs, and Qin Shi Huang supposedly being a redhead. Wait, do you happen to be telling me that we were indeed Monarchs?
Im from heavy (90%+) french descent and i have I-M26 (from northern France)
>no fucking clue why tho
its not that popular out of sardinia
that haplogroup is associated with small dicks
Natives were here building temples as far back as 22,000-26,000 years ago.
There are many variances on the planet that allowed ice to take over its polar regions but as the crow flies it looks like the fucking europeans would be the last to migrate here.....
An older Ainu people maybe....from Eurasian Russia and the Kamchatka regions would be those "ice bridge" travelers
Remember that there was migration to North America before these times by animal species, but humans are really no more than 26-36k years old the temples show a complex matrix was used it showed that whoever built them were highly advanced.
I thought this was known for a while from
1) arrow heads in the east coast that are the same design used in europe, not like the ones from siberia and western america
2) genetic studies of east coast (especially around quebec IIRC) of injuns that show haplogroup R1 rather than the mongolic haplogroups of all other injuns
They walked the flat earth to get there
LUL 18.5 cm here
well we do get outliers every now and then
Would this explain why the eastern tribes were decently advanced (mound builders and suchlike), while the western ones did jack?
post penor, since we all know you're a little r*ddit white boy hiding behind a meme flag
Would explain the small and mythical communities of whites that lived in the Americas that appear in some legends as well as the whole "Odin the Wanderer" thing and its relation to major sights.
problem is i only got my laptop camera right now and i can't take a picture without going back far enough to fit my entire penis in the pic
check out the gear you need to walk across 500 meters of ice glaciers. you think animal skin shoes walked across 6000 kms of? just how much of a brainlet are you?
idk how the first europeans would have small dicks, if all the indo-europeans should have smaller dicks.
>Mexican land
gee I wonder who took it from the Natives
This Article is about a decade old
>90,000 years
>spend the whole time doing absolutely FUCK ALL
Wow, a tabloid invented this bullshit only to support their beliefs.
you can look up the "white gods of america" it is known that the kings in south america were white people with Y mtDNA I-M26
Brown shit skin detected
Deep history does not change recent history. There were probably other hominids here before all of this.
Just wait for a Spanish poster to tell you it's was not rape and pillaging, just live that overtook the Mayan women
First means first. This changes everything about immigrant Indians and their claims on the land.
well they tried agriculture a few times but it wasnt as fun as hunting so they always abandon it just in time to die from starvation in the winter.
no matter how superior we are... our hairlines will never be better.... I hate my balding life!!!!!!! Id give up 10 iq points for hair!!!!