I thought this shit had been ramping up in recent years. What the hell is going on here, Sup Forums? Have you been lying to me? I just got BTFO'd by someone on cuckbook.
South African White Killings
There are no more white farmers. They all got BTFO. Notice this statistic is only for farmers.
>only for farmers
>leaves out the total number of white farmers in south africa
You guys got any numbers to counter this, or are you just gonna be faggots throwing popcorn at the screen and claiming you would have made a better movie?
>provides vague statistics
>gets mad when people point out potential problems with them
lefty detected
Well when you kill so many there aren't as many left to kill the next year. And the pesky ones that survived the previous year are no doubt trickier to kill. Soon none will be left but the true alpha farmers.
Here faggot: en.wikipedia.org
inb4 >wikipedia
I don't know what point you're trying to make. Also, which of those tabs should I check out?
>so many
Is it really "so many"? It seems like pretty small numbers.
Murder is up, it discredits your stats.
I didn't say statistics with no source, I said vague as in there isn't enough information.
Do you not speak English?
You have to go back, Paco
Heh, you dumbass. Wikipedia's source is an African report on Farm murders. The title of the report is the attached image.
It's the number of white farmers killed in SA over the years.
Shockingly, a report on Africa comes from Africa the only place that cares (kinda) about Africans
Basically, the gist of that report is that the number of murders is staying roughly constant, but there is an escalating series of attacks that don't result in murders. In other words, farmers are protecting themselves. Plus, there are fewer and fewer white farmers left.
Here's another report - africacheck.org
>The general murder rate for 1999 was 55 per 100 000 of the population. There were 144 farm
murders in 1999, and if one relies on the official figures of about 61 000 commercial farming units, it would give a murder rate on farms of 236 per 100 000, roughly four times the general murder rate. However, that does not take into account that not only farmers but also their families, and the workers and their families, fall victim to farm attacks.
yes but the he knows the brit wont do anything and thats why this nazi fairy can be so smug, he knows hes brit is cucked
Sure, but there's more blacks now. Niggers killing niggers is not the same as niggers killing whites. Doesn't really invalidate the white farmer stats. I thought we were seeing a crazy increase in white farmers being killed, but it looks like it was way more common in the late 90's/early 2000's
Nigger who are you and are you replying to the wrong thread? Are you a shareblue faggot that fucked up your post?
I got into a debate about Zimbabwe with someone who told me all this genocide talk was a lie, also in South Africa. She then went on to say there were barely even any whites in Zimbabwe. I pointed out the fact they were eother killed or chased out of country. She didn't respond, at all.
no, its from last night, you replied to that picture but i had already gone to bed, when i woke up the thread had 404d so im responding now :^)
Right, in 1999. I thought it was something that was escalating. I guess I was wrong. I know it's a problem and it's always a tragedy when white people are killed, I just thought that this was something that had reached levels never before seen, rather than something that's pretty much par for the course in south niggerstan
Oh, so you're the opposite of shareblue. Someone who is so autistic that you believe because I have some similar speech pattern to someone you were debating last night, it means that I'm the same person. Man, that's a bad position to find yourself in. I was not on Sup Forums last night (at least not more than lurking on my phone without posting). There are probably a lot of things you think you know that you're wrong about. You are also probably pretty young (I'm guessing under 20, but certainly under 25) so you still have a chance. Tomorrow morning, go outside and go for a run. Get some physical activity and meet some people in public. I'm not saying this like a fucking faggot sjw or like I'm better than you. I don't know you at all, we're both anons. I'm saying it because it's part of being a well rounded person. We can't live online all the time or we're as bad as the fat feminist trolls.
you posted with your trip code champ and we werent debating, you literally just replied to a post of mine with something like "that brit looks like he would knock that nazi fairy out". Youre not too bright, are you?
Oh, haha. I honestly forgot I still had the Q#Matlock thing on. I put that on at some point to point out to someone that the Q tripcode had been cracked a while ago. I'm sure there are a lot of people that use it, as can be seen here: archive.4plebs.org
But yea, whoever you were talking to, it wasn't me.
Also, I'm a mostly german amerimutt. I'd definitely side with the SS over the fucking churchill snaggleteeth
i found it