Did it ever occur to you that jew-hating just feeds the beast and makes them work harder to consolidate their power?

Did it ever occur to you that jew-hating just feeds the beast and makes them work harder to consolidate their power?

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How do we stop the beast then? Everything is wrong because of the Jews. What are we supposed to do?

So stop hating the group that is actively trying to enslave you because they might try harder to enslave you?

Just thinking out loud here, what would the world look like without jews and how fast can we make that happen?

Have you ever realized that the white hating has consolidated the jew hating you stupid maggot

>Did it ever occur to you that wood tick removal just feeds the beast and makes them work harder to sink their mouthparts into your flesh and suck your blood?
Not really.

They know their history they have never been welcomein any place they stettled. Do you know theirs. This is a Jew I tell you your opinions and you have no right to me my decisions.

Yes, goy, don't resist us. Don't fight back. It, uh, only makes us stronger! Just like in your favorite Chinese cartoons, right?


Kept it warm just for you

More normies who catch on to their tricks the better.

Don't worry, the Holocaust begins this year.

So just give up and take the multicultural cock up the ass eh, kike?


>We gotta love the jew to defeat the jew!
Fuck off faggot.

I just think the alt-right is so scared of becoming the jew, that it's not organizing as effectively as it could be

We will be bringing the memes into the real world where normies congregate.

And if they don't organize the right way you get charlottesville.

seriously couldn't of had a more of a PR disaster than that.

the jews have merged interests with the germanics (Rockefellers/Bushes crypto-eugenics nazis) who both seek to reduce the world population.

they joined forces, but the underlying mechanisms to enslave and depopulate the world have been laid out by eugenicists (Rockefeller)

We are at war to the death.

Jesus had a point. The only way to defeat the Jews is to love them.

yes but it doen matter at this point


We will hug them with flames.

The Jews killed Jesus.

You don't understand Jews and those that want power, they're going to do it anyway.

Did it ever occur to jews that their victim complex causes the behaviors that cause them to be hated?

Which also means loving yourself, because the most important Jew to defeat is the one inside yourself.

Yea, bro, because like if we all just gave them hugs and said we forgive them they would just stop doing what they do instead of taking the kindness as weakness. You don't think that in the history of the world none of the people who had problems with them hasn't already tried this approach?

Tell me, Mordechai, have you ever tried to love the communist executioner in the Gulag, or the commissar who came to kill your family?


Historically, the Jews always push things too far and end up self-destructing.

>Fall of Jerusalem in 70AD
>Masada youtube.com/watch?v=9Pl8pg347CA
>Bar Kochba
>Shabtai (שַׁבְּתַי צְבִי), etc

By aggravating the Jews, we're simply accelerating their inevitable cycle of self-destruction.

Also, arguably, we're supposed to aggravate them, and they're supposed to aggravate us. It's mutually beneficial, sub specie aeternitatis. See Romans 9-11.

Personally I think before any political power can be seized some high profile high level jews need to be taken out. Someone’s got to put a scare into them.

"Jew hating" is just another buzzword that is becoming increasingly ineffective at shutting down any form of debate or discussion. And the harder they work, the more obvious their agenda becomes.

Jews are not smart. They are simply devious. This is why, ultimately, they will fail. The smartest thing they could do is become actual friends with the West, instead of resorting to subversion and underhanded tactics that undermine everything. If they worked as hard at keeping immigrants and refugees out as they do bringing them in, I'd gladly support Israeli expansion in the ME. But not at our expense, of course.

>filthy goyim don’t you see resistance is futile don’t you know hitler was a jew ahaha silly goyim...we win you lose silly goyim we planned it all along! don’t you see we have duped you all along goyim! Haha don’t you see goyim if you hate us we win! Give up goyim....give up ....

>Yes goy, don't oppose us. Just sit their and take it.

Stfu you rat vermin. We exterminated you from Poland and Hungary, we could do it everywhere else too. Your day is coming you demonic abomination.

That is the theory in "The Believer", where jews get off on being despised and once they are love and embraced they will be no longer. The film has gems despite having jew shill moments sprinkled in.

Nice try schlomo


Op, all we have to do to impoverish jews is stop paying lawyers 30 times more than they deserve by simplifying the legal system.

None of it that deep after it all got into to meme continuum. Should have known better what kind of heart was coming in seeing the youth drug shove mess made of. Now that they do know what they don't have there's no way to do them like the wordy right way without hunt hate.