Why does he brag about this so much?
Explain this shit pol, no wait, you can't
Why does he brag about this so much?
Explain this shit pol, no wait, you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
Democrats: Trump is terrible for black people
Trump: I'm not bad for blacks, they are doing good
Democrats: Can't believe Trump brags about how he is still good for blacks.
If any of what the media was saying is true, it would be trending up no?
What policies has he implemented to further progress? Or what Obama holdover policies has he continued?
Seriously tho, wtf happened in 2008? Did Al Sharpton wake up one day and decide that employment was rayciss and tell all the nigs to start boycotting jobs?
He brags about it because he is trying to reverse NeoLiberalism. Be prepared for a Green party victory in 2020 after he finishes demolishing the Democratic party and NeoCons. Prior to LBJ, blacks voted more in favor of Republicans. I think Trump actually wants to help the blacks. He is not the racist that the media portrays.
1) people are saying he fucked it up and hes not doing anything about black people, so he's saying "lol its going down fags"
2) if the trend is going down, why would he touch it? if its not broken don't fix it.
The recession happened, my underage friend.
Heh, NPR was all about this line today. Nothing but wall to wall explaining ahead of time why Trump was going to be wrong about everything he's expected to say tomorrow.
Top fucking kek. I was saying from the start why he was wrong. The lying press wouldn't touch it. All they could see was their shekels and ratings and other numbers. But now, just in time, they still don't explain anything; they just preload their army of useful idiots with the FACT that TRUMP LIED AGAIN.
The Jews at the Federal ReJew had rolled their dot-com bubble into the housing bubble, and then the housing bubble started to blow. So they had to roll that into the dollar bubble with Quantitative Jewing.
>Explain this shit pol, no wait, you can't
Unemployment rate excludes people not even trying to find jobs.
The shills have revised their chart to only portray the first 6 months trump was in office.
Shill harder faggots!
for the same reason he brags about the economy he inherited
its the same cycle over and over you nüSup Forums scrubs
the dems build it up and just as things are doing well the gop gets a shot and take all the credit. the gop tears it down and then blame the incoming dem admin for all the problems they created
all of trumps stupid policies wont blow up till the dems are in office and then watch how hard you all cry and point the blame
i knew all u retards are 5 years old
Gr8 b8
we need to bring it back up somehow
>Seriously tho, wtf happened in 2008
I usually listen to it in the car as long as it doesn't make me want to cause harm to my car.
Because the republican party is supposedly racist and if that were true the chart would be going up.
dot-com bubble predates that. A lot of the deregulation necessary to set up the housing bubble happened under clinton. Bob Rubin, Larry Summers, countless other names from the usual gang of suspects.
bush was such a failure that people like u were programmed to dindu an entire 8 year republican presidency
Republicans love deregulation
It's almost as if the government can't actually control the economy and they should just stay the fuck out of it.
The least valuable employees at many companies were laid off.
People like me? I never voted for the communist mulatto. Neither am I republican.