It's fucking happening

Sara Carter: McCabe asked agents to change witness interviews

It's. Fucking. Happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

The FBI and DoJ is corrupt.

Holy shit, you think user?

once again the world is discovering what Sup Forums has known for years


there is a chance here for mw to regain trust in the gov. they need to make an example of these people, all of them.

Say it ain’t so user


I say we wait another year and revisit this. Getting tired, amirite lads

Why do white Americans trust the Irish niggers again? They are the kikes’ favorite pets.

Yup. At least Hannity gets to push it out to the Boomers with his "Tick Tock" act.

Oy vey

I got a DUI when I was a dumb teenager. That has disqualified me from so much shit for the rest of my life and I never even hurt anyone in any way (and wasn’t even drunk, just underage). These people have literally killed people and harmed millions. I want blood.

Hi there Rabbi. Trying to divide the last remaining whites again, huh?

what a bad day for shills, poor things
my salt stocks are already through the roof

Yes, and their allies will destroy you for making an off color remark to a woman while literally raping each other for a living. fuck them all to death

It's a distraction fom the real news:

I was thinking this same exact thing today, but my scenario.
2 sets of laws and rules
That's total bullshit and seriously 300 million people should refuse to obey laws or refuse taxes with some catchy twatter #phrase.
Like . Why should we

Not that guy but Mick's have worked as kike pets for a long time. They occupy "progressive" cities and help push the "nation of immigrants" narrative. They've also historically been commies. Fuck potato niggers.

don't see a problem with that.


Those who were in disbelief will remember one thing: Sup Forums was right again

Wtf is a 302 a fucking 702. Yah got me shaking.

Sanctions do not work.

Why should they be sanctioned? You realize sanctions are an act of war, right? If Russia responds militarily, it would legally be considered defensive.

And why should they be sanctioned? For helping us bomb ISIS or voting with us on NK in the Security Council?

I could have never guessed, thanks for the rundown, user!

please please finally be here....

Man, North Korea hasn't launch a nuke in a little too long... Tick tock

back to page one with you

Anyone have a link to a video of the actual speech? I'm curious what he said to get that reaction.

302 = Sworn Statement/Affidavit forms most likely.

Why should we sanction Russia?

"Hillary Clinton is so corrupt"

Are we talking interviews for the Clinton investigation or for the Russia bullshit? Both? How badly does this damage the credibility of the FBI? If they pulled this shit once, it's reasonable to suspect they've done it other times too. Goddamn. Huge if true.


The corrupt line

no prob dood liek netime meng

This is all a distraction to discredit Mueller's investigation on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

its pretty annoying desu
i cant stand foxfags or any news source running a piece on a scoop i saw 4 months ago on a fucking Vietnamese candle-dipping forum

Wave goodbye to your pension, Andy!

Hi, Thomas

Unfortunately, he will still get his pension/benefits.

McCabe is still officially an employee, but he is removed from his position, and pretty much told to not come back before his resignation goes into effect.

You had a shit lawyer, that should have been sealed

>one month from that sweet pension

Im completely numb right now. I mean i know its true but I wont believe it until im forced to. Changing an SI is like the worst possible thing you can do. My instructor once said "if you have to do anything wrong, or violate 1001 in anyway, just dont do that."

Im so broken at this point all I can say is big if true.

Wait, so they falsified witness testimony?


At least they're finding out and the truth might break through

the only way to know it's really happening is if it's already over.


Sean Hannity is a Russian agent.
The memo is fake.
Trump is a bot.

It's not falsification when you did it to stop Hitler from becoming president, you moron.

newfag harder

>At least Hannity gets to push it out to the Boomers with his "Tick Tock" act.
top kek, I hate that faggot


Ah yes, McCabe saved millions of women and mexicans.

Can't wait to see what's in the memo. For McCabe to be forced out, there must be some serious shit in it. I'm guessing the rank and file are providing a road map for investigators to find even more crimes. The Dems weaponized the FBI and DOJ, and got sloppy because they were convinced they had the election in the bag. God damn, this Trump victory gets more delicious every fucking day.

Hey at least he was correct about today being big. He’s more right than people give him credit for.

But he likely gets it from Sup Forums.

That was hard to watch. I think Trump really thought he was going to lose at that point.

I've been in love with the woman in the red dress behind Trump since that night...

> Russian interference
You mean Fusion GPS interference?

exactly.. russian interference



>I hate it when the maynestreeem meteor gets hold of MY hard read information
hipster numale faggot kill yourself edgemeister


It's all so tiresome

commodious in the case that is indubitable

it solidified his win for me.

trump took a giant shit all over old money that night

Yeah right. Let me try this: Digits confirm.

five fives. Looks like herman cain is going to come out of the wood work in order to support one more term of Trump

>Trump won't enact sanctions that were created under false pretenses by the previous administration for the purpose of making international relations more difficult
>that's the real scandal

You don't deserve a rope. You get to spend the rest of your life locked up with Barney Frank, protruding nipples and all

This. There were certain moments where the sincere Trump came through, and this was one of them. When that one guy was laughing about "the kid from Queens", something shown in Trump's eyes; barely concealed contempt. It was the same sort of thing he did when Ted Cruz tried to blast him for being a New Yorker, he stopped playing his character and got serious for a moment, that's when I knew he was going to win the Republican ticket.

Well Wray is allegedly considering firing McCabe all together.

It kills me inside when we are right. I wish we were wrong.

>Shill makes one post
>Gets 9 bumps in return
Well done.

I've told everyone about this memo and the general response is "Well maybe they have a good reason to keep Trump out of office!"

Some people are irredeemably stupid.

Maria Bartiromo

He must have been underage to drink but over 18, because you can get a DUI with a BAC of 0.01 if you are underage.

302 is a record of an FBI interview

702 is a masked American citizen in NSA/FISA spying


this moment was amazing. he proved right here that he cared more about the people than the elites.

She gets arrested soon. Check em

Watch out for this FF incoming.

(Larp or no larp, Q warns of this or similar happening in the next few days)

his face tho

So what? It ain't the USSR anymore McCarthy!

bro, it's a monospace font... all the characters are equally spaced.

Sanctions are an act of war. Why are you a warmonger?

as if his corruption wasn't evident when he basically suggested HRC wouldn't be charged

this is fucking threater being played out again... something is probably being buried right now

catholics and jews are bad news


Good Luck Little Duck

Yes, I'm sure it says King Nigg instead.

Please tell me what a misdemeanor disqualified you from.



If they Julius Caesar him they’re getting Octavianed

I wonder how true this is

That wouldn't even disqualify you from a clearance, unless you're a shitbag who has constantly been in trouble with the law since then. Or you're still a fucking teenager and it was recent