Im gonna watch the Matrix so I can *fully* understand the red pill reference. Is there anything I should know about this movie before diving in?
I'm about to watch The Matrix
kill urself
Is is highly overrated and has too many zoastraincumjudaismcumcristianity references. Drink for each one.
yes, the sound balancing is atrocious. All the lines are practically whispered and all the sound effects are cranked up to 100. Best to watch with subtitles
it's fucking awesome, enjoy the ride.
>has too many zoastraincumjudaismcumcristianity references.
The real red pill is understanding A.I
>drink for each one
Already drunk so..
This, but it's a really good flick.
The entire movie is about gender dysphoria and what it feels like to be transsexual.
Im not even memeing you.
Also the other movies are pretty awful.
Keanu Reeves is /ourguy/
its udmb a sfuck and was literally made by a pair of jewish tranny twins
It's a good movie, nothing more. Don't take it seriously. Avoid the sequels.
Made by trannies! Overrated af!
The Directors were brothers when they made this movie. They are now sisters. There's your red pill
The prequel animation is worth a watch.
Otherwise sentinels are qts. And it's a good film.
The picture it paints of evil is the most accurate I've ever seen.
Movie rules. Only way it could have been better is if the wachowski brothers went with any other aesthetic other than early 90s leather bsdm clowns
Hes happa, can not qualify for /ourguy/
Fuck off Schlomo. Slide thread.
>Is there anything I should know about this movie before diving in?
Yes: it's just a movie. Also it's pretty entertaining but shallow brainlet-tier. Also the sequels are hilarious garbage, watch them at your own risk.
go back to
Wtf lol
FPBP. Fourth post best post.
I feel like I should watch this on acid or something
Tldr: World isn't what it seems, some choose to stay blissfully ignorant, some choose to resist, some people are NPCs, and some are never given the choice.
wasn't he fucking a tranny?
The first one is ok but the sequels are sorta garbage.
Also realize that the red pill didn't do anything. He never left the matrix. He just went into a deeper level. The real red pill is that there is no escape. The pills don't actually matter.
Watch the Animatrix after. Specifically The Second Renaissance Part 1&2
Lol hes for real...
watch social experiment lain instead
he never fucked your mom
Serial Experiments: Lain
then you have to read Alice in wonderland so you can truly fully understand
eh its ok nothing spectacular, people lost their shit over the effects and crap through early 2000s. Honestly just watch a clint eastwood directed movie, they're more directly redpilled about stuff.
Gran torino is the ideal Sup Forums movie.
i still call her dad
It is filled with references to the abrahamic traditions which plagerised zoroastrianism/
Watching this movie to understand the redpill is as necessary as reading jack and the beanstalk to understand not killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Taking the redpill simply means realizing you inhabited a false reality constructed for you by people who wish to control you. I just saved you an hour or so of your life.
The acting is nearly the worst you will ever see in a movie.
I'm not wrong
that too
>Gnosticism is Christianity
lol no. It's Descartes, Derrida, and shit tier dualist mysticism packed into an action movie.
People read way too much into it, try reading the fucking books of the above, although Postmodernism is literally shit and everything wrong with le current year.
There is no spoon.
>Millennial BTFO
>He never left the matrix. He just went into a deeper level. The real red pill is that there is no escape. The pills don't actually matter.
That doesn't mean it isn't possible to leave the Matrix
Or just watch the animatic and never ever watch the trilogy.
OP, you should definitely kill yourself.
how will he watch it if he does that? Oh yeah...DMT!
What picture is that?
still can't believe larry cucked my boy buck angel
Yeah, that movie sucks.
Underrated brilliant flick. Total RP for men on how to fuck up your lives over pussy.
That's the whole point. You never leave the matrix. You can't defeat the machine. There is no happy ending. You only get to choose whether you struggle or not. The only reason they "leave" the outer layer of the matrix is because they are allowed to. Never is the machine not in absolute control.
What the actual fuck ??
Sounds accurate. I'm actually not gonna watch it now kek
millenials only take this book out of context because of disney
that dude on the right was in some movie, he looks familiar, like he was in a movie, which movie was it
t. defeated black pill faggot
Don't bother watching the sequels.
That it is homogenous, baked into society, and materially unrecognizable to the unwashed masses.
>Is there anything I should know about this movie before diving in?
It wasn't written by the Wachowskis.
get the fucking games they are pretty damn good, even being from 2005.
That people just go about their business with their petty concerns until they're faced with discomforting truths that threaten their worldview. At this point, they become agents of the system and the programming that enslaves them, in obedience of which they attempt to eliminate the source of incongruence, instead of going through the painful transformation that would allow them to integrate the new input into their worldview, with personal if not (immediate) social gain. The idea itself is simple, the narrative representation, not so much.
It was an alegory on the absurdity of recent mathematical developments of Carol's era.
>t. mathmatician
Not sure. I looked at IMDB & thee isn't any movies listed that either of them acted in
Read about Plato's cave allegory.
You now understand the Red Pill without having to subject your mind to Hollywood degeneracy.
>The pills don't actually matter.
There is no pill
>Is there anything I should know about this movie before diving in?
Yeah, don't watch the sequels, they are shit, and damage control.
Who hasn't seen the fucking matrix? How young are you? MODS
Kek. The Plato cave allegory was presented in my philosophy class as a metaphor for white patriarchal oppression
Ah, good synopsis of evil.
>the brothers who made the matrix are ladies now!
Everyone but the humans are Jews, even the oracle (she's Ben Shapiro)
I watched it at a very young age multiple times throughout my life. It eventually taught me that there are rules. To life, society, whatever, but there are rules. Some can be bent, and others can be broken. I stopped letting people tell me what to do with my life, but in a way that more applies to choosing my battles. Sometimes you have to play to get what you want. Sometimes you can cheat. It sets you free.
How did they manage that when the sun represents the forms?
Very accurate if you think of Snowden, Assange and historical figures who went beyond.
kek gay!
True, its hard to know what to believe though. Cant tell if you're being tricked . Only reason I ever took a redpill is because it was forced down my throat.
You develop an intuition for it, with time. It won't be perfect, but good enough to guide decisions.
they got force-fed blue pills until they grew tits. It was the only option left.
The real redpill is that both the humans and the machines are the untermench and that Smith alone is ascendant
Yea, im grateful for it. Gn user.
Just watch the first one, before the directors became sisters. I was disappointed with reloaded and revolutions, first one was great.
super weird, he looks familiar
It is flavored of judaism and is not the way real life really works.
>tfw you smithpost and get repeating identical numbers
By misrepresenting everything Platonism is about of course.
The only 'leaving the matix' really would be reaching base reality, which is just a system like the matrix that nobody has control over. Better to live in simulations. However, human suffering etc etc are very real and creating a correctly balanced simulation is important.
This is true, however there are still better and worse matrixes. The truth of it really is shown in the second one, with the architect scene. Every single screen is an instance of the matrix. When Neo is shouting about his free will, he really is, the camera doesn't follow him because he's just another normie neo who fell into bluepill land. We follow the one version of neo who reacts to everything in ways the matrix cannot predict and cannot account for.
Also if you really think about Morpheus's motives its clear he just got blue-pilled by the redpill. He fully believes in taking down the machines etc etc. Neo knows that the "red pill" is just a different matrix designed for all the revolutionary types, those who understand the idea of sacrificing themselves for a greater good. Neo only wants the truth, Morpheus gets sucked in though.
Basically life is pretty pointless (why can I see shit then tho?)
>is not the way real life really works
I'm pretty sure the Matrix isn't meant to be non-fiction.
what the fuck is happening? on a serious note what is going on with western men?
this is actually true. It also links in with some ancient philosophy. Basically, Neo is One, Smith is a 'dead computer program' and so Zero. Neo and Smith are both the one, and not, they are anomalies in the matrix. The oracle is the 'mother' (smith even calls her mom) and the architect is the father. Neither neo or smith have any power on their own, its only when they interact that things change. Think about these things.
No idea. Normally I'd say it was a fluke with one of them. But BOTH of them decide they want to be chicks with dicks? Something is up with that. Maybe the other brother lost a bet or something.
That happened years after the trilogy was completed. Hollywood types are always degenerates. The sequels do have good points in them as well though, like Reloaded is about controlled opposition with the Oracle and the need to think critically even with sources of information you trust. Revolutions isn't as pleasant to watch, but it's mostly to finish the story itself. Also, Smith goes crazy when he's without a purpose. People need meaning or they'll want to tear everything western civilization has built down. Leftists have nothing inside of them, so naturally they're destructive.
Switch was supposed to be a woman in the matrix and a man in the real world.
This was cut out.
Theres a lot of small details in the beginning. Morpheus is not wise as he seems. Impermenance is impirtant to the story, consider what if Neo had taken the other pill. Dispite what these jerks are saying, the 2nd and third movies are worth watching.(but still not as good)