Reddit is really mad right now. This isn't good
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weird how we were just talking about obama's failure to enforce the law with daca and dude weeds and reddit had no thought it was traitorous to not enforce the law when he did it
Fucking this. The memo is a distraction from this blatant treason. Trump deserves to be hanged
>leftists foaming at the mouth to protect the constitution
Trump is already hung
Russia is literally on its metaphorical economic knees, we have punished them with sanctions so fucking much they’d might as well rename their country to North Korea.... don’t they realize doing further would cripple their people and variably kill someone as a result?
March of the fedoras when?
What’s wrong with Russia again? I don’t understand why we need a nuclear war right now
I see "Constitutional Crisis" is the new buzzword. I guess that's the angle ZOG is taking to meme their second attempt at Purple Revolution
>this isn't good
Reddit is always mad becuase the website is owned by leftist shitheads and the subreddits are owned by leftist shitheads.
They're looking for anything to be huffy about becuase they're getting fucking CRUSHED right now. So, this thing that Trump did....which is perfectly and 100% legal and the story.
well yeah, that's the goal, they hate russians and want them dead. genocide is quite literally their endgame.
Please outline EXACTLY why this is "Treason". Be specific.
God they're so fucking cringey.
while they sit their fat asses on reddit without actually doing anything except circle jerking
Go suck a black benis faggot.
you're talking to a bot
>Oh no Reddit
Remember that one time the American people got to vote on how we would handle international affairs and matters of diplomacy?
Sounds OK to me.
>muh constitutional crisis
This is a great time to remind our newfriends about how insanely unoriginal the left is with their accusations.
You see, we were legitimately facing a potential constitutional crisis if Hillary were actually elected, as she would then have the job to prosecute herself breaking the law. There was a very big concern of our institution breaking down or a legitimate military intervention as certain higher officials try to figure out what the correct response is to a president failing to properly prosecute themself to the letter of the law.
So of course here we are with something not even close to a constitutional crisis (we still lack any proof whatsoever of this Russian interference into the 2016 election), yet the left still deem it an appropriate time to reuse said phrase.
Their fear of allowing the enemy to have any legal weapon has led to them trying to coopt them all, which is great for exposing their general manipulation and dishonestly.
Plus most of them are spoiled brats who have no idea how to handle not getting their way. They are much liek a child in a store screaming and crying because mommy didn't get them a hotwheels car.
underated post
>caring what leddit thinks
What the fuck is a constitutional crisis? I've heard this so many times from the left. The fuck does it even mean? Why the fuck would our constitution be in crisis?
For what
Bunch if faggots buying it Reddit Gold. Such predictable homos
Did anyone ever call obamas unconstitutional executive orders a constitutional crisis?
Ahahahha this is such a weak ploy to discredit the Memo. Your goose is cooked.
How can you tell? Just the general fuckwit content?
Because they colluded and hacked the election. With memes on bot accounts, 4 to 1 in Hillary's favour.
Which will soon be disproved with the release of the memo.
They are trying to cover their tracks, but are failing at it. They thought now a good time to rededicate the term when it hasn't even been a full 2 years since the last time a constitutional crisis was an impending issue.
"constitutional crisis" is now leftspeak for "Trump did something I didn't like"
wow I wish I could down vote cheeto face in real life!
Open bob
these are all just like bots right?
Hurr durr buy gold
It's orgasmic.
you deserve to be completely ignored,all this faggoty hand wringing has no basis in fact or reason.its a non story.
congress cant do SHIT!
anyone who hasn't been through both phases before, remember this.
why is the zog so butthurt about russia when chabad is so integrated in Russia's power structure
It means the constitution is in crisis so we need to impeach
Not even CNN is saying that this is illegal
>There was a very big concern of our institution breaking down or a legitimate military intervention as certain higher officials try to figure out what the correct response is to a president failing to properly prosecute themself to the letter of the law.
Impeachment you fucker. That's why our system is to beautiful. Checks and balances. If a president does not prosecute himself/herself, the Congress can always impeach the president and remove them from office, thus opening the gates for public prosecution of the (now ex) president.
Isn't this exactly the same as every administration not declaring jerusalem the capital of israel after it had been voted on by the house?
I'm sorry. Gab sucks monkey balls. No clue how it's interface works.
See >158491697
Why is suddenly everyone in the Governments shit and so adamant about it? I distinctly remember this kind of tall at all being for "tinfoil hat wearers," now that Trump is the head of our executive branch everyone suddenly has an opinion. Where were these people when Obama and G.W. Bush were stripping our rights? How up in arms were these faggots for the Patriot Act?
>make an analytical and technical declaration that something is "blatant treason"
>literally advocate for the murder of the president in the same breath
oh, (((you)))
georgie boy
Never forget why they do what they were programmed to do.
that’s the game now, just turn it around on them with references to their tinfoil
These people are sheep. They will ignore actual corruption because their upvote bots tell them something innocuous is the end of the world.
it's different now because drumpf is hitler
This this this. Scary times bros. Trump is fascist and its unarguable any longer.
I can't believe there are people who unironically believe the muh Russia stuff.
>Putin is now in full control of the Whitehouse.
Just. Who thinks like this
Terry put it best. Herd of nigger cattle
Said sanctions could be actually considered an act of war, and Russia could do a preemptive nuclear strike with justification.
Reddit is like our collective ex girlfriend, or the girl we want but have never had a girlfriend and she's to good for us awkward selves.
Most came from Reddit, maybe after exploring with that slut digg. The others never went to Reddit and only know the stories but secretly desire the qualities Reddit has.
Either way, we can't shut the fuck up about the bitch.
Leftists didn't seem to care when Obama ignored DOMA.
Presidents have not been doing their job of locking down the Mexican border and deporting illegal beaners for decades. The laws are on the books, but nothing happens. I don't see them complaining about that.
They were fine when the last 5 presidents ignored immigration law that was passed by both houses and signed by the president. Why the change of heart?
nah you're just 1post retarded
Why do these fucking liberal assholes want to hurt russians so badly? Sanctions would hurt poor russians and for what reason? For the group that supposedly love the poor these fags sure will throw them under the bus if it serves their goal.
People will literally die because of sanctions.
>one post by this id
you know i really think this is the real point to make from all of this.....
the left pushing fake news that actually makes it into law by kike controlled congress and trump calls truth out on it as fucking fake.
leftists pushing for animosity with russia,who under trump could become a possible real ally.enough so to start pushing china to the back of the bus where they belong but nah jews and the left want nuclear holocaust.
russia can determine their internal politics for themselves,we need to do the same and not worry what they do with ukraine while jews have thrown open the world to fucki ng isis.we need to build the wall and clean house,ann coulter is 100% right.
If they don't like it, they can impeach him. Or they can vote to deprive the Executive branch of all funds.
But, oh gee, they lost the election and don't have the votes.
>writes in bold "The time for being polite has ended."
The drama.
Why do these people want impoverished Russians to suffer more. Why are they so cruel?
Reddit, land of the astroturff so thick you could cover all of the stadiums in north america, with enough left over for the little league.
You faggots have this all wrong. We WANT them to start shit. It's the only way we can take them out in plausible self defense. We might never have this kind of initiative again. Texas will turn blue and we'll never have a Republican president fighting on our side. Provoking them now is the perfect use of this, perhaps our final, real initiative. PUSH THIS SHIT HARD WITH YOUR SOCK ACCOUNTS WE NEED MORAL AUTHORITY
Hang on, the law doesn't even require the sanctions, it just gives the state department the authority to pass them.
It's surprising.
Hating Putin is one thing, but any sanction won't hurt him at all, nor will it make the people vote him out (they'll probably rally around him).
They’re Jews, Jews hate the Russians.
Shut up shill faggot
Yep. It's a framework to impose them if russia pisses us off. Not mandating it be done.
it's like they forgot obama directed DEA not to go after weed users. Where was the outrage then
It's almost funny that we're all calling for a civil war. They look at the right and talk about (((russian))) influence, and want to eradicate the GOP. We look at the left and talk about (((jewish))) influence and want to eradicate the DNC.
We're right, of course, but it's still funny.
someone give her a manson smiley(swastika) on her forehead and delete her eyebrows,really curious to see results.
where do these faggots find the gall to talk about the constitution
> were going to start a ciil war?
Fucking do it you commiecuck faggot pussies
We will defend Trump and our White Brothers and Sisters.
Fuck you leftist cucks
This country will become a white traditional nation once again.
All if fair in war.
Liberals cheering for sanctions. I've seen everything now.
Hello Ivan! Say hi to Shlomo and Shareblue for us!
Sup Forums is not manipulated.
Sup Forums manipulates
Everyone who tries to manipulate this beautiful ocean of piss for their own ends is a nigger.
top kek.
What exactly would be our grounds for ANY sanctions on Russia? I just don’t see it. Seems like a good way to stir up needless shit just because the dregs of our country have a sad.
I now want IRL steam achievements to be a thing, only because it would be funny and break up my monotonous sad excuse of a life.
>Congratulations, you have consumed 1/1000000000 breakfasts! You have earned one (1) Life Point!
>this is a constritutional crissis
Yet in the same breath, these people will probably hound about how oppressed racial minorities are in the US and how the state needs to feed and cloth them.
Fucking why?
You know what else the news doesn't talk about the law in question? That the first section is not about russia, but Iran. Fucking kikes.
He's not wrong.
People who have been taught to idolize all the good people in history, being told that they are living in incredible historic times and behaving as though the books will write about them in a way for future generations to revere them in the same way they revere shit that they couldnt even begin to understand the full context of. Calling them larping faggots is inaccurate. They're literally deluded into thinking they're somehow the heroes of the current times, and so they behave overly dramatically as to give a picture of integrity or some shit. Bottom line is they're retards that lack any form of critical thought.
It wasn't just DACA: