Cursing is degenerate

Cursing is degenerate


fuck you


nigger faggot


Ironic the religious stream vulgarity nonstop.

I agree, almost makes me dislike a person as much as them being a slut or tattooed.


Tit dimples

I'm not wrong. You foul-mouthed demons resort to the lowest denominator of speech. Why is the the profane associated with alcohol, frat bros and heavily frowned upon on national TV?

While that is true in real life, the internet is not a safe space confined to moral standards sweetie.

Excessive use denotes a weak mind & weaker vocabulary.
But there's absolutely nothing wrong with it being used sparingly conversationally. You fucking stuck up cunt.

It's almost as degenerate as alcohol.
Not saying there should be a safe space. I'm saying you deserve ridicule if you curse like the filthy pirate you are.

It fucking is not.

Profanity isn’t forbidden in the Bible. Only taking God’s name in vain.

Profane words have been defined by society.

Saying “dang” when you stub your foot is no different than saying “damn.” The meaning and intention behind each is the same.

>The meaning and intention behind each is the same
Word substitution implies it's the actual word itself that is somehow evil or degenerate, when it's the intention behind its use.

>There's nothing wrong with using words that have been associated with vulgar people
Curse like a pirate, get treated like one.

No it fucking isn't you shit eating, piss drinking faggot of turd infested, crap smelling cunt.

>Curse like a pirate
Is this really how you call it in us? You guys literaly think that only pirates cursed or something?

>guilt by association
>language is as bad as high seas piracy
brainlet detected.

Oh shit my bad

So you would rather prefer the alternative where people curse every chance they get? How do you expect to have rational discourse? I made an extension that censors bad words into stars specifically for Sup Forums. The quality of speech is so much better and for a good reason. It's because bad words kill intelligent conversation.

Yes OP, yes it is.

The phrase " curse like a pirate" is of course a vestige of degeneracy. Something your mind can't seem to comprehend

>prefer the alternative where people curse every chance they get?
Yeah, not like there's a fucking middle ground where you only use it where appropriate or anything.

>I made an extension that censors bad words into stars specifically for Sup Forums
Also, good god man, how do you deal with the naughty pictures?

Yes you are right there is a middle ground. Here's where you're wrong: people don't use the middle ground.
