Since you buckaroo buddies are in competition for most euphoric fanbase on the internet I will make this as clear as possible.
Since you buckaroo buddies are in competition for most euphoric fanbase on the internet I will make this as clear as possible.
Other urls found in this thread:
I will personally look for him on The Day of the Rope
I want atrocities. Our enemies deserve them.
I'm glad people are realizing that this old boomer is a huge hypocrite.
I've tried to rationally discuss issues with Peterson with his fanboys, and they're too brainwashed to listen to any criticism no matter how its presented. He isn't an ideological beacon, he isn't a champion of western values, hes a cult leader.
He's Canadian. He literally can't go race realist and JQ-aware without getting arrested. He's doing it for his own safety.
He gets a bajillion dollars of his patron and carpet scams, he should just move to the US
He isn't, thats flat out delusional excuse making.
It isn't just that Peterson skirts around certain ideas, its that he openly attacks identitarianism unprovoked, he attacks the concept of nationalism unprovoked.
Hes pushing an agenda, not just covering his own ass.
I will only believe this if he reveals his power level before any form of Happening
He is a gate keeper that prevents white kids who feel like they have been abandoned by society and no future from taking the natsoc pill.
Any man who would deny his total faith in god is a faggot.
I use to feel like this. Like he was fully aware of the jq, but honestly after time I really don't think so anymore and that he is just a well spoken classical liberal. Useful but not what we need anymore
Ethno Nationalism for Caucasians is only for Europe, North Africa, Middle East, and South Asia. It's pretty dumb to do it in North America or Australia as a whole, unless you just fuck off and create a little ethno state in the midwest.
>he wants to turn a nation that has around 150,000,000 people of all different races into an ethno nation, not to mention that the other 180,000,000 of caucasians are all multi ethnicity anyway
Sup Forums is the new alt left. this is inarguable.
>Market yourself as a truth teller
>Make 60k a month
>Live in a place where you can be imprisoned for the truth
>Don’t move to the land of free speech
>Just tell lies instead
>Also buy my merch
Midwestern Reich + Annexes and The 13 Colonies at a minimum.
>but muh Butler plan
We can easily, and should.
did peterstein unironically praise pragmatism?
Meh, I'm willing to cut him some slack because he's a professor, the window is shifting and he's not the leader of that shift, so what?
Why are you using that flag LARPer? You should know damn well that multiculturalism will make any sort of Libertarian state impossible. As we move ever further towards total plurality, as the welfare state grows, individual liberties of all variety are steadily eroded.
America was 80% to 90% white European our entire history as a country until the Hart-Celler act began dramatically changing demographics in 1965. Here you are saying that we could never pass legislation to change demographics back.
Do you realize how easy it is to spot you shills?
>me and a bunch of tiki torch larpers sure will show a 800 year old banking dynasty that owns everything except 3 nations are peice of or mind
Too unorganised.
*...3 nations a peice of our mind
Why wouldn't he, pragmatism is the only epistemological framework that can survive Kant and be more than just an Ideology.
What are you some kind of empiricist? Historical materialist?
Fucking retarded. Who cares what's true and false, what matters is what we can do.
Jews are not a monolith. Each of them is a cannibal waiting for the opportunity, and they cannot see past their noses.
Also that be 10 dollars.
>Shouldn't jettison worthless dead weight that is sinking the shop.
You have to go back.
Blackpill fags are the worst
The rational approach is to assume your enemy is as competent as possible without passing the point that whatever you do you are dancing in their hands.
If that were true - that he's just biting his tongue to avoid wrongthink - then he wouldn't also be actively crusading against people who DO have the courage to speak about this stuff.
Wwhy pol is piss
I believe it was in his first podcast with Sam Harris. Regardless he uses it to redefine what is true as what is pragmatic and uses that to say God existing is true.
ITT: Men who didn't make their beds this morning
Hes not blackpilled, hes a fucking kike LARPer.
He must be spared so he can see the error of his ways.
The whole world except like 3 nations is owned by the Rothschild Dynasty/City of London™. A crypto shadow post-empire (used to be Brit Empire) that even both America and North Korea have been a colony of since the different times of the mid 20th century. They own all of your govornments and your intelligence serivces, diirectly and indirectly depending on how many floors you take a look up.
If you want peoiple to 'wake up' then you need to recruit as many as possible and stop looking at blacks, jews, and asians as your enemy for the time being. Focus on exposing the evil, and the billionaires and polititians who work for them. Not race war larping where you start pulling kike NYC cabbies out of their vehicles and mauling them to death thinking they're part of some kind of conspiracy.
His entire worldview, the very center of everything he preaches, all his greatest fears in all, the sum total of his existence centers around MUH HOLOCAUST
You think someone this committed to the lie would ever change?
We'll just have to send him into Hell to find out.
Do you really think we are unaware of the fucking Rothschilds?
>it's not the kikes!
t. kike
>strawmanning JBP
He never said it is ok for Blacks, Jews or other to be collectivist. He condemned collectivism of any form.
Not true in the slightest.
When questioned about the massive over representation of Jews in media, finance, and politics Peterson responded by saying
Peterson doesn't just skirt around the issues to avoid getting in trouble with Canadian law. He active obfuscates truth. He argues in bad faith and lies constantly.
He's 100% perfectly fine with Jewish collectivism.
Its only whites taking their own side that he has an issue with. Every single person who defends him is brainwashed.
Yet he only explicitly calls out white nationalists and hasn't said jack shit to call out jews in the media/politics/etc right now on their ethno-collectivism. Nor has he called out israel for their shit.
The "I reject collectivism in all peoples!" is a fucking cover-your-ass statement that these people give out when confronted with their tunnel vision. None of this is ever levied toward anyone else but us in all seriousness.
His condemning of collectivism is half-assed in every direction except towards white people.
Blacks and Jews are mindblowingly collective and he gives them a pass while denouncing individual whites deciding collective action might be necessary
That word doesn't mean what you think it means
Of course I'm against multiculturalism, especially when it's forced or done too quickly. Biggest point is that it's best of you get your nation to wake up state by state, or at least as many as pissoble. You do it in an 'exposure' way. Not 'race realism'. You do that after you take steo by step. Going right towards race realism will make the average normalfag turn away.
But yeah, post the time if you actually acheive this, it would be best for the states to seperate, but I doubt it would be as simple as since some certain state might just want to go fully isolated anyway.
wrong, he is a redpiller that shows people that have known NOTHING but marxist indoctrination that they haven't learned a thing yet. That's the first step to learning anything else.
>hey this kinda right wing dude is taking on left wingers and having an impact on society
>we should attack him for not being far right enough
Nah mate, you're a bit of a dickhead.
Quickly is the only way to overpower brainwashing. People would rather cling to a lie than be led to the truth. The only way you can make people abandon their programming is by revealing the fact that they have been deceived. Then, normies have an easier time opening their eyes, because they no longer self identify with the bullshit, and instead recognize it for a lie forced upon them by outside forces.
Not as a collective involved with the banking dynasty, no. And I'm not saying they should live among non jews anyway. They, like Muslims, should stick to their own.
He doesn't just shy away from the points that actually matter, but actively decries them, and goes out of his way to do so.
Dude, no matter what you do, history shows that races cannot live together in a multicultural society long term.
Why can't people see this? You bringing a bunch of shitskins is only going to cause a race war in the future. You're an asshole to your grandchildren who have to fight in it.
he is the new L Ron Hubbard
>it's all the Rothschilds
Alex pls go
>ITT: shills trying to systematically smear Peterson to remove any opposition from (((society)))
>classic british liberal
>kinda right wing
Oy gevalt fellow goyim!
let's not have standards and denounce people on the right side of the constantly left sliding window
Let's do nothing instead!
Why do leftists and alt righters have the same tactics?
>ad hominem against the speaker or his fans
>le cult meme
>age of the speaker
>"he makes MONEY"
It's just eerily similar how these 2 groups react when they sense that their donation bucks are being sucked out from other them.
this. the level of groupthink is disgusting.
Apparently, either you side with edgy 15yo retards who suck at making memes or you're nigger.
Peterson is literally a leftist. He isn't conservative in anything other than being slightly to the right of other progressives.
He claims to support free speech, but the very first time hes ever really challenged on the issue, he cucks and defends basic bitch Faith Goldy getting thrown off of a free speech panel for simply interviewing someone. The man doesn't practice what he preaches, and if you weren't brainwashed into his cult of personality you'd realize that.
The main claims to stand against post modernism, but he is literally a post modernist. His interpretations of philosophy and literary works is post modernist. This absurdist boomer has the audacity to give a post modernist deconstruction of the bible while telling you brain washed millennial dipshits to buy his personality test.
He isn't a good person by any measure.
True. Best have people follow your ideology than let your enemy take control. Just wish this was done 50-90 years ago. Because it's just only made shit harder. I'm not blackpilled by the way, it's just a shame that this couldn't have been done when things would have been easier.
I presented 4 points of logical inconsistency in his stances.
Try to keep up
His condemnation of collectivism is just for whites. I would love to see him condemn first nations people at the next protest they have at a mine shit or for mistreatment.
>muh horseshoe theory
Back to plebbit, Sargonite.
When does JP endorse the collectivist mindset for ethnic minorities?. The only reason he brings up white collectivism is because he's constantly under attack for endorsing what leftists think is the "slippery slope to Nazism" and therefore he must respond accordingly.
What do you want him to say? "Oh by the way, black people, Asians and Jews shouldn't base their self worth on group identity either"? Comeonnow.png
Race realism and ethnic collectivism are completely different ideas, and him saying jews are above whites in IQ testing is not wrong. Just like Asians are above whites and whites are above blacks. The anti JP shills have been en force for the last week. It's weird af.
It's obvious from his elementary level (long debunked) arguments like "define white" that he hasn't put a lot of thought into the matter.
And why would he? He's a successful man who's very busy thinking about other stuff!
We only know the counter points to those arguments because we've spend 9000 hours debating with shills on here, and we're only on here because we don't have lives or because we were born into the wrong generation where white men are discriminated against or whatever - Jordan Peterson doesn't frequent Sup Forums.
Forgive him for he knows not what he's doing.
>dude hes a leftist cause he doesnt want to associate with people who sucked off white nationalists
That's you chucklecucks.
If we didn't support parasites than race wouldn't matter. You racial nationalist faggots want open borders to whites and a welfare state.
Have restrictive enough immigration and the problems sort themselves out.
You cucks are going to ruin it for us by making us look racist. Civic nationalists are going to harm blacks, Mexicans etc more than you dipshits. What do you think happens s when we cut off welfare and deport all illegals?
What the left calls Nazism is just white collective interests which Peterson believes is wrong.
Well yeah, society/civ/collectively speaking, yes. You can't have have culture clash, even if it was at a slow rate like UK has been having for nearly 80 years.
Ah right that's why Russia had a race war.
Dude we aren't saying existing ethnic countries should have mass immigration, we are just saying the US never had an ethnicity after mass European immigration started.
>not realizing his act leads people directly to Sup Forums
you're fucking dumb
the absolute state of peterson apologists
This 100%. These faggot teenage larpers are ruining everything.
Right and Left wing are subjective definitions.
In todays world he is "kinda right wing" I chose that term knowing full well spergs like you would cry about how he's "technically a liberal".
What good would it do us to make him our enemy? Answer me that?
>I'm going to blindly defend my surrogate internet daddy instead of actually evaluating what he actually says
Peterson is a leftist. Hes a leftist that argues about how scary and evil nationalism is, exactly like the most rabid Antifa faggot.
What he means was that treat everyone equally regardless of race.
Jews being influential in politics and media isn't "individual self worth based on collectivism" you fucking retard. Ask him if he thinks Jews are self made and didn't reach their positions out of nepotism and he'll likely respond with the reasonable assumption that nepotism certainly plays a factor but also Jewish IQ is highest, along with the fact that there are also many poor jews. You are a shill
>we are just saying the US never had an ethnicity after mass European immigration started.
Okay. Let's give it an ethnicity then.
>What do you want him to say? "Oh by the way, black people, Asians and Jews shouldn't base their self worth on group identity either"?
Unironically that. And to acknowledge the dynamics of having a mix of individual and group strategies.
>Race realism and ethnic collectivism are completely different ideas, and him saying jews are above whites in IQ testing is not wrong.
1. None of the studies that have shown Jews are smart were double-blind
2. The studies showed they excelled in verbal IQ more than spatial IQ, which belonged to East Asians and Whites.
3. There are more White geniuses than there are jews in the world
4. A country is not built on verbal skills.
He only attacks whites for acting in their own group interest. He might make blanket statements about being anti-collectivist in general, but he never applies this sort of thinking to criticize blacks or hispanics or jews who act collectively.
Nope, only whites. How is this any different from what everyone else does? I predict the next avenue JBP will go down is the "lol what even is white anyway?" sophistry that all these fags always go down, like clockwork.
First of all.
Fuck you, Washington is my country not the US.
Second, gladly, the ethnicity of Washington will be Hapa.
unless you are white, and then you don't exist anyway so if you do collectivse for common interest it is for something that does not exist.
He's constantly confronted with accusations of marching the alt right towards nazism. What the FUCK else is he going to say you retard.
>collective strategy is always better than individual strategy
wrong. there are plenty of games where the optimal move is to convince others that you will do the same as them, but not. that's individual strategy.
fake and gay
you're both right, he rails against marxism but he has denounced natsoc and identity politics, yes your white and male identity politics, time and time again.
How much are you getting paid?
>Comparing a bunch of Asians with above or equal iq as whites to a bunch of niggers and spics being told every day to hate whitey
Brazil, and SA was consider a multicultural country
>we are just saying the US never had an ethnicity after mass European immigration started.
Founding fathers wanted more Europeans to come so they can form their own race (which they did if you compare White Americans to Europeans in face structure)
He didn't say that.
Most people aren't going to embrace the redpill. I can't fault 90% of the population for not immediately turning into natsocs. However, he does much to purplepill people, which is part of the process of becoming redpill.
You don't actually take the redpill. You become purplepilled, and then slowly you mind wrings out all the blue left.
I wouldn't say "make him our enemy", but I would say we should pressure him into discussion. Many people listen to him, and he would platform us into the ears of the purplepilled.
> Doing epistemology before metaphysics
We shouldn't actively get in his way but we still have a duty to maintain our standards.
If we suck him off then nobody will ever get farther right than him and the game is over.
The "jews are in control of everything because they're so gosh-darn smart!" argument is complete bullshit.
1) Even if they truly do have as high of an IQ as some claim, there are so few jews it wouldn't matter, and they are still FAR over-represented even if you control for intelligence.
2) It's not just about jealousy when asians also have higher IQs and make more money and such in our countries. Yet there isn't "anti-asianism" in the same sense as anti-semitism, with everyone accusing asians of controlling the media/government and pushing subversive cultmarx propaganda on us.
The people who get mad at JBP for not being right-wing enough are the special type of idiot that recognize the world isn't black and white, but passionately and loudly insist that it SHOULD be black and white. They thought JBP was on /theirside/ because he attacked SJWs and feel betrayed that he won't endorse their cause, because they crave validation from perceived authority figures. They're also the kind of moron who believe there's such a thing as an "alt-right" and that it's not an obvious psyop from the MSM and HRC campaign to marginalize all the NORMAL people opposed to the globalist agenda.
And yet people said horseshoe theory is not real.