Can a THOT be reformed? Pic is of Mylie Cyrus from last night's Grammies. If you didn't already know about her past, you might be fooled into thinking she is a nice sweet traditional woman.
The average woman anyone here meets isn't going to have had the press following them around, documenting their behavior. How can one know if a woman is a reformed THOT or even one in disguise?
Slut washing
Other urls found in this thread:
>White men hate her for being a former coal burner
>black people hate her for realizing it was a mistake
No, Miley was never really a thot. it was a Jew ploy to profit off of modern culture and push degeneracy on to the children of America. Miley is a kike puppet, nothing she does is her choice. She does what the studio, agents, choreographers, directors, producers etc say. Women can be changed, just make them realize the fantasy world on the TV that they are obsessed with is 100% fabricated and the women they model themselves after don't even live the degenerate lifestyles they push. It's like that bitch who did that awful Bill Nye song about sex and how monogamy and heterosexuality are boring? She's been in a monogamous marriage with a white guy for like 15 years.
This is what like 90 percent of white women do. Completely go insane and depraved in college and then shape up and get a provider to leech for a couple years before divorcing.
Thank God tattoos don't wash off
This tbqh
If they can be changed, doesn't that mean they can return to being a THOT later?
>hehe, look at how TRADITIONAL i am now!
>don't mind me sucking sweaty jewish cock for the last 15 years! i'm totally changed now!
>yep, look at how i grow out my hair and dye it a natural color, and how i wear dresses! that makes me wife material!
>you see all those women saying "wow, miley's changed!"? they're right, haha! come on boys, don't be shy!
>first come, first serve! which one of you lucky men wants to put a ring on this?
>i'm not a used up 27-year-old whore with no future prospects, and i'm not going to divorce-rape you in court three years from now, i promise!
There should be a quick at home test for the number of foreign dna cells found in a woman's pussy.
>Can a THOT be reformed?
No but they always try to do it. Once a whore, always a whore.
Likely true but how can the average man know if a woman is genuine or simply been scubbed well?
she looks good but we can never forgive her
P much. You can't reform a thot but you can teach her to lie better
>all those tattoos
>all those images of her pissing and with strapons
Anyone older than the age of 11 won't ever be fooled by that shit
> How will you ever know?
Extreme vetting. Specifically, observe her reaction to degeneracy, such as an interracial couple in a movie. If she doesn't make negative comments on her own accord, it's a bad sign. Also, watch out for lies. If she lies to you about small things, you can assume she's not being honest about big things, including the number of guys she's banged.
I think it was a concerted act to erase the public's memories of her being Hannah Montana/indistinguishable from every other bubblegum lab-created weaponized Disney cash cow rather than actual degeneracy
It was the modern woman's life. Ride the cock carousel till their used up, then settle down with a wealthy man to leech off them.
Sadly most women, even with social media attention whoring, don't have as easily discoverable pasts.
The tattoos are a dead giveaway
Damn, she looks respectable now, shame about her vagina though.
This. The whole whorish shtick she had was following Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, who got similar makeovers from the same publicist or manager or whatever
Women will do everything that men let them get away with. They are children, treat them that way.
Have you EVER had sex? Gravity, showering, and menstruation remove all that shit.
>t. creampie
I dated a 26 year old like that. Claimed to be a Catholic virgin that was saving herself for marriage. Finally gave me a bj after a couple of months - and man was she good at it. No teeth. Knew exactly where to work her tongue as she massaged my balls with her hand. Deep throat. Swallowed my entire load without flinching and licked me dry. As she looked up at me with a smile, it was clear she was a liar that had perfected her technique on miles of cock.
I guess that whole genderfluid/pansexual coming out she did last year didn't puff up sales of her albums lolololol
A wrecked car is still a wrecked car no matter how much body work is done to make it look new again.
that's why virginity is so important
So did that make getting head less satisfying, user? While nobody wants a slut who is going to sloot around while claiming to be your one and only, OP making themselves paranoid about every woman they've had's body count like some sperg faggot isn't really the solution to the problem either.
What if I have tattoos?
She'll always have that pug boxers nose.
Never thought she was attractive. Clothes on and off.
Its in the eyes. You can see them subconsciously remembering all the shameful nights of cock sucking in their shell shocked gaze.
this is honestly true, it's like when you look into a dog's eyes and you know it's been beat
>you might be fooled into thinking she is a nice sweet traditional woman.
Bull shit. Her eyes gave 'im ab psycho cunt' written all over them
then you will dangle on the day of the rope
>shows up to an awards show in appropriate attire rather than wearing a skin tight bikini with pictures of cold cuts on it and a set of googly eyes pasted to her asscheeks
only through admitting jesus died for your sins.
Everybody say hello to the roastie.
This is what men do,but of course Sup Forums has double standards.
Chads fuck shitton of sluts before they reach 30,then they find a young,nice wife who they merry and start family with.
But you praise Chads,and try to be like them-but shame women who do the same.
Women are born THOTs. Nothing will change that. What matters is controlling and limiting their THOT behavior. The Jews have broken down all moral, religious, and social barriers in the west so there is no stigma to being THOT. 60 years ago there was a huge stigma for things like divorce and having children out of wedlock. Not anymore.
Men and women are not the same.
>having children out of wedlock
this still exists to a certain degree, single mothers seem to only be able to attract only the most beta guys and single white mothers with a niglet are pretty much forever alone.
>has double standards.
No. Women have different standards because they are completely different from men. Men can fuck around without consequence. Women have a biological clock that is constantly ticking as well as many negative physiological factors that can effect them from being a slut. Sluts do not make good mothers. The same is not true for men.
Chad is bad and so is slut Stacy, but Chad can only be Chad because Stacy is a slut. If women were more monogamous and less slutty then there would be less chads. The whole system is fucked but you don't understand. Neck yourself queer nigger lover.
Fucking hell you lads will soak up anything we give you.
We told you you didn't understand banter like 5 years ago and you went and made it a meme.
Christ almighty.
Swear on me mum haha
are my infographics shit? I need to redpill normies on feminism
I understand quite well,I just wanna see arguments against.
hello roastie
This. I've seen it repeat so often in my own life.
Mainly they become some sort of born again christian. The right wing right now is full of these trad thots. And I'm not even a woman hater or ironybro type, they really are trad thots.
> teehee I was a whore in my teens and early twenties but now I am trad and christian and I want a husbando
You just sort of groan inside, this is what white guys have to put up with desu, I'm about to fucking settle with one. I could have easily gotten an asian gf but I don't want to be a racemixer degenerate. Fuck my life seriously
>single mothers seem to only be able to attract only the most beta guys
I've noticed recently they've been attracting a lot of single fathers and mixing the families. Which to me seems to be the globalist kike wet dream.
this is chad envy at it's finest
>citing RooshV as a credible source for human physiology.
How many times did they kill her and replace her?
oi u cheky cunt ill bash ur fookin ead in wit me mates mohammad and winston just part n parcel of postin on a nepalese toy carving forum
for what it's worth, Kelly Brook was on Loose Women yesterday stating that feminism fucked her life up. She was led to believe she could have a career then family but in her 30s when she wanted a family she miscarried late. What is crazy is the audience and the co hosts had little sympathy for her.
>citing Mr.Thot Patrol himself for evidence against THOTs
>THOT gets mad
My older bro is a single father and he has it pretty hard. People, especially guys, don't want to put up with the mess that is a step-child. So, as he discovered, single mothers are about his only option now. The big difference is single mothers have their kids from being run-around sloots. Most single dads are because their ex-wives were run-around sloots.
didn't he go hiding in his mom's basement, when those mma chicks threatened to beat him up?
Roastie, my ass. I'm a dude. I just thought it was fucked that got his dick sucked seemingly well but resents the bitch just the same since she knew how to suck dick prior to sucking user's dick.
You can't have it both ways you know. You want some good sex, it might be from a woman whose fucked a man or two before she found you.
>All of you fuckers ITT post like you're 23 at the oldest anyway.
If that tech already existed (((they))) would flood the stores with them and rake in the shekles from the demand for robocunts created by the destruction of the nuclear family.
72 times.
RooshV? Idk, I don't pay attention to e-celeb faggots all my life. Only when they bleed into IRL news do I even discover who 95% of them are anyway.
I think she was fucked up way before she found out about feminism.
>If you didn't already know about her past, you might be fooled into thinking she is a nice sweet traditional woman.
You might be fooled just by looking at an airbrushed photo, but spend more than 2 seconds with her in person and you'll see she's dead inside, with a terrible personality to boot
>“I spent so much time on my career and making money that having a family was so left behind and now I’m in my late 30s I wish I’d thought of having children earlier because I feel like now I’m up against it. I’ve got all these amazing things but I haven’t got children.”
Keep scrubbing.
no need for the part n parcel bit brother
thought we was mates
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
>every friend except one has been divorced
>the lone guy married a virgin
>been together since 2003
>have to wonderful kids
watching nearly every friend except the one have their lives ruined was a major redpill about female sexual promiscuity
Ok sperg, keep convincing yourself I am a thot when I am a dude.
I think sluts can be reformed with a lot of work and effort.
Though I don't think anyone who uses the word 'thot' can be reformed.
>Only when they bleed into IRL news do I even discover who 95% of them are anyway.
same here, but that's what happened with the rooshv sandnigger -he planned to launch a string of demonstrations across the land, and then some martial art dykes said they would kick his ass and cancelled everything and hid in his mom's basement.
can't be assed to look it up, but lunz were had.
THOT or beta orbiter, the result is still a pathetic pussy.
Who are you to talk about shaming women, you're using a shooped pic of an already perfect human being
1 or 2 is fine, but ideally, you'd just get good at fucking by being with one person long enough to be open to criticism and feedback. That's probably what he was getting at. More to the point, there ain't anything better in life than slut shaming women in "love" with you. I thrive off this shit. Your complaint ignores that he probably really enjoyed fucking with her head like that
The facts are the facts regardless of the spin and editorial bias.
Once a whore, always a whore
what are the odds! I am also 37 like you, user. I'd say maybe 1/5th of the people I grew up with are still married at all, and on their first marriage. Most are cucked out simp men and eternal leapfrogger bitches always thinking they're but one more divorce away from an even handsomer/richer man.
Chances are your friends then-virgin wife would be just as bad as the rest of them if she happened to get a taste for more dick. Not deprecating his good fortune, just that its not as magical as you'd wish it to be.
Being married for a year and a half to a closet psychopath/crypto SJW-neofundamentalist bitch was my final female redpill
>be me
>meet girl
>get engaged
>tie knot
>want kids/make no secret of this/wife agrees
>fuck wife raw for >12 months
>Mrs. user "oh.....doctors say I'd have slim odds of carrying baby to term"
>Mrs. user "If I can't have kids, you should be cool with that"
>sweet traditional woman.
das a shop bræh
and shes engaged!?!
Shes still anti-Trump and a fucking libtard.
Fuck her, hope she dies in a fire.
>Chances are your friends then-virgin wife would be just as bad as the rest of them if she happened to get a taste for more dick. Not deprecating his good fortune, just that its not as magical as you'd wish it to be.
I'm sure you're right. He kept a tight leash on her. She has become your stereotypical June Cleaver because of his guidance.
Typical sandnigger patterns: they're all bark and no bite. They always go around talking shit and acting tough but if you call one out to square up for a fight they turn bitch and run away
what's funny though that it's more tasteful than the actual porn of her
Apparently you don't follow leaks bræh
Her Jew handlers are just rebranding her to better appeal to the market as broad ideological shifts lead to a more conservative market.
It is basic business manipulation. Ignore her.
lol true
see pic related
Also I'm pretty sure she's on coke in op's pic
>This is what men do,but of course Sup Forums has double standards.
>Chads fuck shitton of sluts before they reach 30
We don't advocate or promote degeneracy new friend, this is a Christian board of decent well put people, even the attractive one amongst us know better than play Russian pussy hole roulette with their cocks.
We know the complications of stds and unwanted children out of wedlock.
Now you go back to whatever liberal hell hole you once came out of and tell your pink haired queers and gender fluid frieds their time is up, the day of the rope is here, tell them to repent and turn to Jesus before is too late and by too late I mean we catch them in the middle of the night and hang them by a tree.
Go on now...
Y-you broke up with a woman because she was infertile?
This is my greatest fear. I pray every day for children
A key that opens many locks is a master key
A lock opened by many keys is simply a doorknob
I misinterpreted it then. I thought he was feeling totally robbed and his life was flip turned upside down because he got a really good BJ from his good wholesome Catholic girl. user, I am a Catholic dude, I didn't go to private school but holy shit when you vilify something and make it sound like the most terrible and taboo thing ever (premarital sex) to you faithful, guess what they want to check out the most and as soon as possible, in every freaky-deaky way they can imagine?? You guessed it
that may have worked in the pre-internet age but we now have instant access to her previous behavior, she's done