Alternative Living Thread

>not living in a cave

Why should I (((finance))) a $300,000 house on a small plot when I can buy hundreds of acres for the same price?

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I always wanted to live in a cave. There’s a few comfy ones around

anyone here got the screencaps from /k/ of someone who bought an old nuclear bunker and renovated it?

Here's another example. I wouldn't live in one of these but it would suffice as I built my log cabin. Even if you're lazy, you can just pay the Amish to do it.

There is no reason NOT to buy land.

Buy a small house out right somewhere cheap but mostly white. Rent it out to someone with a cheap monthly payment but big upfront cost. Live in a tent camping around national parks.

The interior.

I live in a 20ft shipping container on a 20acre block. It came with a screen door and window. It's pretty cosey desu. Enough space for "bedroom living".
If you're in a cold climate, probably won't do. But, works well as temp living while you're getting shit built.

Building a log cabin with simple hand tools (Finland, 1980s):

The SAME cabin still stands today:

The truth about log cabins:

Just buy land with trees and there is your house ready-to-be-made.

>no battlestation

Has anyone ever thought about living inside a repurposed oil tanker?

Obviously would have to be steam cleaned or bought new but from what I hear those things are up to .5 inch thick steel in some places.

Part of me loves the Idea of buying or getting an Old airplane and living in that but everyone just laughs at me and says cant be done.

can it be done? Couldn't you just buy land somewhere and have that to yourself for w/e you may build or are there bullshit restrictions to that because if not then yea Id do it, the only thing id imagine you'd have to worry about is vandalism & security

I live in a small house in a rural area surrounded by jungle. I could not imagine living in a cave.

Been wondering at work what it would be like converting one of our wine tanks into a house,. They come already insulated outside by a 2 inch thick sleeve of Styrofoam, it would just need some proper insulation and sound dampener on the inside. The bigger tanks that hold a quarter of a million litres could easily fit 3 stories built into them so there would be room to move.

god dawmnit i just got bit by one of those biting asian lady bugs FUCK

btw I live in a concrete dome home sorta like a cave floors are always cold ladybugs everywhere FUCK

Also instead of installing an AC they have a brine jacket to cool the walls of the tank down, just need a crappy little pump to keep the brine circulating.

Building shelter without tools:

Pic related, it came out nice for 1 day's work.

Are those your wine tanks?

Those structures have been standing for a long time, btw.

Half acre and 3 bedroom trailer w/ tall fence around it in the rural south = $12,000. Now I only work 2 days a week. Installed swimming pool, greenhouse and vegetable garden. Rent is for suckers!

No, they are the companies. AFAIK getting one of those big ones are roughly $10,000 each for the metal and fabrication.

I have like 2000 dollars to my name. I can't afford shit. If I can get a new job and ditch my current shit-tier job I would buy land and build something on it. DESU I'd llove to live in the mountains

>Against code
>Land tax
>Code enforcement uses drones and sat footage to find your hidden homes

My uncle had 50 acres and a TINY camper in the middle of his land. Code got wind of it and spent an entire day tresspassing to get to him and take a photo.

County fined him every day he was there because.... NO SEPTIC SYSTEM

they took the fucking land. YOU ARE ALL FUCKED

Excellent. I hate how they demonize trailers. Unless you get a loan for a 5 bedroom house then you are trailer trash, they claim. No you're just practical, and free.

Varg Vikernes has 7 children and his house is tiny. Everyone in the same bedroom. So what do the children do? They play outside.

I'm not even arguing against building a nice house one day... but the housing crisis was a result of people living outside their means.

But what if they fill it with wine while you're sleeping, user?


Problem solved.


That would be a dream come true

Drink like a fish and have a little fun before drowning because you don't float in the stuff. If it's taking a while to fill up to your head level you'll probably pass out from Co2 poisoning anyway.

that's the problem - the county inspectors have say in everything htat you do. There's zoning code compliance, and then the fees and additional taxes that you'll pay. I hate hate hate that shit

Not to tinyhouse shill, but you can put a house on a trailer or the back of a derelict car and avoid that situation. It is no longer a house, it is a vehicle.

>Varg Vikernes has 7 children and his house is tiny. Everyone in the same bedroom

A true model for all of us to aspire towards.

Bumping with an aesthetic A-Frame before bed.

You can build your own house, Sup Forums.

so comfy

log cabins are amazing they last for centuries if you take care of them.

we should really move back to soild stone foundations and buildings and even log cabin construction...could you build tall buildings with logs? or even cord wood construction

youd have an easier time with a shipping container

Caves have bugs

Well it's better than your 'die alone as a 400 lb virgin model' tbqh

That sounds like a steal. What state if you don’t mind me asking?

This concerns me. My personal plan is a trailer and heading out west to get land out in the desert in nevada or similar. How worried do I have to be about the law?

I always wanted to live in a cave, like Batman

How much do they cost just to buy and set up?

Is that what you have? If so fucking right on!You hunt hogs?

>Excellent. I hate how they demonize trailers. Unless you get a loan for a 5 bedroom house then you are trailer trash, they claim. No you're just practical, and free.

Just useful idiots controlled by (((YOU KNOW WHO)))

No idea what it would cost for the styro insulation and the thin white sheet metal installed on top though.

reptilians dwell in the underground cave systems if the earth, along with Nordic aliens and the various intelligence agencies

don't ever go too deep into a cave for living or otherwise, this is NOT a joke

How much does it cost to erect them? Not laughing at erection

Also for storing that much liquid they are usually sat on top of a 1ft high concrete riser the same diameter and bolted to them with 4 secure points, some of these tanks are 12 metres high and 4 metres wide so that's a fuckload of concrete. Would be awesome to have one half submerged underground.

You would have to ask a local crane company, no idea on that one. They ship the big tanks in a few at a time from the fabricators on these weird low bed truck trailers that barely sit a few inches off the ground and thus sit at extremely low speeds on the highway, so then there's permits, police escorts and all the other bullshit on restricting traffic for the journey.

Nothing is ever fucking easy is it?

i want it. one day i'll do it. I can't live in an apartment. There are times when I want to scream and sing and run around and the normies will look at me funny if I do.
fuckin normies i swear




It'd be a stretch. But I'd manage somehow. Probably wouldn't even care about it for a few years. Just camping out I guess.

build dirt cheap in northern climates? cordwood is the way to go. use a lime based mortar and make them walls thick.
i'm preparing to build such a house in a couple of years

A-frames are really cool.
I also like metal Quonset huts.

I am about to purchase a long narrow strip of land, so I have been looking into cheap long and narrow buildings.

The other options are probably the usual converted shipping containers, although they have kind of lost their appeal to me, or a prefab Adirondack-style cabin.

i think i'll start out living in my car a bit and see how that goes

thanks for the thread babes im going
now haha

I live in pic related

The more I post about it, the more I remember how much shit it takes to actually get one installed, last place I worked at dropped a cool $5 million on getting 50 new tanks installed, took 10 months to lay the concrete foundation, make up the concrete bases, deliver the tanks, set them up, install the catwalks and by the time I left they still hadn't installed the electricity, pipework or insulation to any of them. If I won the lottery I'd so fucking make a Tank for a secondary house, just bury a 12m tank halfway into the ground in the bush somewhere, reinforce it, add levels and stairways, doors and windows and shit. Having said that Tanks come in all sorts of diameters and sizes and no doubt there are some you could buy second hand with enough space to live in while being able to shovel the hole to bury it in yourself for less than 10k.

would you live above a river Sup Forums

>extreme rainfall recently
>flood comes
>goodnight comfy expensive home

what are you going do with acres of caves ?

stockpile home-made nukes ?

That river is too steep for flooding to be a problem.

no because alligators can spot the house and break in steal the silverware

Any river can flood, especially on a mountainside.

Some of us aren't utter basement dwellers and like some natural sunlight in our homes. Maybe build a small home at the mouth of a cave?

That's a Frank Lloyd Weight house, look him up. The white man's dream abode, built as good as they come. It's been there for awhile, is in no danger and will not be going anywhere soon.

The nice thing about having a house on/near a creek would be the possibility to power it with a water wheel.

yeh I'm sure the architect didn't consider the issue of the flooding when designing a house on top of a fucking river. Idiot.

The point is that it's high up, so any excess water washes away quickly. Valley's only 'flood' if they are U-shaped or if there is an event upstream, like a dam bursting.

>The white man's dream abode

Ironically built for a wealthy Jewish family.

yeah I'm sure Frank Lloyd wright, who built that house almost 100 years ago, didn't know what the fuck he was doing

TIL you don't float in wine.

is that a dark souls level?

>not animated
fuck you and the horse you rode in on

Alcohol is lighter than water, you will sink like a sack of shit even if you're Michael Phelps, factor in all the additives to wine alone to remove all the oxygen from the tank to prevent spoilage along with the constant Co2 outflow from the top means some poor cunt learned that lesson the hard way.

I want this one

I fly pic related, go for it, you can do it. Homesteading is how the white man is meant to exist.

Why not buy a bus? I've seen some pretty good ones.

everything is easy except that people try to stop you

Building things to code is for commercial construction only for safety regulations. If you are building things for you're own use you don't have to do it to code, but in turn you also can't sell it.
read up on building code and learn it well.

Enjoy your bats and lizards and tigers and leopards and spiders and snakes and bears. Also no internet, what the fuck are you supposed to do living in your little cave room, wait for death?

Not true at all, you have no idea what you're talking about

no, you AMBUSH death and then escape

This varies by state and local codes. I know here in Ohio, code enforcement has no say on anything that doesn't have a foundation. If I were to lay a cement slab and build a shelter on it for my personal use, they couldn't say shit.

Materialism is a plague on Western society.

I don't have screencaps but I recall the thread. Very impressive

>house will not be going anywhere soon
>residents can't leave soon enough
People who have lived there complain that the sound of constant running water messes with their heads like water torture
>look it up

Amen god damn it Aman

I think that's one of the best options. Not too many legal issues either.

Oy Vey

As an American, this feels like a crowbar to the teeth.

Wouldn't that get humid and stuffy as heck during summer?

My family has a cabin next to a river, the sound of the river is relaxing. No problems sleeping, and it become background noise instantly.

pics pls

And you don't need much moving water to generate a lot of electricity

Why not find a couple people to pool your money with?



What if we lived together and shared our meals in a place like this while talking shit?

I have a solution to the electricity problem... It involves a hacksaw