The time is ripe. (((THEY))) are freaking out. Meltdowns HAPPENING across Reddit and Twitter. Post em.
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Is there a place I can sign up to be a Trump Brown-Shirt? I would really love to kick the shit out of some of these faggots the next time they set a trash can on fire.
It's absolutely astounding how ignorant they are about not only the way the US government works but on simple things like facts and reality.
I can't even imagine how someone could get so bluepilled.
moor please
its auto faged
Remember this faggot next election.
Bi Partisan salt is especially tasty
I don't know how you guys enjoy threads like this. I just makes me so fucking angry that there are millions of these idiots that exist. No one could possibly be this stupid and uninformed unless they were trying and if they're actively insisting on believing, supporting, and propagating these Jews lies then they are no better than their deep state/kike masters. These are all people who are in America right now who are actively trying to destroy it. How does that not piss you guys off?
why the fuck are these retards so upset?
because this is Sup Forums and because we are winning because chaos
They are really losing their shit over this. The spin isn't working.
>line of the day: constitutional crisis
Maybe you'd be more at home at the hugbox that is r*ddit you faggot ass nigger
>"the coup of our democracy"
lol excellent projector bulbs on this one
Holy shit someone deport that beaner
"muh democracy"
People like this is why I don't like democracy.
>brainwashing conspiracy memo
I know this guy is just saying shit to get votes, but how do people say this without a hint of irony or without a bit of self-reflection.
These dweebs sounds really nervous. That's the difference between this and all the fake Russia bullshit. I've been annoyed and had moments of concern, but nothing like what lefties are going through right now. They're going to spout their bullshit, make excuses, change the subject, do whatever they have to do to keep the charade going. But deep down they know what's coming and they're freaking out.
can you even imagine being putin and reading this?
>muh sanctions
im positive the president can say "fuck your sanctions"
nothing burger
#shit in the streets!!
Since election day every day they've believed that Trumps impeachment or arrest was only days away. They've never accepted reality, now they feel that last vestage of belief in his ouster slipping away and they are entering a new stage of grief.
>I can't even imagine how someone could get so bluepilled
Simple: estrogen.
Wow, pack it up. This guy has it all figured out. It's over.
Dude this board is fucking swamped with slide threads rn it's crazy
bumping with fresh salt
pass the SALT
Fucking Harry Potter, really
The left is a fucking meme of itself
oh ok its a retirement , nothing to see here goyyy
yeah i feel simultaneous anger and smug satisfaction
>women's std
I'd expect nothing less
>Someone declares something that sounds good
>People agree until it becomes fact
same here
>ad infinitum student loan debt
Her fault for choosing degrees and courses which serve no purpose than being a sandwich maker at Subway. Get back to making me food sandwich slave, and don't skimp out on the mustard and onion you slut.
>I'm a parasite on society with no useful skills and a huge amount of (((student loan debt)))
>gee, i really hope they leak that memo that they didnt have the guts to let any congress members look at
literally doesnt exist
what in the fuck would be in it?
>the GOP didnt let King Nigger trounce all over their rights. IMPEECH
Did I say don't post it you nigger? No. What I asked was how people read this shit without wanting to go on a fucking rampage.
>I do not fear death.
>Circle jerk marathon
>This is the first time I've really been scared
What an overdramatic pussy.
All I saw was
>wah wah I'm a pussy I can't handle Sup Forums
excuse you faggot. that's sandwich ARTIST. fucking rural and suburban retards.
Lmao how up their own asses with rhetoric are they?
>Trump wins election
>muh democracy is being destroyed!
>cops are corrupt and get away with crimes all the time
The derangement is real.
Potato, Pohtato
God I fucking hate when spics use my fucking flag as their wank fantasy like they belong.
I would be interested in seeing what the dem response to the memo would've been, I think it would do them no favors
The other day after bible study I was hungry so I went to subway sandwich. I got a turkey sandwich with the usually - lettuce, tomato, onion and Chipotle southwest sauce. The chipotle sauce looked a bit strange - a little darker and with more texture than usual, but I ignored it.
I took the sandwich and sat down at a booth. It smelled a little bit different than usual - a bit spicier, perhaps. I took a big bite of it and immediately mouth was assaulted with a foul taste - as the brown juices began to flow down my arm, I realised that whatever was on my sandwich wasn't chipotle southwest sauce. I returned to the counter of the Subway and asked the manager about it.
"Oh, the Chipotle sauce? We ran out, but one of my employees had some taco bell earlier, so I had him fill a cambro pan with a big spicy pile of the hershey squirts! We also ran out of mayo so I had my guys -" she chuckled to herself "- fill the bottle with a healthy load of chunky man cream"
As a good christian, I was distraught - I told her as much: I told her I wanted to be a light for jesus, but I didn't know if i could eat the sandwich.
"Didn't jesus turn water into wine? If jesus is real, why doesn't he just turn the Diarrhea into Chipotle southwest sauce? If you don't eat the sandwich, it obviously proves that Jesus is fake!"
II wanted to be a good witness, so I ate the whole sandwich as she watched.
>propagating these Jews lies
Don't blame us, my dude. I'm a Jew and this shit pisses me off too.
>the DEM rebuttal
>t-they wont last long!
Fuck democracy. I fucking hate it because it enables retards like pic.
Temper the rage and use it to better your life. Buy a long rifle if your state permits it, practice in its use regularly. Burn off the rage working out and becoming stronger individual mentally and physically. Or just post wojacks about it.
>didnt post the forbidden one
6/10 you tried
Fat shaming?
Now they think it's not only Trump who colluded with the Russians but almost the entirety of the GOP. These fucks are delusional.
nice get i guess
>prepare to hit the streets
bbbut, it's cold out and my feet hurt; how about we wait until spring
>ive been wearing my pink pussy hat and posting tweets about how much i hate trump
This fucking retards can't even get easy shit like the number of pages right..
The extent of human stupidity is beyond imagination.
It's going to be hard to revolt when you have no guns and the military & police fucking hate you. I wish them the best of luck.
>takeover of the constitution
i just checked wikipedia. yep. it still says it hasn't changed much in 300 years.
All I see is an attention seeking faggot fresh off the boat from t_d. Fuck off and never come back you double nigger.
I LOL'd for two weeks solid when Trump won the election. Can't wait to see the autistic screeching if the memo unmasks the deep state and draws a direct line to Clinton and Obama.
Oh please oh please oh please!
same here. kick em and kill em. then skin them
Agreed. Leftists cannot handle losing. Strange people
Notice how she puts the flag of her shithole nation before the US
Man with all the hype this memo is getting from dipshits, I'm probably gonna be disappointed when the actual thing is available to the public.
Why the fuck did this freak chose my state to run? Can't wait until he fails miserably.
I genuinely feel bad for people who have been brainwashed to think Trump is the Bad Man.
>literally expecting "white hats" to come save them
They are destined for failure.
please HIT THE STREETS... we can run you over now legally here. and I WILL.
>hit the streets
yeah, hit the streets of L.A. with 20,000 other mestizo scum. whoops, that's just another weekday with the homeless senpai. pass the salsa, güey.
Apparently not English classes as she's using an as an article before words that don't start with a vowel.
Holy shit, that's literally the power of the WAAAGH! Are.....are liberals fucking Orks?
lol. delusion, tasty liberal tears. the everyone is a Russian attack is backfiring
Fuck you nigger I've been here since before meme flags
I already work out and have plenty of guns. That isn't the problem. The problem is these faggots are not only allowed to breath but are allowed to subvert and destroy this country.
>they're actively insisting on believing, supporting, and propagating these Jews lies then they are no better than their deep state/kike masters.
Learn to enjoy watching society collapse.
>'s just a story goyim.
the left thinks star wars is real too. GREAT.. time to stormtrooper them.