I've decided how I'm going to kill myself

I do not have a desire to carry on much longer being unmarried. I do not know why God has chosen to not send me a mate, I have tried to be good. I can think of so many people uglier and dumber than me married with children. I want to trust God but he has not come through for me. That is not to say he won't. I have decided that either get an answer from God or show him I am serious, I have stopped eating. I will not consume food unless/ until God sends me a mate. If he doesn't, I will sacrifice myself, because life is hard enough to have to do it alone and I've been alone long enough now. I do not really enjoy food so this won't be difficult, I'm only struggling with headaches now. God better hurry up.


I should've killed myself a while ago.

Not because I don't have a mate -- I do. But because my family is certifiably fucking insane. Imagine having a NEET 'father' so careless that he'd let his wife and children sleep in bed bugs for years on end.

Don't do it user, get /fit/ and get laid. The work that you need to achieve that will maintain your mind sane until you can pick all the pussies.

You are depressed user.
Go get help and move forward in life.
No girl will want u if u are depressed.
Nothing is fun.

Dude, just kill yourself already. Nobody cares what you think or say. Just do it already. Even if you’re just trolling, you are still threatening to kill yourself on a political hentai autism filled website, which is even worse. Either way, just fucking do it already. Nobody cares about you and nobody will.


I am fit. I believe in marriage not premarital relations. I've been in relationships with boys like y'all. They end up being beta or psychotic. I have no hope left.

Dont do it lad. Sort your life out, do sports, go outside, stop porn, and you will see, things will get better


Can I have your xbox?

I know I am depressed, Sherlock.
I have help, it's not helping. My depression is situational. I'm tired of being alone.
I am a girl.

>things will get better
get out of here, you lying mexican

open bob

Are you a girl?


>I've been in relationships with boys like y'all.

I run and yoga daily. I go outside. Don't do porn, never have.

This shit is just a simulation, a play. we are someone's experiment and its only goal is to gather experiences here on earth to be uploaded to the universe. ride it out like the rest of us faggot

That's a Permanent solution to a Temporary problem.

>Not depressed
>No girl
>Still no girl
Fucking normies.


this is African logic OP. Africans never work for anything and whenever something good happens it's only bc of god. this is retard logic and you should be ashamed for the lack of responsibility and demanding of gibs

Who's Bob?


You can literally survive weeks without food.

>Believes in god
>Plans to suicide

You have no idea how hard I've worked. We can learn a little something from "African logic" in accordance to faith and spirituality for that matter.

If you got nothign to live your life for, what is stopping you from packing up and leaving it all behind and traveling with nothing but the clothes on your back?

Just fucking leave, and don't come back.

is this picture real or shopped?

Bahhhahahahahhaah this picture what hahahaha thanks for the laugh

>user is nearing death, mad with hunger
>God finally does send him his perfect mate
>user is too delusional to understand
>user kills and eats his god-given mate
That's how this story ends

what area code you in?

I'm giving God a little time.

Are you a virgin? Do you have large breasts? Hip to waist ratio? Handsome, well-to-do Chad here. If your face is plain at worst and you meet my other criteria I'll wife you.

>Ghost Bath album cover
good shit user

God brought you here so that if your post is not bait this answer could reach you:

God isn't just going to give you a woman, you need to seek. "Seek and ye shall find". Use that motivation to stop eating, to start eating, get /fit/, get /lit/, get the girl.

If you plan on killing yourself over a pussy then you need to reevaluate what you are doing: its akin to suicide for "love". It isn't love, its lust and it will destroy you unless you admit it and turn from it. Before you can see a wife you first need to look inward and conquer that vice, lest ye rue it.

I know where I'm going.

emotions aren't real. don't be a gullible idiot.

Ok good luck with the fasting bro.

I'm waiting for WWIII, if that doesn't happen I will probably suicide also. I'm not so much concerned with finding a mate than I am destroying this mongrel world. Although a girl would be nice. I have nothing in this world, I am a high school drop out, a loser, and never even had a girlfriend. All I have left is to hope for a global meltdown and world war so Jesus can return to destroy those who were more successful in life than me.


Can i please marry you

Already done that. Nearly died. Wish I had.

you will die from dehydration by potassium deficiency in about 3 days

I just talked with God and he wanted me to relay the message. You will not be getting a mate, this is not punishment, you were made for a special purpose and God has a special assignment for you more important than procreation. There are some beings in this mortal plane of existence that need to be cleansed from God's realm, he didn't put them there and they shouldn't be there. God needs you to deal with these "people".


Tits or gtfo... since you’re gonna an hero anyway you need not worry of shame. 18+ only

When life is hell what have you it to lose?

What does it matter?

>If he doesn't, I will sacrifice myself

LOL it's no sacrifice. Do you not own a dictionary?

also god is a lie necessary to keep women in their place


>>be good god-fearing Christian
>>people uglier and dumber than me

Pick one Mr.Congeniality.

OP if you're going to die anyway at least show us the goods on the way out.

if you're in 501 hit me up.

>until you can pick all the pussies.
Encouraging degeneracy. Fuck you.

And what did you do the first time around? Bet you just moved to a new town, and did the same exact shit you did before you moved there.

vegene joost foor yu Bobie

Did you vote Hillary?

And to your narcissism, dear Chad, I say, Proverbs 31.

so many wrong things in such a short post.
1. kike god memes arnt going to deliver you a mate
2. you sound autistic as hell
3. the longer you go without eating the weaker and more diseased you will look only further lessening the chances of you finding a mate
4. I really doubt you have the will power to starve yourself to death

if you havent tried improving your self first, you don't deserve to die

I'm a fool who can't give up

What is your natural hair color and eye color OP?


Girls are meant to be found, not hunt. I am fit.

>knew seven languages
>considered one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived
>his philosophy constituted the ideological basis of naziism
>died a kissless virgin

Listen, leaf.

They are plenty of men out there that would love to be with you.

Don't let your people down, you can at least be a martyr than a useless sack of shit who is going to starve herself to death.

I have a few friends with anorexia, it sucks.

There would be no reasons for you to come HERE out of all places. A big part of you wants you to persist.

Post your address so we can crowdfund you a mail order bride

no don't do it op. things get better. I was going to kill myself. And then I didnt. Things got better.

>What is your natural hair color and eye color OP?

This info will be put to nefarious use. Trust me.

God hates the ugly, they are mistakes to Him. That is why everyone likes beautiful people, because the ugly are meant to serve the beautiful.

why don't you go to church and meet a nice white man there ?

Look, if you have a throwaway mail account, I may be able to help you. I won't ask for any personal details. Use a fake name.

Show timestamped tits or get out.

Who is Bob's Vagene? Does he have good lectures on YouTube?

You sound like a faggot. Nothing of value will be lost.

Permanent solution to a temporary problem.

It just takes a second to think about how complex the universe is and how fortunate you are to be here. It's a gift that your little pile of atoms there makes up you and your conscience, and not a turd, or a leaf, or some dust floating through space for eternity.

Killing yourself is a bad idea.




Be patient and don't give up. Many are suffering but it will get better. Things change in a second

Lmao this is a delightfully pathetic post. You should just kill yourself. There will never be another global conflict, and imagine what a burden you'd relieve your parents from if you just finally took control of your life and ended it.

tits or gtfo

It's a female with G.O.T.I.S. like you've never seen.

>and eye color OP

If you are a gril, /fit/, and assuming average in looks, then I don’t understand how you don’t have a mate or prospect of a mate. Either you are picky and don’t see that you are or you are horribly fucking up some how. I would at least ask if you’re single.

I'll do it with you sister, drumpf is literally too much too handle.


I didn't choose to be born handsome, and notice how I said plain at worst? I'd like to not be actively repulse by a wife, is all. If you're productive around the house and not literally grotesque, I'm serious. My other qualifiers are to determine whether you're a degenerate and whether you're fertile enough to be fruitful and multiply.



What god from what religion was ever obliged to deliver a mate to someone just for existing?
First: adhere to an actual religious tradition instead of following undisciplined bullshit invented in the past century.
Second: go earn your happy ending by finding someone who is similar to you and taking a risk by making the first move.

>I'm a girl

I'll go with you sister, drumpf has taken both of our lives. This world is LOST

Anorexi mieibalis is actually a common symptom in females experiencing hysteria, it's a specific form of anorexia that plays a "religious" role.
Though I do believe in fasting and have for several days at a time, it's much different to go without 3 or 5 days for an experience and sacrifice, than say not eating to barter with god.

Start buying lottery on a regular basis

You've heard this one before, the things you want do not fall into your lap. Following from your logic, God provides you the capability to seek out a partner fit for marriage, but by starving yourself you are actively reducing your own fitness for marriage.

Why punish yourself for other's mistakes?

Satan will order his priests to initiate WWIII any day now cuck. Soon the vile normies will be entrenched in a brutal war and die while I fuck the women they left behind because males will be in high demand since so many were lost. Dumb goy.

Most of us are in the same boat, my mind tends to wander int hat direction as well sometimes.. We must learn to love ourselves before we can love someone else again.
This is no easy feat, just know that there are many of us who feel the same way.

Also, post some face.