Why are you against your own interest?
Why are you against replacing welfare with universal basic income?
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Don't presume to know my interests
Businesses would just jack up the prices to the point where basic income wouldn't fulfill its purpose.
Plus do you know how expensive it would be to implement?
Where does this universal basic income come from?
universal basic income is a trade. No more idiots in the labor force vs. idiots deciding on which products are being produced.
If I'm going to get paid no matter what... Where is the incentive to do anything?
A huge number of losers would not work at all.
Where does money come from?
>implying that if people got payed they wouldn't just become useless NEETs
from god our father who art in heaven
After basic income:
There is nothing wrong with being NEETs.
any recipient of UBI should forgo their right to vote for life and i'd be ok with it
You are a moron
Because it won't fucking work
We should barter dude lmao
How does currency retain its value when everyone is guaranteed to receive a minimum amount regularly?
the "Federal " Reserve
The money storks
i dont want to be a slave that depend on everything for anyone
That diagram is retarded. Money to live is about 99% of the reason people work. Take that away and there is no reason to work. I was quite happy while living on UI and not working.
I'm not
So you want whole society doing nothing and yet somehow getting all the products needed to maintain their lifes.
Fucking idiot.
Numbers on computers and backups on pieces of paper.
We got a winner.
So does this mean that overpopulation really isn't a meme or rather does it mean that we are just overpopulated with idiots?
Where does all this "free money" come from?
B8 thread
Who cares why people work. As long as they do their job I could care less what motivates them.
>Why are you against replacing welfare with universal basic income?
I dislike inflation going through the roof
kek and 100% true.. I wouldn't work
Pay me to do nothing. Being this useless. You want to be free from work so bad? How about you throw spears at squirrels for food and live under a bridge somewhere? People who actually contribute to civilization have no interest in making 'basic' income, or helping you be a useless beggar. Go to jail if you want your basic necessities covered.
See Pic
Because it won't work. See: medium.com
>ITT: Lolberts who enjoy sucking corporate cock
We're inching closer and closer to automated labor in every industry. Amazon just released a store without cashiers and soon, we will have 30min delivery drones. It's obvious that AI will dominate the private sector within a few more years. This is an obvious truth, so why is universal basic income so unfeasible? Why spend your life doing things you don't want to be doing in order to go on living, that is, doing things you don't want to be doing? Wouldn't you faggots much prefer having recreational time to read more books, learn an instrument, or take up any hobby you haven't had the time for?
Cause welfare is designed to keep niggers and wiggers down and segregated away from nice white neighborhoods, that's why so much subsidized housing is in poor places and the income caps make it easy to redline communities to stay segregated.
Again, you're ignoring the basic fact that money will not retain its value when, universally, everyone is guaranteed a certain amount on a regular basis.
Inflation will skyrocket beyond weimar republic levels. Can't but bread with 100 million dollars.
>he thinks "basic income" will be enough money to pursue self improvement and go out and be social and happy
lol hope your parasitic dream lives up to the hype. it wont thought, it will likely be less than a minimum wage job.
Prices will just go up if UBI comes out. Rents will explode everywhere UBI is.
> get universal basic income
> stop working and body-build full-time
> dedicate my life to cuckolding any men who are still working
we need the opposite of universal basic income.
we need a universal basic tax.
only a universal basic tax is fair.
really, each person, to a large extent, consumes the same amount of social services. thus, it is only fair that each person pay the same amount of tax.
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."
You don't understand, the rich already got basic income(basic profit).
Which they got either by years of extremely hard and smart work or by hertiage from parent who had to do smart and hard work.
They've earned it.
UBI would make what ever the rate the income comes in the new 0
Basic income will produce NEETs and we all know it. Quit spreading your degeneracy.
Faggot, do not tell me what is in my best interests.
My best interests are best served by idiots like you dying horribly.
Now get out there and get to work.
basic income doesn't work. Prices will rise to match, if you make it illegal to raise the prices, companies will go out of business, because they aren't making a profit. Businesses will quickly run out of resources and then the money is meaningless because you cannot eat it, fill your petrol tank with it or sleep in it.
I wasn’t, removing purpose from a man is the worst thing you can do to him. The greatest living arguments against mincome are the native reserve system and the communist remains of Eastern Europe.
Both produced dispair, idleness, degeneracy, broken social systems, crippled trad family structures, and....nothing of value
>I can’t believe people in Canada are fucking retarded enough to turn wide swaths of this place into welfare ghettos when we avoid the existing ones like the plague.
Modern Monetary Theory, nigga.
Learn it.
Which is coming from sources other than government & taxation. Where else would funding for UBI come from?
>Why are you against replacing welfare with universal basic income?
Because it's fucking stupid, that's why.
>Why are you against your own interest?
I'm not a nigger that believes everything should be provided by the government.
>Where does money come from?
The Federal Reserve printing press.
>There is nothing wrong with being NEETs.
Said a NEET.
>We got a winner.
Unlike you.
>You don't understand, the rich already got basic income(basic profit).
Because they earned it.
>Where does money come from?
Two sources:
> Taxing the very money the Federal Reserve lends us.
> Federal Reserve printing off more money eventually causing inflation, thus, further devaluing the money they loan us and raising the prices of everything else.
I'm kind of for it. Eliminate the so-called welfare trap. There should never be an incentive not to work. I have experienced this went on unemployment. I had a nice legit Union employer lay me off and I was on unemployment. But if I got a job that did not work out for some reason and I quit or got fired I might not be able to get back on unemployment. It should be a no-fault when you separate from employment and you should always be able to get back on unemployment so you could risk new jobs. It also pisses me off that there are people that make a career out of welfare where somebody like me is normally denied it even if I had something worthwhile to and needed some free time. give everybody the same basic income.
>Why are you against your own interest?
federal government already spends over 50% of its annual budget on entitlement programs (medicare, medicaid, obamacare, social sec).
that's $2,000,000,000,000.
this number will only grow. calling it UBI won't change this rate of growth, and inflation will price out whatever the UBI is since all are entitled to it (keyword: universal).
the problem is excessive spending, not redistribution.
if Bill Gates liquidated all of his net worth and distributed it equally to the world, you'd get $11.32 [$86B/7.6B].
work your way down through the most wealthy people and you'll have what, an extra $500-$1,000 (once) and all the capital that these value-creators could deploy is gone?
Without drastic cuts to entitlement spending, UBI is just another name for the same thing.
Everyone would need convenient access to private resources (space and equipment) to entertain ideas of self-improvement.
Also, people who would use free resources to explore and better themselves are hard to come-by, especially those who would choose to pursue something difficult (e.g. mathematics).
> So does this mean that overpopulation really isn't a meme or rather does it mean that we are just overpopulated with idiots?
Yes. By design. Simpletons have simple ambitions.
What did you check?
If you pay non-whites to breed in your country, they'll eventually turn your country into a brown country, in other words, a third-world country.
"Do what you're good at"
Trust me, it's not worth it without the money.
You don’t need money to live in the west, you can just be homeless or go to prison. So that’s not actually a reason
Can I be against both?
do you wanna be a man or do you wanna be an animal in a zoo? i certainly would be less productive if they just started giving me free money. I would call off sick constantly and when I did show up I wouldn't work as hard because there would be no fire under my ass, and I'm certain that millions of guys like me would do the same thing. ubi would fuck things up really bad.
- the post
>People who actually contribute to civilization have no interest in making 'basic' income
Pic related
1. Inflation will be insane
2. picture lies, instead of money filled with rest of stuff it just leaves a gap.
Not really liking but thats how biology is.
So people just will stop coming over.