Spic hate thread #2
We were on a roll so I decided to make another one, butt blasted Chicanos can't handle the truth, fucking kei!
Spic hate thread #2
I hate spics worse than niggers. In fairness though, I live in San Antonio. If it were Baltimore or Chicago, I'm sure it'd be different.
But fuck me, I hate these mestizonigger tacobenders stinking up my beautiful state and turning it blue with their wetback socialist faggotry.
t. nigger
my current roommates a spic, I want to stab the living fuck out of him.
You keep telling yourself that.
On the day of the rope spics will be the first to go. Blacks will be spared so they can keep playing NFL NBA and dominating MMA and boxing.
>stab instead of shoot
found the commie
Spics run away from their homes and peoples to live a better life among whites. Never let the left frame it any other way, for instance "look at these heartbreaking stories of families being torn apart."
people who speak spanish have serious issues respecting borders for whatever reason
Spic male + white women is the most common interracial couple in the USA.
Stop hating blacks and know ur real enemy
Are Mexicans the only ones considered spics?
Just the illegal Mexicans I don't mind the one's who stay in their country.
ja ja ja
white women generally go with castizos and not mestizos though
Ohh okay, it's fine when people stay in their countries
I'm Hispanic and proud puto.
Do you like a cup of forobardo, argie?
I was just asking since they seem to call us Sudacas instead of Spics
That video isn't helping your case Pablo.
sorry i meant to say what the fuck
I've seen white women with mestizo's before user.
Tecnically the hamburgers consider all the south american people like mexicans, and they consider mexicans as spics
This is the most brutal thing I've ever seen.
MFW when we've reached peak spic
We're just getting started.
sure tyrone
Fuck outta here paco
Doesn't mean it's more common.
You are proud of brutality and death?
You are lost. Your soul is lost. You are destined for endless darkness. There is no hope for you.
Endless. Hell.
Better fix that. Time is running out, esse.
It's without a doubt the most common interracial pair, but I don't know about the individual shares mestizos and castizos hold in the "Hispanic" stat.
But you won't be the ones to finish it. The One who does finish it? What you show in video is merely Flesh. The One who finishes it will destroy your Soul. You don't even know what Fear is.
Spics don't have an inch of humanity in their souls, why do you think they kill each other almost daily over there.
I see you are also lost. To find the light, you should investigate away from hatred and bigotry. The direction you are headed; it is Joyless. And it won't end or fix itself. Truth.
Your world is coming to an end.
is that the mexican pentagon?
I live in Baltimore so I hate niggers most of all.
> grew up around lots of Mexicans
> one of my best friends parents came from Mexico
> considered him family
> constantly ignored degenerate behavior coming from all his family and beaner friends
> one night he shoves my girlfriend against the wall and try’s pulling her tits out.
My first official Redpill on how sexually frustrated and lowbrow these fucking wetbacks are. I remember in high school 30+ y/o beans would always try and hit on young girls. Now my wife and I live further north where there is maybe one beaner that stays in line because he downs have his familia around. Fucking Mexicans are only good for food
wrong, Bigotry is what will keep savages like this user out of our country
>being proud that your country is full of literal fucking savages
> confusing indigenas with mexicans
Oh boy here we go another "these are just the natives they aren't REAL Mexicans gringo!". Absolutely pathetic.
Untrue. Not my world. The World, yes; but mine is not this world. Correct your path, for as the world goes, so have you already contracted with Death. It is known.
btw, I would really enjoy eating whatever that is. Looks yummy, like some regional pizza with a pudding-custard dessert built in. I've rarely met a pizza I don't find tasty. Except perhaps the mayonnaise and corn pizza I had in Japan. Wasn't terrible, just not really yummy either.
I live in Chicago and have both niggers and spics that work for me.
I hate them all with the rage of a million suns but I need to smile because the cunts are in a union and the idea that there's anything wrong with being illegal is verboten.
I fucking hate what these subhumans did to the country my grandfather fought and worked himself into an early grave for.
Don't worry user, we'll make sure the Raise act is passed so we'll only get Europeans.
Silly non-hispanic white Americans
Only befriend ligth skin Mexicans, never the brown ones. This is the law even in Mexico