Fuck boys, he's on Fox News now. Is he just grubbing for money for his book or is JBP a danger to the status quo?
Fuck boys, he's on Fox News now. Is he just grubbing for money for his book or is JBP a danger to the status quo?
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he's raising money to campaign and wreck trudope
I have no problem with what he is doing.
everyday he inspires more young people to not willfully indoctrinate themselves in (((university)))
Why not both? Or do you think that paupers can ever influence history?
Like, what if he's doing what this user said
And tries to run for office?
Some publication called him the most important intellectual in the west alive today
>It’s Current Year
>Clean your room, bucko, or the Lobsters will getcha’
Conservatives win in a landslide
Tories already picked a leader, Andrew Sheer. Guy's a watered down Harper.
fuck off no one wants your 21st century L Ron Hubbard as Canadian PM.
He's a good goy. Like everyone else on Fox.
He's appearing on the News more and everything. What's happening to him? Is he getting absorbed with fame?
well, who in this degenerate shithole gives more thought to the problems than him..he has the answers and he knows it
At least my Boomer parents know who he is now
Just another mainstream boomer cuckservative like Rand Paul and the sort
You only need one rule for life. Be good looking. The better looking you are, the easier life is. As seen here in this photograph of myself. You can see from my facial aesthetics that I have life on easy mode.
whats with the taco meat facial hair there bud?
Unironically this.
Theodor Adorno:
”All political instruction finally should be centered upon the idea that Auschwitz should never happen again. This would be possible only when it devotes itself openly, without fear of offending any authorities, to this most important of problems. To do this education must transform itself into sociology, that is, it must teach about the societal play of forces that operates beneath the surface of political forms. One must submit to critical treatment”
I used to think peterson was just a salesman/hack... but after actually sitting down to listen to his lectures, I changed my mind. Peterson is the real deal. His message is the iron pill... but it's cloaked in mystical language.
He's a believer in power. He's one of us.
“Every debate about the ideals of education is trivial and inconsequential compared to this single ideal: never again Auschwitz. It was the barbarism all education strives against. One speaks of the threat of a relapse into barbarism. But it is not a threat—Auschwitz was this relapse, and barbarism continues as long as the fundamental conditions that favored that relapse continue largely unchanged. That is the whole horror.”
stop saying things that make you weak
Forgot pic
He's on the press circuit to promote his new book you mongoloids.
can you even imagine anything more glorious than that fagget trying to debate Peterson
Thank god we have Mr. Rogers on our side.
That's a picture of peterson standing behind our meme.
Why is that a problem?
I typically agree with his stances, and respect his efforts combating orthodoxy in society.
This is how you do 'great'.
You don't recognize it, now do you?
lets get CBC to arrange that. Peterson already talked on CBC, Can that be a thing we do? Trudeau would fucking doing it too
We gotta get in contact with CBC and the PMO and Peterson. This would be glorious.
because hes A FUCKIN LEAF
Its true. Even if he were to crash and burn right now, he would still be remembered for the next hundred years.
Sup Forums worshiping a pretentious rosa parks of pronouns father figure, color me surprised. I bet you'll all be denouncing him as a pro jewish shill in no time.
Peterson is fucking going for it, holy shit.
In this video he's stoned and he's revealing his master plan. at about 20min in he says it.
He got into anti communist ideals when he was really young, and he knew the system so he became a professor so he'd have a platform to speak.
Social media was a convenient plus for him because it allowed him to broadcast his message.
Now is a perfect time too because the left and right are so divided. He's going to make Canada Great again in the future
you want chaos, I'll give you chaos.
You look like a hairy version of the turd i dropped this morning. Not fully hairy, but Patchy hairy.
Fox News has a median demographic of like 70
naturally they would want a guy like Peterson to appeal to boomers
Dr P is the smartest leaf we have
He wasn't stoned you retard, h3h3's vape doesn't have weed in it
Also, he's trying to make Canada great for once, not trying to make it great again (because it never was)
This guy rocks. Even on Fox he manages to assert himself well
yes, we did
I used to consider him just a meme but the amount of kvetching the shills have been doing about him lately leads me to believe he may be on to something.
I think the commies understand that they left a big lot of disaffected young men with nothing to occupy themselves with on the edges of society, and that's just about the last thing you want to have simmering while you try and take over.
Peterson has found a way to raise up and mobilize these young men against an enemy without stepping on any of the usual landmines that the media would normally use to BTFO someone like that.