Jesus Christ Sup Forums you got to get in here,it's the black panther premiere and its pure golden meme territory. You have got to see this shit.
KANGZ the premiere
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They even got ooga booga drum playing
Imagine the smell (assuming it wasn't just weed)
Someone skipped leg day a lot
Is it wrong to want try to meme magic Black Kangz with Ugandan Knuckles
Motor oil, cocoa butter and flamin' hot cheetos.
Here's John Cena to an Xbox Kinect
Whatever man. Clearly the black community is so hypersensitive about "representation" in media that this is a huge deal for them... Let them have it. and when they continue to whine about muh diversity you can point out that they have a tailor made black superhero whose superpower is not being a deadbeat dad so they can just stuff it
That entryway is less panther and more naked mole rat.
What's wrong with it? The black people trigger you?
I imagine most of them smell like fresh dog shit with a spritz of colonge and a touch of burnt hair
Just need one line of dialog to say "the way" and it's exploding.
U know da wae
It would be great
did these niggers invite any hetro white males? And I mean real chads not cucked out faggots.
Oh God you just solved the missing piece of the smell puzzle. I always wondered what that last scent note was in them. Their burned fried over processed nigger naps.
nice dress, faggot
spear chuckers
>sponsored by lexus
>thinking they will ever receive enough
>thinking they don't see this as weakness to exploit
>thinking they wouldn't point out stereotypes to force more
>Thinking they'll never argue in bad faith to get more gibs (it didn't make enough, the movie shows how racist whites are/the movie made a lot of money, we need to make more)
>Thinking this wouldn't spawn a bunch of 'WE WUZ'
somebody please post the "monkey noises" meme. i didnt DL it ;/;/;/;/;/;/
blatantly racist shit
her nigger is flaking onto that dress like a pepper shaker
srsly i need the black panthers monkey noises meme
>Suit jacket with pajamas
We coud make a colonge with these ingredients and sell it to white people to help them fit in
This whole thing is so pathetic. Their superhero was created by a jew.
got a sudden craving for black pepper ham
somebody post the moneky noises meme
... seems like a missed opportunity to make a Static Shock reboot.
>get lit
the fucking worst phrase of 2016
What about woke,or shook or swunk?
>That shoe to leg ratio
holy fuck we need war NOW
woke is dumb, but something about this "get lit" or "its lit" just really irks me, its a stupid phrase used by morons
shook is old as fuck, kids were using it when I was in middle school 22 years ago
wtf is swunk, you know what I dont wanna know
Has a fight or gunfire broken out yet?
thats waiting for general release, I hope some shootouts happen like back in the 90s when Juice came out
I nearly coughed up a fucking lung
Yes. YES!
It's not even real but would you be surprised if swunk became a thing?
If this is what would have happened if white people never went to Africa, why didn't it happen in the thousands of years before white people went to Africa? Why were white people more advanced than blacks after all that time?
Neck rings are Burmese.
Pic related would have been more appropriate.
at the rate society is going, anything is possible which is why I fear for the future of man
Not related to their gay catwoman wakaflaka movie but i just saw this and is this nigger serious? He blames Bush for the weak economy and zero job growth but as soon as Trump turns it all around he takes full credit? At this point black stereotypes ain't even a joke anymore they are just straight up facts. This lazy nigger did nothing for 8 yrs and as soon as a white man makes things better he takes full credit. The parallel here being these niggers and their kangz movie is based off a creation made by a jew back in the sixties,funded and produced by a white studio,backed by white money. Jesus Christ these people are pathetic.
Well not to mention the black japanese tabi socks.Typical niggers stealing other people's shit as usual.
shit nigga u may b on 2 sumthin
link the tweet
Give me a break, they'll never stop demanding for more and more breaks and concessions. The victim mentality demands that's infinite reparations be paid for all eternity. No matter how much you give, they will always be the beleaguered victims who will refuse to be responsible for their own lives.
dats swunk yo muh nigga ooga booga n sheitz
Should we try to meme that into their lexicon or do they not need any help sounding more retarded?
That too.
Being covered head to toe in dark colors composed of form fitting leather and multiple layers of fabric also doesn't strike me as the first choice of attire for a tropical climate.
we should
Is Bill Mitchell a retard?
>What if I was to say I don't like you or your fancy-pants nigger?!
We wuz kangz n sheit
Also, when the movie fails financially they'll of course blame the white man, as if Arabs want to see blacks stealing their ancient culture or the Chinese want to see blacks at all in any capacity. Nobody will be interested in this film except black people who can barely afford the cost of a ticket. Which, in their mind, means that white ppl are financially OBLIGED to buy tickets to ensure it's success because white people made black people poor. You see how this victim mentality and the culture it spawned amongst blacks is so tempting yet self-defeating at the same time? Everything will always be everyone else's fault - everyone will be to blame for the black man's woes except the black man himself.
somebody post the fucking monkey noises meme you faggot nigger retards
where do we go to file discrimination suits against the studio for not being diverse enough? serious question.
Screenshot to prove later their new word came from big bad racist Sup Forums?
Every time! Goddamn the Jews have no shame. Hven't the black people been exploited enough, Jews? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You have to remember this is a nigger fantasy film. wakanda existed only on an air conditioned jew soundstage in Hollywood.
Lmao. If this is real holy shit.
No, but you clearly are.
It's probably dundiko, but it doesn't make it less niggerish.
[spoiler] at the end of the credits the "king" wakes up from his vivid malaria induced dream on the floor of his mud hut while his uncle rapes a chicken on the dirt path outside [/spoiler]
But they were never conquered by the evil white man. They have air conditioning.
do it and we need to start memeing shit like this on the black panther twitter
oooh i like this angle if someone were to commit and execute on it
Done and done. Screenshot for later. Start with phrases like "This shit be swunk" Black panther be looking sunk" Girls you be swunk af i be shook" ect
>entire city is in flames
>no local heat signatures
>a fragrance created from the novel "Push" by Sapphire
top kekkk