There is literally no reason for you to not support racemixing that isn't pseudoscience.
There is literally no reason for you to not support racemixing that isn't pseudoscience
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There's nothing wrong with race mixing as long as nigs or mayans get in the mix
I support a castizo future where everyone will look like a spanish soap opera star
so where really you from Schlomo?
*as long as nigs or mayans DON'T get in the mix
my bad
just look at my country you retard
bleaching colored women is the only acceptable race mixing.
- spreading the civilization
- making humanity prettier
Bad racemixing is when a white woman does it.
A white man can produce an infinite number of white and mongrel babies.
gib azn gf
here are some studies then
>those are debunked/discredited/other gatekeeping word
here are some real life anecdotes then
>confirmation bias/naxalt/who hurt you
here's a leftist talking point that supports our argument then
>ignored, responds to other poster
it's all so tiresome
This is literally how you got Mexico and the rest of Latin America.
Not politics you fucking retard, you need to be banned for the next six months.
why do you post this faggot every chance you get?
Genetic egoism
Good taste.
Doesn't matter.
Good taste.
Mexico and Latin America have a comfy culture. Anglo America is dying for a reason.
None of your gay ass business you little hoe, fuck you.
you should be banned for a year, for posting that faggot pic
Whites have a right to exist.
>Mexico and Latin America have a comfy culture.
Only good for traveling, horrendus to live in. Why do you think the US needs a wall to begin with?
White girls will make sure your line ends with you because they refuse to breed and want to focus on their career.
The only white girls who want to breed want black cock.
You a fuckin' moderator you little hoe? That's what I thought motherfucker, fuck you. You're fuckin' nothin', pussy.
Orientals and Europeans will naturally mix over thousands of years after we eradicate the lesser humans and establish a Terran empire.