Why do people like Jojo Part 4...

Why do people like Jojo Part 4? Everywhere I go I see people say its one of their favourite parts but after just finishing Part 3, it seems like its taken a dip in quality in both animation, style, and music. The OP and ED is shite, and the town plot is boring.

>still animeonlyfag

>not like Crazy noisy bizarre town

Because sweet slice of life with a touch of DUWANG. Also, read the fucking manga instead of watching the shitty anime.

Because people like different things to you? Part 4 has a lot of charm to quite a lot of people, which is why it's so highly regarded. It's a fun part, but if you don't enjoy it, that's cool, not everything's made for everyone. Stick around for the part 5 anime though, that's bound to be something you'll enjoy considering how great the fights are.

Also, CNBT is great, Great Days is the best OP though.

Part 4 second half > Dio's World > Part 3 first half > Part 4 first half > Part 3 second half before Dio's World

Because they read the manga years ago before the anime existed you fucking secondary.

>Shitty anime
But it was pretty damn good and enjoyable, I don't get all the QUALITY nit-picking honestly.

I agree, still not able to finish it.
It's a huge downgrade compared to part 3 and that part was stretched out to 48 ep.

In what ways is it a downgrade, if I may ask? Also, how far into it are you?

>animeonly faggot
Literally end yourself

It's not about the QUALITY. The manga is just so beautifully drawn that the anime can't do it justice. You can watch it if you want but I strongly suggest to read the source material first.

It's weird for me, I enjoyed reading part 4 the first time but I wasn't too into the characters and on the second read it's just unbearable. Also Kira is lame as fuck.

I've read the manga in duwang, B/W and colour my man. I enjoy the anime's aesthetics and the colour-palette switching especially is great, the more simplistic, almost cartoony look for the more comic episodes is really fitting in my opinion.

In general, manga art is far better than the art of its adaptation, so there's no real surprise there. I just personally think the anime did a real good job, and it had some absolutely fantastic direction too. BTD 1 is still in my opinion the best episode in the entire adaptation.
Sad to hear you think that way, I enjoy Kira more and more with every read. Hell, after reading Araki's interview about him, I find him even more interesting. Wish he explored the parent-dynamic he wanted to show off more.

Not OP, but I also don't think CNBT is that great. The song is fantastic, but the animation is lacking, especially coming off of the previous four amazing 3DCG ones. Though they turned it around with Chase and Great Days.

Part 3 is the worst Part of JoJo. Part 4 is when Araki is able to apply all the knowledge he learned about how to write Stands from Part 3, and it really shines because of it. Most of Part 3's stumbles are due to Araki just needing to experiement with Stands with no knowledge of how to effectively create or write around them.

I thought I was the only one who wasn't a big fan of part 4. People always shit on Part 3 for being "Stand user of the week" then praise Part 4 when it is a worse offender of the "Stand user of the week" format. Part 3 at least had the journey to Egypt so that it felt like there was progress, but Part 4 had none of that until 2/3 of the way through when the main villain shows up. Until Kira showed up, most of it felt like filler. I think the reason it is held in such high regard is because the most recent memories people have of Part 4 is the Kira arc and they remember how amazing that was and forget how slow and boring the first 2/3 was.

It was pretty bad. The only thing that standed out was some crazy asspull going the way of the main antagonist instead of the MCs.
Still better than that super-generic part 3 though.

>best villain
>best cast
>best setting
>best Jotaro
What is there not to like?

Having read Part 4 from start to finish, the story is almost non-existant before Kira shows up, and it has the urgency of a Skyrim sidequest afterwards, which is somewhat alliviated by the interesting characters and their shenanigans, but so were Parts 5 & 6.

A story didn't start until the antagonist showed up? That's so weird.

This. Most of the Part 3 is a stand-of-the-week thing, with villains being themed after 80s b-horror movies. In part 4 Araki realised that villains have to be made unique and memorable, no matter how short is their lifetime after introduction (which he puts to good use in later parts).

Finally someone gets it. Most people think 4 is good because they saw the anime, and didn't like reading the manga, hence the part 5 hate.
Real fans enjoy 5, 6, and the part 3 manga more than the animeonlies

because the manga is fucking great and has a lot of personality that the anime didn't recapture for me

The problem is that the villain doesn't show up until near the end of the manga.

I like Part 4 over 3 because the setting and tone of the plot actually lent itself toward "Stand of the week" antics. Everytime the Crusaders were fucking around at a resort or letting themselves get picked off one-by-one felt too dumb, because of the supposed urgency of saving Holly.
In Part 4 the Stand-of-the-week format worked much better because the main cast wasn't on an urgent mission for most of it, and even in the latter half when they have the goal of stopping Kira, there's really nothing they can do the majority of time, as they're just waiting for Jotaro's research to give them a lead. So just hanging around and having wacky Stand encounters makes complete sense through the entire Part.
Also the idea of being able to encounter the "main antagonist" at any moment is much more in-line with the tension that was omnipresent in Parts 1 and 2. Part 3 had nothing of the sort, as there was absolutely no threat of DIO showing up at any moment and trying to kill the Crusaders, unlike Dio or the Pillarmen. In Part 4 we immediately launch into a seemingly hopeless fight against Angelo (who at the moment seems to be the serial killer causing grief in the town). Followed by that the stakes shoot up again with the fight against Keicho, who is creating all of the Stand users with the Arrow. Akira shows up and although the gang fights other random people for a bit before the penultimate fight against Akira, there's still the parts where RHCP jumps out of Josuke's TV, or when they fight him in the field, that reminds us of the looming threat.
The feeling that a situation can really swing in the favour of either character at any moment, regardless of if they're friend or foe, is really integral to the JoJo experience in my opinion. Part 3 threw away that feeling as soon as it pulled shit like Star Finger by establishing that Star Platinum can punch its way through any problem.

Yeah, I found Part 4 to be quite lacking and too simplistic, Gets better onward however imo

>Part 3 is the worst Part of JoJo.
This meme needs to stop.

>it seems like its taken a dip in quality in both animation, style, and music. The OP and ED is shite, and the town plot is boring.
The manga is why people love it. Part 4 is such a kick up in terms of energy compared to the previous parts that you'd have to be a nitpicky faggot to not enjoy it. It's Araki riding the high of DIO's World, the manga is exploding in popularity for what's pretty much his first big success in his mangaka career and it's clear that he's really enjoying his job. His joyfulness shows in the manga, since there's really not a single fight that feels like it loses its momentum or feels like it's a drag to get through.

The anime doesn't really capture that.

>real fans
shut the fuck up

Nobody complains because part 4's fights are all at least as good as the better part 3 fights. People aren't really complaining about MotW, they're complaining about bad MotW.

It's not a meme if it's my opinion.

We're talking about part 4 not part 3

but 6 isn't good....

Great Days is the best JoJo opening you fucking dolt.
Please do us all a favor and remove yourself from this plain of existance.

Part 4 has better characters than 3. Even Jotaro is more likable in part 4, but they're stuck doing meme shit half the time

Chase is better

He just started Part 4 so he isn't even close to experience Great Days.


Part 3 was only really good because of the sense of adventure, and then the final battle with DIO.

Part 4 is mostly in the same place, so its more focused on the characters in the town instead.


part 5 is my favourite

what a lovely... DUWANG

I'll answer your question with this: ¿do you like Ed, Edd n' Eddy?


I hate it and part 4 is my favorite part.

Yukako completely ruined everything,It made me drop the anime believe it or not.
I couldn't believe jojo would pull out the usual ''please treat me like shit'' waifu fetish tried to masqueriding it as ''deep non-beauty standard grill'' but alas..


>I couldn't believe jojo would pull out the usual ''please treat me like shit'' waifu fetish tried to masqueriding it as ''deep non-beauty standard grill'' but alas..
She was psychotic and Koishi was terrified, she was in no way supposed to be appealing or a "waifu". Then her development arc with Cinderella turned her into a decent person, and Koishi learned/got brainwashed into liking her.
Nothing you described is applicable.


They're basically the same thing

But part one is still the worst right guys?......RIGHT?

Not really.

It never was the worst part. The section of Part 1 where they fight the two zombie knights is the worst bit of all of JoJo's, but the rest of Part 1 is top-tier material.


I found the second half of Part 4 to be really good, but the first half lacking. Araki clearly came up with more interesting stand ideas for this part, and the pursuit of Kira felt much more original than the easily predictable pursuit of Dio.

I actually like it because it is just generally better than most other TV anime out there

Part 4 is my least favorite part after 1 besides Kira being one of the best villains. Its boring and everything besides Kira is tame aside from a few jokes.

I feel like people only love it because of the same reason Personafags love Persona over SMT. Retards who want high school shit where it doesn't belong.

>a wiki poll
>only western fans
>only western fans that use the wiki
>popularity has any relation to quality
lol fag
And it seems this works by voting for your favourite Part, in which case it's completely unapplicable to deciding which is the worst Part, because your second-favourite and least-favourite Parts are both weighed the same by your vote; that is to say, you didn't vote for either of them.
All this picture says is that Part 1 is the most-liked Part of the least amount of people in a small pool of western fans on the JoJo fan wiki.

we love morioh cho

Practically nothing in Part 4 happens at highschool. Even the scenes that happen at a school have nothing to do with it being a school, it's just that a fight/confrontation happens to taking place at that time/location, like Shigechi crawling to Josuke while he's in his class on lunch break.

characters are all great, story is fun, Jolyne is loveable, but a lot of the stand fights were just subpar. especially after reading part 5...
Part 6 still good, I was just bring hyperbolic I guess

My least favorite part too. Koichi felt more of a protagonist than Josuke (who was outshined by Jotaro in the end), there was barely an adventure since it was all in one town, the Hand was practically useless outside of getting people closer when it's supposed to scrape things out of existence. I fell asleep reading and watching it.

I really struggled with part 4 too. I think the pacing issues was what made it such a difficult read, that and I didn't really care that much for the cast.

But which version of Great days is the best, the original or units?

i can't stand chase music-wise, especially not the vocals

I prefer Units but they're both amazing.

>Koichi felt more of a protagonist than Josuke
This is the best trope though. Do you not like Shaman King either?

>Tommy starts off
The beginning of units is especially fantastic.