So it's definitely her, right?
So it's definitely her, right?
what are the proofs? only the Mitsuki looks?
>wistful looks at her friend's family + only visits from friends and teacher at hospital = orphan
>according to sai, root is involved
>root recruits orphans and brainwashes them
>she was around for a lot of the past incidents
>only classmate not at the post office to ambush masked guy
>shikadai thinks it was someone close to them
pieces add up
also, by their height and the fact that they run away from a few kids chasing them, masked guy is either another academy student or a midget adult ninja that can't fight
what am I looking at
new boruto episode today
tinfoil theory about villain
the masked person had at least 3 minutes on screen and not once did they HAWAWAWAWA while dissolving into a moeblob
it's just not possible
obviously secrit root disguise no jutsu
she's a cold blooded killer just look at that face
What did boruto summon and why was such a powerful scroll in a school
>making the best girl the villain
yeah but maybe then we'll get a whole redemption arc for her
she's the villain but it's not like she's gonna be the mastermind
I feel like class rep is a red herring. Everyone is overlooking the fact that Sarada was missing in the second half of the episode.
Sarada gets controlled, puts on the mask,has the Nue possess the old guy and Mitsuki figures out its her in the sewers.
> new series comes out
> promise myself I'm gonna keep up with it
> a few months out and I'm already behind
you niggas are high the obvious culprit is goth loli hawawa was hospitalized while goth loli lurks in the shadow hatching her master plan
>Because you let Ri, I mean, my parents die
From cutie Hawawa to evil Wahaha
But isn't it only too convenient that the attacks stopped when she was in the hospital?
bort will bang class rep
Yet another episode of literally nothing. The first few episodes were kind of fun but this ghost arc is just rubbish. Even Shippuden filler wasn't this dragged out.
it's either a brand new character that hasn't been introduced, or it's one of the cast so far
not totally convinced it's class rep girl, but it would make more sense than popping a new character out of nowhere after all this mystery
agreed, the pacing is slowing down too much
can any manga readers say if this is following the story or if this is filler-y stuff?
The anime is taking place like months before the manga, dude. They're more or less following different storylines.