Hunter x Hunter

Are you all ready for Leorio to become the MC and for Hisoka to kill all the spiders?

I was born ready.

>Implying Leorio will be MC when all the plot is being carried by Kurapika
>Implying Hisocuck can beat Chrollo's STRATEGY even if he leaves him alone
>Implying Shalnark and Kurotopi's deaths didn't leave them resentful, which will permanently grant Chrollo their abilities to get delicious revenge on pedoclown.

Hisoka isn't the only one who can O HIS OWN NEN, you know?

Anyway, to be honest, Chrollo vs Hisoka was merely an excuse for Togashi to team up his two favourite characters, so yeah, Spiders are going down hard.


HunterXHunter is starting again soon ???? When can we expect the first episode of the "new" arc to air ?

He will be once Cheadle dies and he has to be her replacement

Who's gonna be next? My vote's on Nobunaga. He's gonna lose his shit when he learns about their comrade's death and will act rashly.


Nobunaga will get one shot by Hisoka while he's in the middle of his inner monologue thinking of how he'll defeat Hisoka

poor doggo

best girl

I'm ready for this.


Leorio is going to be just as irrelevant this arc as he was every other arc he was in. Hisoka and Kurapika are gonna be the main players again.

>literal who
>punches Ging in the face and says he's a chronic masturbator in front of the entire association
>nearly gets elected chairman

wish-fulfillment incarnate

>HxHfags think that Gon taking the backseat for one arc means that "Leorio is now the new MC"
>HxHfags think that there is no MC in HxH despite 300+ chapters being dedicated solely to Gon and Killua's yaoi adventures
>HxHfags think that Gon won't find a way to recover his nen and regain the spotlight by the end of the Dark Continent arc if it ever gets finished

It's funny how desperate HxH fanboys are to try and put HxH on a pedestal as this groundbreaking shounen series with claims like "there is no MC in HxH" despite Gon very clearly being the MC.

It's funny how you don't understand this series at all and yet you're making fun of people who do

Imagine being so irrationally butthurt about a series that you start foaming at the mouth at the thought of the poster boy taking a backseat (even though it happened it two arcs before) because you think it's a good thing, so you start making up fanfiction and strawmen to rationalize why you don't want it to happen.

But the anons not wrong though. Gon is still the MC.

>so you start making up fanfiction and strawmen
Look at the opening post of this thread you fucking retard where the OP refers to Leorio as the new MC

Hisoka can't kill all the spiders if they commit suicide by Nen beast first.

Gon is obviously the most prominent MC, there's no denying that. However we have seen him taking a backseat in Yorkshin and the Election arc where he barely was present at all, and you could even argue he had a relatively small amount of panel time in CA. There's no sign of him being relevant in this arc at all.
Clearly he meant in this arc you fucking cunt, even though i think it's unlikely because Kurapika seems to be the focus. I can see him being relevant though.
Also here are your fanfiction and your strawman, respectively
>Gon will find a way to recover his nen and regain the spotlight
>HxH fanboys try and put HxH on a pedestal as this groundbreaking shounen series with claims like "there is no MC in HxH"
It's literally wishful thinking and pure baseless speculation. I assume it's because you don't want a series you dislike to do something you think would be good, no doubt the kind of faggot behavior inherited from Sup Forums. Kill yourself you shitposting retard.

>It's literally wishful thinking and pure baseless speculation.
It's not baseless. Every significant event in this series proves to be inconsequential. Gon regaining his nen is just waiting to happen.
>Hisoka dies! Wait never mind
>Kite dies! Wait never mind
>Meruem got nuked! Wait never mind
>Gon, you're gonna die! Wait never mind
>Alluka has rules to her magic! Wait never mind

And anyway,
>speculation is now fan fiction
The whole point of these threads is to speculate what's going to happen. You might as well throw a fit at every single post.
No, I've seen many posts claiming that HxH does not have one single MC.

I think you're the one from Sup Forums with the way you're throwing around words like "strawman" you don't know how to properly use.

>Ging stole his powers and use them better than he ever could
Damn. Benched before they even got to the continent.

Leo > crappy-ka

>Meruem got nuked! Wait never mind
But he died from the poison

>and for Hisoka to kill all the spiders?
It's gonna be fisting, right?

Yeah but not before being asspulled back from the brink of death by Youpi and Pouf giving their nen energy or whatever the fuck it was to Meruem, something which I'm still confused as to how it was possible. How is an Enhancer who barely learned about nen a few days ago able to transfer his life energy to someone else? Makes no sense. At least Pouf was a manipulator.

Will the first post-hiatus chapter be as good as 350 was? I'm doubtful

Kurapika is the best protagonist.
He is smart but not on genius levels, so the reader can follow his thoughts and his logic pace. Literally the best.

Kurapika is genius-tier smart though.

I think Hisoka will join with Kurapika and give us very good banter, I hope this arc doesn't have the same tone as the chimera ant arc nor an obnoxious narrator

Togashi is great at creating "smart" characters that actually feel smart, especially Ging and Pariston. Lots of manga/anime fail at this, even series like LotGH.

I think Naruto did a good job at this too, like how orochimaru got everyone to be his friend at the end.

he's not ging/pariston levels of genius though

Ten years down the line

Do you even know what you're trying to argue about anymore? You were saying "Gon will get his nen back and be the MC of the arc". Now you're trying to argue that the only thing that qualify as "consequences" are characters dying, and you bring up Meruem for some reason as if he didn't die from the nuke.
>speculation is now fan fiction
It is, when you say Gon will take the spotlight when there's nothing suggesting he will even be a background character.
>words like "strawman" you don't know how to properly use
I'm going to say you're the one who doesn't know what that word means. To begin with, you were saying that people who don't think Gon will be the MC of the arc for no reason are "putting the series on a pedestal". That's a strawman. Then, you try to apply the "there is no MC" thing to the entire fanbase, which is also a strawman. I could go on but i'm sure you get the idea.

To be fair, it takes balls to punch one of the most infamous member of your organization and tell people you beat off four times a day.

They literally fed themselves to him, you know, the thing that makes him stronger. Where did you get that "life energy" shit from? They were able to do it because they both can manipulate their bodies on a molecular level, which they very clearly demonstrated in the invasion.

We get the chapter this week or next week?

And they all still died, it was only prolonged a few hours more. You have no argument, you simpleton.

And Yupi had nothing to do with him being an Enhancer. It's that fact that due to his Magical Beast origins, he can alter his body anytime he wants. Yet another case of not paying any attention.

Leorio will kill all the spiders!

Next week

>you were saying that people who don't think Gon will be the MC of the arc for no reason are "putting the series on a pedestal". That's a strawman.
No it isn't. The first part is something that people actually say, and you must be a newfag if you don't think that there's a large dedicated HxH fanbase that worship this overrated manga and claim it's better than every other shounen despite being exactly like them
>Then, you try to apply the "there is no MC" thing to the entire fanbase, which is also a strawman.
Attacking something that people actually say is not a "strawman"

>he's a chronic masturbator
Who does he think of?

>It's that fact that due to his Magical Beast origins, he can alter his body anytime he wants.
Why didn't the ants just give their life to the Queen to prevent her from dying then?

Can't wait to see what he's plotting

>No it isn't.
Yes it literally is you mouthbreather, you're saying "if you don't think Gon will take the spotlight it's because you're putting the series on a pedestal". That is the very definition of a strawman. But keep going on about how much you think the series is overrated, that definitely doesn't make your "arguments" seem even more worthless and biased.
>Attacking something that people actually say is not a "strawman"
Trying to put someone's words into the mouths of an entire group is a strawman. Thanks for proving you don't have a clue what that word means, you're free to keep embarassing yourself.

As delusional as the rest of your shitty fanbase i see

When did any of the ants except Pouf and Youpi were shown to be able to shapeshift and shit? If you're asking why those two didn't save her, it's because they didn't give a shit about her anymore since the King was born, which Pitou explicitely says
Hell i'm pretty sure the Queen didn't give a shit either, she was only concerned about him

Yupi is the only Magical Beast Hybrid among the Guards and they literally didn't give a flying shit if she died since Meruem was born.

This is where speedreading gets you. It's embarrassing

>still not a single valid argument
I'll take that as you admitting you have a the IQ of a toddler.

>I'll take that as you admitting you have a the IQ of a toddler.
Every HxHfag argument ever

Hisoka will kill Chrollo but the Spiders can survive without its head. They go on a killing spree killing everyone in their sights as well as hunting down Hisoka. The princes use this opportunity to try to kill the other princes and at the same time the zodiacs try to restrain the traitor and Beyond. The ship is a complete battlefield and by the time they reach the destination most people are dead.

Are you saying you keep getting blown the fuck out everytime you try to argue about this series? That's pretty embarassing.

Jesus, where do you retards come from?

>one piece spoiler provider said he'll be late with the op spoilers because he'll deliver hxh ones first
good shit

Not even mature enough to accept that you've been proven wrong.

I'd say he's right on the money

>y-you're just too stupid to understand muh deep and gritty deconstruction shounen!

>Trying to put someone's words into the mouths of an entire group is a strawman. Thanks for proving you don't have a clue what that word means, you're free to keep embarassing yourself.
When your entire fanbase is so loud and obnoxious in claiming that Hunter x Hunter is a revolutionary story different from every other manga it's not really a strawman

>Hisoka will kill Chrollo

Who are you quoting?

It's impossible for Hisoka to win round 2 with Chrollo. He's been completely nerfed since his revival and Chrollo still has a whole arsenal of other abilities he can use.
It's either he teams up with Kurapika or keeps sneak attacking from the shadows like a coward.

>try to argue that you're not using strawmen by using more strawmen
Absolutely genius, truly the Kant of our times

Leave newfag

Chrollo won because he had a plan but if Hisoka attacks when he has the advantage he might win.
Wait I thought Hisoka got stronger after his death since nen after death is stronger. It'd be cool to see Kurapika and Hisoka team up against Chrollo. Once Chrollo gets caught in Chain Jail though it's over.

Nobody. It's just some sperg trying poorly to stir people up with the same old tired attacks

The HxH fanbase on Sup Forums

>thinking "nen is stronger after death" is a zenkai boost
Also he can only use nen from 2 limbs and constantly has to maintain his face and rubber cum prosthetics together

Not too long now.

One more week is all I can take.

His nen was stronger in the moment but it's back to normal now.
Hisoka is weaker now because he sacrifices some nen for his prosthetics so he has to constantly focus on it. Without fingers he can't control it properly either.
And Chrollo is still pretty stong, he put up a good fight against the two best Zoldycks.

His uncle when he visits his bed at night

That's a weird pre-rape line.

>And Chrollo is still pretty stong, he put up a good fight against the two best Zoldycks.
This, people keep bringing up prep time but forget that Chrollo is a master strategist even on the fly.

I can't wait for leorio to kill all of the spiders.

>le rape XD
Underage cancer. Seems about right for HxH fans

Ah okay, that makes sense. Makes me wonder why the fuck Hisoka didn't just let Machi heal him before hunting the spiders.

The Batman of the HxHverse

>"le XD"
>calling anyone cancer


>HxH fans can't tell when they're being mocked
Underage for sure

are you implying that geniuses speak in a different language?

>it's ok because i use them ironically
The real irony here is that you're definitely underage cancer

Stop replying to him. He's just attention whoring at this point because his arguments got blown the fuck out.

Is Milluki the most relatable character?

>his arguments got blown the fuck out.

>stage 1: denial

No, Kikyo is

He mostly likely wanted to attack Shalnark and Kortopi before they left and didn't want to wait.


Surely you mean Dwun

This is fan fiction, it's baseless speculation

About showing/telling, it's not just nen exposition where it happens. But for example, Hisoka was using cards to slice since his first appearance. We don't need a whole explanation and name for the technique ("shu" IIRC.) Other series do the same thing (imbuing ki into objects) without saying anything.

That particular training was pointless mostly because it didn't really introduce anything new. The fights/results weren't necessarily pointless.
You could make the argument that those characters ended up accomplishing nothing either, but that's not really important.

HxH just reads like a diary more than anything. It's about things that happen to the characters. If the story points out that Kurapika's revenge is hollow, or that Gon is selfish, it doesn't change that fact. There's rarely another side to the story.

What makes something "not shallow"? I don't really feel like HxH is attempting to defend itself on that front. Characters like Wing and Biscuit exist because the plot required them, and that's fine with Togashi. Those characters don't have a stake in anything else going on, and the actual development only happens to a very small group

I dunno, I don't think it's worth the time digging into details for this. The best I can give is impressions. Though, I do feel like One Piece makes an effort to have its characters feel like they would still exist without the plot.

I dislike HxH (from what I've seen) partly because I feel like the lack of proper focus on each of the mc's story-lines makes me a bit detached from the overall events

like YYH's side characters were given narratives that were concise as appropriate to their screen time and synchronized with the dominant plotline following the lead. Compared to HxH where the doctor guy isnt really around often enough to have that impact foil status, much less interesting journey, and blonde guy's revenge plot feels thin to the amount of time spent checking out his Hot Topic chain collection.

All of which is not helped by my lack of interest in the main character himself as, despite the purposeful exaggeration of traits found in his archetype, is way less fun to watch when compared to others like Kid Goku

The idea of a kid finding his deadbeat father through faint clues in a expansive "magic" world *sounds* like an interesting idea but I don't think it meshes well with that bland sort of "what if this superpower guy fights that superpower guy" setup ever-present without a tighter narrative surrounding such circumstances in a world that's a bit too unconnected. To put it simply, it feels like Im watching/reading a rpg/mmo, which I understand the appeal of, but am not interested in myself

Why else wouldn't he wait for Machi to fix him?

>Legally changed his name against his will just to make the naming scheme of his game work.

Is Ging the biggest asshole of this series?

The problem with HxH is that every arc seems really disjointed from eachother and that is why it suffers big from its shortcomings.I also hate how some arcs feel like fillers prior to Yorkshin Arc.The relationship between the characters could've been developed in more interesting settings prior to Yorkshin.

What exactly could Machi "fix" aside from torn skin on his neck and maybe his nose?

>so devastated you start pasting weak shitposts that have been thoroughly demolished the first 50 times you posted them
How desperate can one person be? I can almost imagine him crying and trembling in frustration

That's what his competition with Pariston is about