These needs to be edited out. The most out of place and pointless scene in the entire series and it's the first fucking page.
Berserk Thread
>Guts wrestling an apostle
I see nothing wrong
It's okay. He was thinking of Griffith.
>guts ever having sex without going autistic about donovan
Casca's healing pussy took care of that.
This is such an out of character scene for Guts. If he knew she was an apostle from the get go he would've just killed her instead of tricking her into sex so she could've shown her true form.
What is your favourite scene user? mine is:
When Guts goes into a rage and starts choking Casca whilst nearly raping her. How many times has she nearly been raped?
>If he knew she was an apostle from the get go
Did he?
Also Guts having sex is very out of character.
Nigga have you even read Berserk? His brand would be pissing out blood if he was that close to an apostle.
The entire beginning of Berserk was very experiment-y
But it got sort of an explanation with Guts trying to be someone he wasn't
That's why it's retarded to say that he knew she was an apostle.
>nearly raping her
it was consensual, desu
Isn't that the one who killed Corkus during the Eclipse? So Guts might have known if he recognized her as one of the demons there. Either that or he figured out what she is from peasant rumors and basic detective work.
Fuck I can't really tell, I really need to reread berserk at some point.
Forgot to add that the brand would also be a big giveaway if he got close enough to her.
But he would have. It's just a scene that doesn't make any sense.
>This is such an out of character scene for Guts
To be fair, it is the very first page of the manga. I doubt Miura had Guts' character completely figured out at that point in time (which should be obvious during the whole black swordsman arc). But you could always rationalize it that Guts is just really fucked up emotionally at this point in time which has lead him to acting so out of character.
>left to right
Maybe it's some crazy form of penance since he couldn't save Caska from getting demon raped?
He did it for Corkas you fucking speedreader
Poor Guts. Why must he always suffer?
>did it for Corkas
Killed the apostle or tapped the pussy?
Because he kills apostles all the time but this is the only time he's fucked one.
Both. That was the one that killed him with the sex embrace. He made it personal.
Corkus was a fucking assshole with the face of one.
[Spoiler]Yes it was the one that killed Corkus.{/spoiler] A bunch of retards here haven't read Berserk and missed the point of that scene.
Looks good.
It sets the mood. That's the point of it. Also, it was the first fucking page. I doubt Miura had 50+ volumes all planned out and Guts being a solidified, unchanging character by this point.
Holy shit, Sup Forums calm down. Nitpicking and criticizing don't always make you look smarter.
I thanks god day and night for giving me the chance to read this masterpiece
Berserk changed my life
A lot of Berserk "fans" are speereaders. They read the entire series in 2 days and don't know shit about Berserk.
Does this count as cheating?
Ulysses fugged lots of nymphs in the odyssey, maybe it's an allusion to that - you fucking pleb
Holy shit, post golden-age potato Casca Berserk is basically the Odyssey when you think about it.
That was the only way he was going to get her, though. He must have heard rumours about her being in the area and he couldn't just go around killing literally every young woman around until he finds her.
He's a cool guy
Can Guts actually read or is he just imitating Griffith?
That demon survived and later gave birth to this cutie, who will be the key to defeating Griffith at the very end of the story. The first scene of the manga is the most important one of all.
I think Guts probably learned to read during his stay in the Band of the Hawk around the same time he was made leader of an assault troop. Communication is important on the battlefield.
It's hard to say, but I'm pretty sure he would have said something like "damn I can't read" while holding books.
This crossed the line for me desu
>who will be the key to defeating Griffith at the very end of the story
He'll be Guts' new weapon? The dragonslayer will break and he'll take the child by the ankles and cave in Griffith's skull by swinging him?
>[Spoiler]Yes it was the one that killed Corkus.{/spoiler] A bunch of retards here haven't read Berserk and missed the point of that scene.
Not that I speed read Berserk but it was so long between reading Black Swordsmen and the Eclipse I didn't even notice.
How many translations of this are there? The version I have has little to no swearing in it, so I'm wondering I'm reading a censored translation?
How is this shit still airing?
Japanese doesn't really have swear words, the version with the infamous "faggot ass monsters" line was a fan translation that took some liberties.
That's the only theory I've seen that makes sense. I wish it was canon.
>Sex with non-humans
>Violent Death
It's pretty characteristic of Berserk, actually.
This scene while pointless and out of character from what we know of Guts from latter chapters, is a reference to Conan the Barbarian, where a similar scene happens. Early Berserk was inspired by over the top supernatural action/horror movies like Conan and Army of Darkness
I'm thinking it was because of Corkus.