Former Democrat here

I bought into the whole Russiagate stuff for over a year now but this memo smells too fish. I don't know maybe when it comes out it will be nothing and I'll change my mind, but right now all the other weird stuff going on it really looks like Dems are in the wrong here and the Russia stuff was just a pretext to abuse power.
Like many leftists, I strongly oppose the invasive spying programs set up by Bush after 9/11. To learn that the Democrats abused these same programs they pretended to oppose just breaks my heart. I can never trust them again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mate. Trump is about to reveal everything from JFK to 9/11 to Sandy Hook.

ur first clue should have been that demoniggers were saying trump was worse than bush

This. They even convinced a couple of million people that Bush was actually a good guy when compared to Trump. What the fuck

converts are the fiercest fighters

Lol meme flag poster

Prove you're a former Dem

fomer democunt here, can confirm I've lost all faith in these criminal losers

“If he wins we’re all going to hang”

Took you long enough.
Do you *really* think the mainstream media which is owned by corporate elites and other bad people is going to shill the truth? They demonize people who are threats to their power and mobilize the dummies.

The memo is partisan noise, but this indictment however...

desu, while this might surprise you, there is no one here that raised an eyebrow.

After all, 90% of the bullshit we talk about is how leftists have no fucking morals. The worst thing for us would be for the memo to be literally fucking nothing, but there's already been resignations over it when it was said to be released. Pelosi was on CNN looking like she was going to stroke out.

If the memo is even 15% as damning as they claim, heads will fucking roll over it.

and so the vicious circle of the two party political system goes for another cycle.

and just how the fuck do you know that?

If this isn't a larp, then welcome to the club. I bought the Bernie meme, saw he lost NYC, and when I saw how Clinton's bffs in Upper West Side had no issues voting, but Bernie's entire brooklyn voter base had widespread issues voting and were given affidavit ballots, I felt what you feel now.

Don't let them get away with this shit, fight back dude
Start the video at 5:44
>An ally can turn, you're gonna find that out.

No shit Sherlock..

Hard times OP. Read everything. Come to your own conclusions as often as you can. Read ALL propaganda outlets possible. Read everything that leaks. Understand that all of them, even often the most seemingly noble whistleblower has an agenda. Rarely you will get a hero, but it is very rare.

We are in the middle of a propaganda war. Sadly in these days more than ever you can not trust sources of info. Even WikiLeaks, or The Intercept have agendas.

Yes the neolibs and neocons are as corrupt as Putin and his cronies. Shit is very dark. It gets worse bud.

Im a "leftist" lol LARP


>DNC/Hillary allegedly(confirmed??) pays for british faggot to find evidence for treason
>DNC gives this evidence to FBI
>FBI uses this, and supposedly other evidence to ask for a warrant to investigate a trump crony/cronies?/trump himself?
>receive warrant legally
>investigate for treason

somehow this is the FBIs fault in the mind of retards.
If you want to blame anyone, blame hillary, but at this point no one fucking cares about hillary because she has no congressional power you fucking morons.

I wasn't interested in Politics in the least bit. I heard of Trump and thought he sounded like a buffoon, but didn't put any thought into it. I would have voted Rand Paul, but I assumed politics was dead.

Then I saw "You Can't Stump the Trump (Volume 4)" and thought it was hilarious.
I decided to watch a rally from the standpoint of him manipulating people with fancy words
I had always been a "The jews are the problem" guy for a long time now, so I kept watching with that in mind
But then it just made more and more sense, and I kept watching more, and seeing him roast the ever living shit out of everyone, yet still be nice to people like Ben Carson (except that one book reading)

Eventually I realized that this was the man we needed

Is this the leftypol version of the nuclear codes meme?

it's the fbi's fault bc they knew the dossier was fucky and went for it anyways