Is NuDragon Ball still a mistake? Can it still turn itself around after this long?
Dragon Ball Super
GT was awful for 80% of its existence and yet some people manage to remember it fondly. Super has it easy in comparison.
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
>Is NuDragon Ball still a mistake?
No unless Toriyama says otherwise
>Can it still turn itself around after this long?
Only Toriyama knows
Chichi a cute
Reminder that our boy CHADhan will turn Caulifla straight at the tournament of power.
the majority of the fanbase prefers the anime over the manga. How does that make you feel?
>Taking seriously a guy who has write one of the dumbest plotlines ever, ruining the anime and weakening the pretty generic manga
Is it just me or is DBZ abridged waaaay better than it should be?
Like yeah you'd expect it to be funny but it's way smarter and more quotable than you'd think - I almost feel like if those guys were working in a big studio they'd be really successful.
The thing I usually have against parodies is that they can take away some of the magic from the og show and yet with Abridged I feel it actually just adds to the franchise.
Sure you can say it's much easier to add/parody a show than create one from scratch, which is true. But all the call backs, endlessly quotable lines and a sense of characterisation thats so hilariously spot on, it's arguably way more consistent than the show - which again is the opposite to what you'd expect, as parodies often just make the characters crazy versions of their former selves for a cheap laugh.
Even just little things like trunks suddenly saying 'crap baskets' after hearing gohan say it for so long, isn't just funny but adds a real sense of weight and plausibility to the world of the show.
Anyone else think this is kinda crazy? Like If I feel the need to get a DB fix I usually end up opting for abridged over Kai and noticing extra little inside jokes or even have my attention drawn to details in the relationships of certain characters from the og show.
I want to lick Chi-Chi's legs.
Well, he did nothing wrong on the first place
Toriyama can't keep up with the modern standards.
If you look at things like one piece that brings back villains it seems toriyama saw that and though "Hey bringing back villains is a good idea" so he does and it goes to shit because in one piece the intention was always for character to return to the story every once in a while where as in Dragon Ball it's forced as fuck.
Toriyama sucks ass at long term planning basically.
He did.
Didn't call back the editor who helped him with DB.
Without them, see how went Super anime and manga?
>a guy who has write
What other doujin artists should Shueisha get to do a spin-off manga, like they got Dragon Garow Lee to do Reincarnated as Yamcha?
Who else should they hire, and what books should they write?
Is she the best girl in DBS and anime 2017?
Do you believe in Universe 4?
Battle of Z was a mistake
Pretty dark in my room right now
Not even close.
You should watch more anime.
damn u faggot made me think they released a new episode and nope they're way too fucking slow to be considered good and sometimes they release shit episodes with shit jokes Abridged is good because is still DBZ and not because their """"talent"""".
If she had muscle tone, then yes.
She's an ugly bitch who can't compete with this semen demon from last season.
What are the perks of being life-linked?
Dual/shared, simultaneous orgasms?
In case people forgot what will go down in episode 95.
no, nope, non, não, nicht, нет, いいえ
Not cuckdom, but I honestly want the spoilers to be real. The idea of contestants being erased immediately as their eliminated seems interesting.
Neither GT nor Supedro are canon
but at least S is better because it has fanservice like Frieza being homo for Goku and countless waifus
Why do Toei put more effort into their filler characters than their main characters
is db gay?
>dat superior definition
Because toei gets good writers for the SoL episodes.
Not even the best girl in the current arc of Super.
Mojito deserves better.
Just a friendly reminder.
DB has always had the ubiquitous homosexual and queer characters that pops up in japanese media. But current writers are full on waving the flag at the pride parade.
If you mean the girls, Brianne looks cute.
There are also Cus, Marcarita, Helles(now that Toei redrew her).
wew look at that shit colorjob.
Who is this cum addicted
I know, right?
>reminder that SSG Goku is beautiful
Nice coloring, cringe dialogue.
Manga!Black is basically the generic edgy fanfic donut steel we all thought he would be when they first announced him
thank god the anime managed to make him interesting
what did they mean by this?
His eye placement is weird there.
In the manga it is confirmed stronger. In the anime, they haven't said anything about it.
I'm still mad Manga!Black never fought Goku.
>generic edgy fanfic donut steel w
The irony
A design that could have been if this were 1993.
I'm sad
according to some interviews the original saiyan god used to look like this but then Toriyama decided to "fix it".
>generic edgy fanfic donut steel
blame torikoshit for that hair change color
That Bra chapter came out after Black did this all of this, Salagir.
>thank god the anime managed to make him interesting
He wasn't though?
>Making shit up
Actually, the original SSJ God had a cape.
It would make no sense because Goku was supposed to be strong enough to strunggle with merged Zamasu since the beginning of the arc.
Avoid Goku-Goku Black conflict was necessary for plot's sake. There have always been anime and videogames versions of DB if you want to see what-if fights.
Depends on how gay
Except it's true, Salagir.
This is not canon.
It's the Toei shill way
This is what SSJGod was gonna look like, minus the green broly shit.
It was a retarded to avoid confrontation, and nothing you say can justify it.
>w-we need power level consistency
Fuck off?
Freeza ends up joining the other universe!
If 18 had energy absorption would she be unstoppable?
Man, the Super manga sure is trash. Anyone who defends it must have low standards.
Didn't they say at some point that the manga was going to be ahead of the anime, or did I imagine that?
In production, maybe, just not in terms of release
Man, the Super anime sure is trash. Anyone who defends it must have low standards.
Toyo said he'd be ahead of the anime, not that the manga publication would be ahead
Toyotaro himself is probably ahead of the anime, but the manga can't get ahead of the anime and stay there unless he skips over multiple arcs. The monthly schedule doesn't allow it.
Toyocuck BTFO by dubs of truth.
>Inb4 Goku uses the Godballs to bring everyone back to life
Will Goten ever evolve beyond being a living power-up for Trunks?
>t. person with low standards.
Ah, okay.
>manga and anime says SSB's power is above Super Saiyan God's
>RoF Goku and Toriyama's notes for SSB says that SSB is the SS form of a saiyan with (SS)God power
>manga Goku states SSG is the form below SSB
>manga, anime and movies says Goku is already SSG tier even before go SSB
>"can someone remind me, is the SSG+SS stronger than the SSG?"
Checked. Dubs don't lie
>who needs consistency?
What the fuck is a goten
Were you too lazy to download the Whizbang font?
he has more wins than jobberhan
And also yes, but I'm not sure how.
What's his powerlevel?
You mean his bounty
Why did Tien get so much disrespect in this arc?
Saiyan King,
King of all Saiyans level
any more would've killed him
What if Tien died there? Who would've replace him?