Asterisk yuri spin-off anime when?
Asterisk yuri spin-off anime when?
Not soon enough, especially if we could see Claudia bully Julis sexually.
1 > 4 > 3 > 2
Slutella an rakudaifags are shit
I want to fuck Kirin.
its funny how these two shows airing at the same time caused such an intense rivalry
Kirin is a goddess. Saya was great. Pink was one of the best harem main heroines ever.
If only Ayato wasn't shit.
shit > shit > perfection > shit
Because they were hilariously similar.
>good setting
>great girls
>cool weapons
>very high production values
Seriously, how do you fuck up something like this?
At least it spawn this.
A bad story.
>worst girls in one pic
Saya > Kirin-chan > Julis > Claudia
Also 4 is the magic number of how many girls should be in a harem
Claudia is best Asterisk~!
That magic number is 0.
Literally every story suffers from harem antics.
Claudia a best. A BEST.
Why does she dress like that?
She did nothing except for that one scene.
She was best just by showing up. Nobody else even comes close.
She's a cock hungry slut who hates her parents and wants to do everything she can to piss them off. She probably sends them selfies while taking cock in every hole.
Julis > Saya > Kirin > Claudia
I was actually really interested in the politics stuff in this. Fuck Ayato.
And it really needed more fanservice.
That kind of argument is on the level of a delusional fanboy. It's obvious you care only about who has the biggest tits and nothing else.
>muh superior intellectual taste
Nice shitpost, fagtron.
>old hag
She was a background character and did nothing to the point they started making fun of this in the previews.
Why do harem authors think we want this kind of shit
>old hag
Lolicon detected.
Well, thanks for proving my point with that childish retort and non-argument ad hominem.
>pink houki
So? She's still best Asterisk.
>pink houki first
Opinion discarded.
>Fuck Ayato
This. He's literally worse than Ichika.
>pink houki
Nobody mentioned Stella.
It's not even just them. The fact this was hyped so much, got two seasons, a video game and crazy marketing shows that people in charge also thought this is what anime fans want.
Slut used goods
>same Stellafag
Slut used goods, are you that celestia fag
Don't pretend you wouldn't do her even if she was leaking semen from previous 5 dudes.
>paranoid asterisktard spergmeister is here
Just one more volume and Queenvail yuri series has enough for anime.
Fuck off and go back to staying BTFO because you can't defend and argue when people debunk your autistically retarded memes.
>asterisktard is mad
Do want. Hopefully with best girl Julis as MC this time. The others barely tried, really.
Nice irony, shitposter.
>more mad from asterisktard
If you don't belive it Julis is the best also Houki is the best
Yuri spin-off already exists and harem girls are not main characters.
I doubt he is wrong. You sound, type, and use the same dumb agruments and insults in every thread I see. You didn't bother replying back when I argues and proved why she is nothing like Houki.
I'm aware of that Queenvale spinoff, user. I'm hoping for a spinoff that will focused on the main girls with Julus in the lead this time, that's all.
Ayato fucked off even in the main series. And Julis trains under chinese super loli.
>Julis trains under chinese super loli.
Woah woah. When did this happened? I haven't caught up with spoilers in a while, the latest spoilers that I last read was Ayato and Ernest duking it out. The latter lost the ability to wield one of the colored swords because he dropped the whiteknight personality and reverted back to that sinister personality just to fight all out with Ayato.
>ESLfag is right for once
Did hell freeze over?
Volume 11. And Kirin is stronger than Ayato now. Julis got into loli's secret school so she can fight Orphelia.
I want to read that so bad. Is there a "fanfic" project for volumes beyond 10 somewhere?
Will never happen, it's a harem
Best girls right here.
Pathetic, Miserable, Unhappy, Stupid, Idiot, Autistic, Retarded, Ignorant, Hypocrite, Hater Faggot with Shit Taste is still the same shit
Literally already happened. But in manga and LN format so far.
There is a handful of characters who are stronger than him. The list grows with Kirin now.
Ayato's old man will be the final boss.
Ayato's old man is nothing compared to Orphelia and Fan. To the point they fear turning to Hilda for undoing his seal because Orphelia would get angry at them and leave.
>no claudia
what's the point?
>no worst girl
That's a good thing.
Trips beat two pair in poker and gets.
Once again, Claudia CONFIRMED for best girl!
I get the impression when unsealed he is OP'd as hell. Haruka sealed him as the cost of her life and she is one of of the most hax characters we know. Right now Mesa is just using Orphelia for some agenda. Ayato's growth is also a part of his plan.
Haruka is about as strong as completely unsealed Ayato. And that's below Ernest who is one of the weaker #1's.
That doesn't sound right. Haruka is always portrayed as that big sister Ayato admires and wants to catch up with. She should be stronger.
To remove the seal completely he had to become stronger than her at the time of sealing. So a year before she disappeared. If she's stronger now it's not by much.
Stella a shit.
Fuck off Asterisktard
Pink Houki a shit.
Agree and that incestmouto
Fuck off rakufaggot
You are shit Miserable Hater Faggot
This. Setting could have been great (Total Communist Revolution? 1776 Commencing Again? The People deciding they will not be plundered by International Elements?) but they wasted it with a generic cast and fights who's only notable quality was that they weren't just DBZ powerlevel dick-mesuring contests.
>no spinoff with Saya's papa making high-tech explosive weaponry for his daughter and her best friend to fight supervillains with
Is Kirin a loli?
Saya makes the cutest face. I love Saya.
Which series is more popular in nipland: Asterisk or Rakudai?
You're just as bad as autistic Stellafag with his cancerous taste and houki meme, ESL-kun.
Sex with Kirin-chan.