ITT: manga that will never end in your lifetime
Vagabond too. Inoue hasn't mentioned either of them in twitter recently.
One Piece
ho cares
What the fuck. I was totally unaware this was still going. I always figured it ended and then Inoue moved on to Vagabond.
He was originally working on REAL in between Vagabond chapters. Then he stopped working on anything.
pic relatedx
Everything cause I'm already dead on the inside
One Piece has 10 years left. Unless you plan on killing yourself by then.
Damn.. this is too REAL
Fucking Guyver isn't over yet?!
>trips of truth
hug me bro
Slam dunk is still going on?
Unless you're a critically acclaimed artist from the late-80s, your manga will only have a forced 10 year lifespan no matter how big the fandom is.
Detective Conan
Ippo most likely
Inoue basically makes one volume a year for fun, so it's either I die or he dies first.
Way ahead of you, user
Nyan Koi
as someone who hasn't read it, is it close to the end?
Fuck. I though the school friend and Kiyo-chan would both get together and make the national team