Anime is almost dead guys, it's making $20 billion annually and growing bigger but it'll die in 5 or 10 years...

Anime is almost dead guys, it's making $20 billion annually and growing bigger but it'll die in 5 or 10 years, believe me.
We're almost there.

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When anime dies, so do I.

>Anime is almost dead guys

I've heard this bullshit since 1994

Lol, this.

As much as this board would disagree with me, a show that's popular with the masses can give the industry a leg up. Hopefully another hit like SNK can make these doomsayers stfu

>growing bigger
>but it'll die


It will never die

reminder that all female seiyuu have to whore themselves to get roles.

when will the anime bubble pop?

Too bad there's nothing besides the animator dorm project to pay animators directly. I am willing to buy food and shelter for animators if this means more good anime.


>"Expecting to make that up through disc sales alone is a hopeless business model, but that's how almost all late night anime are." Continuing in his recent response to the NHK program, Takamatsu remarked that there are now relatively few profitable anime.

Streamfags BTFO.


Even Animator Dorm isn't enough, it's a yearly crowdfund and interest is gonna drop off over time unless something changes.

Such a growing industry they can barely pay animators a above average pay grade. Anime itself is just a gateway for merch and LN sales

>OP will die before anime die

Some studios might go bankrupt but the industry won't die, that's fucking retarded. They have a semi-niche but large loyal consumer base which equals tons of staying power, it's normie appeal industries that can die quickly not the autist appeal ones.
I'd be willing to bet you die before anime does OP

More like.

Anime will die by way of morphing into something else entirely. As the final death grasps for money come near they'll start doing new things out of desperation, such as exploiting western writers who will turn it into normieshit, or go full 3d CGI, or something like that. It's where we draw the line to say "this isn't anime anymore," that's important.

Alive and healthy like Hollywood, right?

I gotta go eat some McDonalds now. It's so big and widespread that its food must be the best.

>such as exploiting western writers
Good luck finding jews that would work for little wage

Wont there still be manga

>anime industry
>20 billion
For who? The people behind kissanime? The only anime related shit I buy are the occasional figurines. Who actually spends money on anime besides the nips who get thrown in the gulag for doing so much as uploading an image of a manga?

Hollywood has a system that works and doesn't depend on sweatshops of underpaid animators. You can't keep a system like that indefinitely.

Quit pretending anime is high art or whatever. It's been mostly shameless pandering for decades and it's unlikely that it will die or change overmuch in the near future

China buys basically everything. They're the biggest consumer of modern day anime goods.

>companies making tons of money
>It will die because some dude said so
>implying that companies will just want to stop making money with a medium that is stupid cheap to produce

Because making money equals quality, right?

This is the cannibalization of medium sized studios, just like it happened to hollywood. There are no B movies anymore, only AAA productions or indie films.

There will be fewer anime, fewer genres, very few artists that will get paid a lot instead of a large industry of decently paid workers.

>Because making money equals quality, right?
Never said that, just that the industry isn't going anywhere any time soon so long as the cash is flowing in

>large industry of decently paid workers

This isn't what currently exists.

>doesn't depend on sweatshops of underpaid animators
The countless of animators slaving away at the CGI render farms might disagree.

Doesn't this get brought up every number of years but somehow it all continues chugging along even if it's choking at the same time

It's not, but it'll be sad to see one of the last bastions of 2D animation go. Maybe the frogs will pick up the slack.

Anime isn't going anywhere. It might change but there's nothing but increasing buying power in the APAC region as a whole every year and that shit sells. Look at China and Korea and how much shit they buy already.

TV is dying and nips should find other ways of financing their anime, like partnering with netflix or creating their own streaming services. Also stop pigeonholing themselves in the otaku market

3d shows are still anime, the quality is pretty high already and it's a similar aesthetic. 2d is obviously preferable but oh well, there will always be manga for the 2d fix.

>very few artists that will get paid a lot instead of a large industry of decently paid workers.
You make it sound like it hasn't already been the case for several decades now
>There will be fewer anime, fewer genres,
Compared to what?
Current season has more anime production than the whole year of 2000

>Maybe the frogs will pick up the slack.
You mean those guys who changed that ladybug girl to full CG

Studios are doing this to themselves, they deserve to get payed pennies if they can't invest.
Kyoani has shaken off it's publishing overlords and is becoming a powerhouse itself, just ditch the producers that are holding all the merch rights.

Fuck off.

>ike partnering with netflix or creating their own streaming services
You are fucking retarded.


That's not an actual rebuttal, user.

Producers greed is what screwed the anime industry over in the end. Too many works are being produced with not enough people having the money to buy a lot of their favorite works.

Leaving a drastic decrease in disc sales because as soon as people want to support a work for one season of anime they were just watching, another season starts with anime they may want to buy. Which they may not be able to fully support because of the limited amount of money they already had is going towards the anime that just aired previously.

Too many animation studios are staying up-float when talent that could be going to already existing studios to prevent all these mass production of works from being produced and alleviate the lacking manpower that studios are already having in current existing shows.

the hollowing out of the middle is a much smaller problem for a niche product like anime than for mass media

Honestly I'm sort of interested how that Trigger patreon will play out, anime is probably one of the best candidates for crowdfunding seeing as how BD sales already work as pretty much the same thing just afterwards instead of before

If anime dies, does that means Sup Forums dies too? God I hope so, I hate this place and want to leave already.

On a unrelated note what's with China basically buying out both western blockbusters and anime?
Is there economy really growing that huge?

You can considered a lot of horror movies B tier

Any link to watch this NHK Special?

i hope anime dies so we can finally have a true manga only board on Sup Forums

You can kill yourself, which solves your problem as well as the problem of your pointless shitposting on Sup Forums. If not now, when?

>Anime dying
Nothing i would embrace more.
No anime has ever done it's source material justice

>aaaany second now guys

Yeah, my life had a good run, only reason why I didn't end myself were the false hopes with vidya, wasn't worth it, and anime, which did keep my veins running.

US buys a lot of China-shit.
Meanwhile China buys the world with its collected useless US dollars.

We'll still have manga. And maybe CG anime or actually interesting western Anime.

If it dies just rename this board to Manga and Light Novels.

My only hope for the future is the end of the tv anime in favour of anime movies.

lets not forget animation going from consisting of choppy stills to being extremely fluid

rip noses

AI will replace animators SOON

Lol, this

This is disgusting

Please no.

>Hopefully another hit like SNK can make these doomsayers stfu
So something like Kemono Friends, because that's been blowing every goddamn record out of the water and is still selling like hotcakes.

Lurk more before posting, okay reddit?

Keit-Ai will revive anime.

I hope it does, my ever-growing backlog will last me 10 years. Hell, even watching all the Gundam series like I'm doing will take me months

What do you think "here forever" means?

>means more good anime.
Anime is in dire need for good writers, the average anime writer isn't even cabable of doing a decent adaption of a garbage harem.

anime died with cell shading and watanabe was the only director holding it together


Animu Chat was a fucking babe, fuck 3D fags.

Long ago, I selected ten anime, with the intent of dropping the one I missed the least. What do you suppose happened, user? I found that I couldn't drop any of them. They were simple children shows, but in the old age, none were without value. But this age, however, overflows with the superfluous. I could choose, not only ten, but a hundred, and none would be of any value. A surplus of anything is sickening.

manga > anime

They need to get their shit together with CGI, It has great potential.

Too bad there seem to be no competent people in the industry so we get shit like Berserk.

How the fuck did you find this?
I'm willing to believe in this a lot more than CG

Anime is already dead, its fucking heaps and heaps of shit every season.
Fuck anime.

It all went to shit in the 2000s with CG animation. Everything is too crisp and clear and the slow descent into 3DCGs is inevitable. I enjoy watching all things I love get corrupted then die.

Kill yourself, go back to plebit.

Well, there's that image of KyoAni having a lot fewer people working as key animators or something.


Good riddance, filthy weeb

I liked kemono friends but it only cemented their descend into shitty 3DCG.

Thus user was released from thy animu curse.
Just like Davy Jones Locker.

If the Blu ray sale model is going to be obsolete, why not switch to the Netflix like streaming service

But it isn't just having anime, in general, that is the bad thing. Sup Forums don't you understand what this board will evolve to? It will become the most popular source of ''the best anime'' for newbies to ask about and will evolve into the biggest anime archive on the internet.
This site will lose its purpose once anime dies.

Wasn't this already obvious? There are so many studios that pump out anime, but the Japanese market is not big enough to sustain all of them. There are really ONLY two solutions, make anime production cheaper or change the business models. The latter could be anything from tweaks like only two anime a year, or something much bigger like moving the industry towards an online viewing experience instead of TV where they can try new business models that include the global market.

I don't know what I would prefer, making anime production cheaper could harm the quality or increase it, there's risks, but changing the business model could ruin anime even more than the previous option.

That's because they manage their projects better, it has nothing to do with AI inbetweening since they use real people for inbetweening.

that feel, when you realize an entire industry only grossed 10x what star wars 7 grossed at the box office

>they use real people for inbetweening.
As opposed to fake people?

Scroll up and read the thread.


No you didn't, stop lying. The animator pool is drying up in Japan.

$20 billion only counts if that's exported trade income.

Anime is a broken window in economics.

Since when does someone saying "lol" make them from Reddit? Go throw your autistic shit fit elsewhere, faggot.

Do you even bother to follow reply chains before you reply to something?

Nigger you weren't born in 1994.

>"this isn't anime anymore,"

Anime is just shorthand for animation in Japan, you tardball. And don't say "anime is mah moé-waifu", that's just a recent trend.

Reddit or not, "lol" has been looked down on here for a long time.

>Slapping SVP on everything
Fucking goo overlords are not welcome.