There's a 'pun' here that's really stupid. The words used for "fist master" and "sword master" are both written/pronounced 'kengou'. So it's "Kengou vs Kengou", with the difference being in the kanji.
>Narrator: At the emission of the light, that place... >N: Was engulfed in kindness. >N: Therefore... >N: Therefore: even stronger... even brighter...
Noah Morales
>N: Even more light... >N: No...
Carson Ramirez
>N: Because it creates shadow, >N: Light is sweet.
Jaxon Fisher
>N: Even upon the shadows, this light is unrelenting. >N: At the most intense point of its shining, this light...
Ethan Young
>N: ...Wore an air of madness.
Easton Walker
>Musashi: So dazzling... >M: This man is... >M: To I, the armed Musashi... >M: Exposing his unarmed body...
Logan Ortiz
>M: This defenselessness... >M: This pureness...
Asher Perez
>M: Bedazzles my eyes.
Xavier Gomez
>M: Yes...
Chase Thompson
Blake Evans
David Stewart
Jack Powell
>N: The explosion of the great fist...
Hudson Taylor
>Twigs: Is it over!? >T: He ended it in one punch!? >T: He flew 10 meters!
TN: don't say it - yeah, you know who you all are, shut the fuck up
Jacob Gonzalez
>M: Unchanging... >M: A fist that carries thoughts and emotions... >M: Is in no way inferior to the sword...
Nolan Perry
>M: Knuckles that, by a great distance, surpassed expectations.
Adrian Myers
>M: I am glad that I received this blow.
End chapter.
I'm still waiting for the Bessatsu release that's got all of Itagaki's old crap in it. Either it's not available for purchase digitally, or the raw providers are being penny-pinchers, or it's a 'delayed digital release'. If it's the last, I've got a bone to pick with the fuckin publishers of WSC.
Henry Reed
Cooper Rogers
Ty for tl. Luckyly i woke up hours earlier than usual.
Grayson Young
Mason Price
whats that
Colton Russell
I was just bumping the thread. It's the magazine version of the cover from the third issue of Doppo's gaiden, Kenjin. They never republish anything in colour (see pic); I got that page from some Russians a long time ago, in some obscure place that I don't remember.
Jason Adams
hanayama best boy by far
Logan Hill
Too bad Hanayama is about to fucking die.
Joshua Butler
Not before he sacrifices himself to save whoever's coming to face musashi baki But yes hanayama is dead.
Juan Russell
you shut your fucking whore mouth faggot
Oliver Reed
no hanayama has won
Jack Powell
>you will never be punched 10 meters by a pure Yakuza fist
why live
Xavier Parker
It's all that I really want, after all
Gabriel Walker
Going back to what I was saying about the special rare, early Itagaki works re-release - I see, now, why it hasn't been uploaded yet: >※紙版のふろく「板垣恵介 単行本未収録・幻の読み切り小冊子」は電子版には含まれません。 >The paper edition's "Keisuke Itagaki's Uncollected Missing Works Collection" add-on is not in the electronic edition.
Gonna fucking execute every last motherfucking
Kevin Wilson
Jordan Lopez
Hold on what I don't understand
Lucas Green
As in, someone has to go buy the physical copy and scan it, then upload it online.
All these scans that we get/use are digital scans (with the exceptions of some super-cancerous ones that we got for some chapters back when). Scans of physical copies tend to take very long to make since you're scanning like 100+ individual pieces of paper onto your computer, and then editing them to look passable. And, they cost more. And, people are generally unwilling to scan physical copies of stuff like this at all; so, it'll likely be a long time before we get scans (if we ever get scans), and they're likely to look like garbage when we do get them.
Jeremiah Carter
I should add: the part that pisses me off the most is that it's a Jew move; it's not a practical decision in any way. Weekly Shounen Magazine does the same thing with Ippo, which is why Ippo chapter releases are so fucked up (schedule-wise) and have such widely-varying quality. There are many mags that do this in some way. They release every part of the magazine in digital form except for their top seller, so that they can force people to spend more on the physical copy and so that they can decrease the "theoretical sales lost" due to pirating of the top series.
Luke Powell
Lets say i had the time and money where could i buy a physical copy?
You can change the language somewhere on that page to make it all English so that you can make an account and buy whatever; I think the button's near the upper-right. There's other online vendors, but Amazon is really the only one that I've ever used more than once (without getting shafted). I think I used Rakuten once, and someone stole my credit card. If you want the names of the other places, feel free to ask, but I should think that you had ought to try Amazon first.
Lucas Stewart
Ayden Torres
Did you know there is a Baki the Grappler fighting game for the PS2? Titled Garouden Breakblow: Fight or Twist. It has a number of Baki characters from their Series 1 incarnations as well as some original characters by the looks of it. The game actually looks good and has a neat idea for health and super meter. Attract Mode
It's not a Baki game, it's a Garouden game featuring Yujiro.
And it's pretty damn good.
David Gray
>featuring Yujiro. It looks like it features more than just Yujiro but thanks for the clarification.
Ethan Davis
Well it literally just has Yujiro as guest, you're probably mistaking some characters for others. Speakung of garouden, you should read it if you like's more about Martial arts than over the top randomness.
Wyatt Nguyen
>hanayama stronger than retsu and kaioh lmao japan Also, I think Baki's granddad would still wreck him
Carter Young
>I'm glad I received this blow
So, what will be his next line next week?
1.- >Now, let's get down to business
2.- >I cannot harm a man this pure
4.- >So this is the true might of the modern fist
5.- >The author should learn anatomy.
6.- >Such a waste that I have to cut him
Liam Davis
>Spec,, Doyle and the yasha ape in the top 20 popularity/strength poll
Wait... where is the usual japanese shit taste?
Adrian Garcia
Why is Motobe so high, though? This is from before he even beat Jack, right?
Samuel Hall
The IGN review of the actual Baki game is... well, worth the read: