Name just a single problem not caused by the Jews

Name just a single problem not caused by the Jews.

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I'm trying but I'm just drawing blanks

They don't cause every problem, maybe not even most. But they'll always show up to a rotting carcass.





The K-T extinction.




That was working fine until jews though so...

Jews created Islam
Women can be curbed by Christianity

It's not possible because the jews systematically corrupted western society starting at least 100 years ago.
Behind every societal ill the jew was always there way back in the day planting the seeds.
Now, it's gotten so bad that even hardcore right-wing traditionalists embrace the degeneracy and they either have no self awareness or they arrogantly defend themselves with no justification.


I got drunk and lost my keys. that one was on me.


If an asteroid killed us all I probably wouldn't blame them

>starting at least 100 years ago.

Islam is the cure.

Trump winning the presidency




Many of the early Roman republic events weren't related to Jewish influence because they only started expanding around the empire when Israel was conquered and this was hundreds of years after so anything that was horrible and happened was not their doing/involvement.

Griffith's betrayal of Guts
Unless the Godhand are Jewish...


Nah they'd probably pull it in with a bigass magnet or some shit

4d chess

Your life.

I'll have you know jews push for the atheist agenda too.

Jews used to be a lot larger group in the white population also forgot to say. I believe maybe 25% of all Romans were jewish or something crazy like this.


That was completely the jews fault.

2 of them are undeniably jewish.

>Jews created Islam


You got me there user.

This pretty much..
jews suck


Wrong - jews are behind modern feminism

All of the world's problems since the existence of the Jews have been caused by the Jews, but who caused the Jews? Jews did not exist before Jews so someone has to be responsible.

No more brother wars
Griffith and Guts team up against the (((Godhand)))

Stellar Collapse.
The Black Plague in Madagascar...
My drinking and smoking problem.

It was more like 8%

This guy tried to have them kicked out of Europe. Would have been nice if Catholics actually listened to their Pope. Now we have a faggot Pope who I wish Catholics would ignore.

It's the Jews fault we need keys in the first place

They push both sides, failing the fire doesn't make you the cause of the fire.

The English.

Thanks Shlomo Shekelstein good memory kek

without Jews there would be no Islam

Women troubles are 100% a symptom of Jewry
Islam wouldn't even be relevant today if it wasn't for Israel
pic related
Another complete symptom. Atheism would be better than any religion if we weren't all Jewishly subverted
>my drinking and smoking problem
You being a good goy helped, but that was mostly the Jews too


Smoloko is such a fucking retarded website, nobody gives a damn about what ancient Popes had to say.

The common cold.

Jews read from 3 books
Christ's from the one book
Muslims from the first 3, 2 more, and what ever there current Muhammad wants to add on

>just a single problem not caused by the Jews.
well there is...shit, ok then what about..shit, brb building a gas chamber. Seriously, fuck the kikes

without Jews there would be no Christianity either, god damn Jews

No problem, Mr. Canuck. We were situated along the southern border of the empire, it'd be kinda hard to be Jewish up North due to the seat of the Empire being super guarded.

No Christianity either, don't tell Smokolo that though.

Oooo someone is triggered? Hellfire when you die, christ killer.

>mixing up Jews with ancient Israelites.
rookie mistake. Take a page from the National Socialists.

Christianity was bound to happen because of Jesus Christ

Oh you poor deluded man.

The extremist Islam we see today is their doing, they pushed for the destabilization of the ME that has birth these extremist groups and that was all by design

>it'd be kinda hard to be Jewish up North due to the seat of the Empire being super guarded.
>>it'd be kinda hard to be Jewish up North
>> the seat of the Empire being super guarded.

Ehh I'd be drinking and smoking anyways even in a perfect world if I'm being honest. But I know what you're saying, they're expensive because of jewery.

I will admit that my knowledge about jews past that point is very limited. But I do know that jews and degeneracy have always existed more or less.
Think about it, 100 years ago things hit a peak and then burst from there. Women getting the right to vote, world war 1, the birth of cinema, gay groups plotting, and different tycoons planning on how to slice up the world among themselves. It was a very key time.

>OP btfo

Jesus Christs was basically a rabbi who pissed off the other rabbis and ended up getting himself crucified mate.

armed robbery.
just sayin

I was going to say that the jews didn't cause my thighs to rub together and cause an uncomfortable burn but (((they))) have been pushing a lifestyle of laziness and rot which has led to my being horribly overweight.

Muslims + human rights is what's caused it. If a sand nigger can't behead another sand nigger for disagreeing with there interpretation of God's will, then your gonna have problems



>without Jews there would be no Christianity either
and your country would not be filled with rabid niggers

Jews created money....just saying.

All very true and well said my friend.

Some user here once said that if you pick any topic you want, and dig deep enough, you will find a jew behind it all.

peanut butter getting stuck in the roof of your mouth

Any topic indeed. Who do you think built the sphinx I mean.

You wouldn't have peanut butter without jews

Yeah that was probably just an olive branch to Christians in the reich, Himmler himself was most certainly not a Christian though so I doubt he even cared about who Jesus was.



Jeshua is the peak of jewish thought. Christianity is explicitly against natural order.

The jewish people before Moses turned up

Black holes or other problematic celestial phenomena

But what if Jews created God?


The inherit stupidity of the human race that Jews abuse to their ends.



My hemorrhoids. Those were caused by the Inuits.

Was Waco the Jews?

Niggers being niggers.

Me not having a cute trap gf


It's our fault for letting them get away every single time for the past four thousand years

this is literally the most pathetic post I've seen in a long time.

go find a boyfriend like a normal faggot.