It's that time of month again.
Daily dose.
No one is gonna translate it.
Wanna try?
Kuzu to Megane to Bungaku Shojo (Nise)
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums likes WataMote
>Sup Forums likes Tomo-chan
>Sup Forums ignores Tomo-chan by WataMote author
I hope it get's it's time to shine here someday. The interactions between the 3 main characters are comfy as fuck
Sup Forums does not into moonspeak.
Sup Forums translates Tomo though
tl:dr is girls talking about what clothes to wear going out to Desneyland next week, and Orikawa realizes she has no casual literature girl clothes.
Thanks mate
Nah. Tomo is #dropout, and the other one is Helvetica scans.
No scanlation group has adopted this one.
It's out
#dropout uses different translation.
Then we have Sup Forums and #dropout for Tomo and Helvetica for that other one.
No one cares about this one.
What about this
Yes someone does.
Hmm this is different from version but not so much.
That's some nice looking scanlation.
Where did you find it?
From here
Cool. Also, as a Russian translator, I should say it closer to Japanese than version.
I have to look for some more.
>cant self insert with this manga like they do with Tomoko
Is there any romance in this series?
Yes, between Koga and Moriya
Just want to say I'm reading the dump so keep at it.
>try to get a cute retard gf
>get yourself a huge bro
It pleases me.
>most guys with glasses are huge pervs!
Why are guys with glasses usually muttsuri sukebe?
Cute as hell though. I actually had a girl did that on me and I turn away just like he did.
I kinda want her to push them into reading the first pretentious homo book she finds.
She did exactly that in ch.57.
a man of fine tastes
This is the last page enjoy and keep this thread so more people can check this manga out.
thanks based user
Your welcome.
This is some good shot fake lit girl may be be dethroning Satania as my bakafu
That good one.
Based ecchan
>tomorrow I'll make a thread about next daily dose
>it will die without respond
>Tomo-chan gets another 300+ post thread
It's not fair
Don't worry I will help you out.
Just marathoned this shit. Thanks WataMotefags for telling me about this. Orikawa is a cute.
It made by the WataMote mangaka.
I kinda figured that.
Remember it call Trash, Four-Eyes, and Lit Chick (Fake)
I'll just remember their names instead of giving them meme nicknames.