Say it with me
She is a BEST ____
Say it with me
She is a BEST ____
side character
Girl in her shit show
Best friend that will blossom into a loving relationship!
I want to be the cute, plump rump witch!
I want to pump my bump into your plump rump!
I want Hannah to step all over my face with her soft feet and force me to suck on her cute little toes while Barbara sits on me with her big delicious butt, preventing me from getting up!
Little Witches are absolutely 100% NOT for sexual.
Reminder that Diana has already confessed to Akko.
Shy Sucy
Your resistance only makes my lewd folder stronger.
Barbara-user is mine! We're going to have a comfy time having tea and biscuits and have a long pleasant walk while talking about cute things together!
>that tiny barrel
Nice air pistol, Failsula
Reminder that Diana has a smell fetish!
I want to grab handfuls of that dork's delicious meaty butt. I want to bury my face between those yummy cheeks while she lets out embarrassed but aroused whimpers
I could watch an entire show about inside Sucy's mind.
Stop not wanting Trigger to go bankrupt.
Is Lotte's mom's hair black?
I want an entire OVA done with cartoon Akko.
i want hannah to trip and land her tummy into my face
and then i will hold on tight to her while i ravage that tummy
Slow down there cowboy.
Fuck off lagitx and go jack off to your ponies.
Not today mon ami
I want to take Barbara's sexual curiosity and corrupt her with it! I want her to become a cock-craving slut who only gets off by having her sweet plump buttcheeks impaled with an 8 inch cock! I want to see her cum uncontrollably at just a single slap of beautiful behind!
hannah's going to get so many motorboats constanze will be jealous
>ywn spend a nice, calm day outside reading books and eating pleasant little treats together in the presence of nature
>ywn cuddle up together after a long, relaxing day and sleep under the same sheets, after an exhausting moment of loving lewdly
I want to cum on Barbara's ass cheeks and Hannah's tummy at the same time
I literally want to impregnate Croix and raise a child with her.
Do not bully the Akko
She'll abandon you and your child for research.
>one guy erping with himself to bump the thread
LWAG sure is something special
Wife, Akko's
>all these spics reposting the art instead of just retweeting it
This is why artists start blocking gaijins.
that...might actually fix a few of her issues....
kid will think mom's a bitch....
What kind of guy would every witch be into? Besides Andrew.
gave me a good kek
Your average beta chad with a nerdy side
Your average beta chad
Some rockstar kind of guy i guess, or a poet.
Any decent guy out there.
Hard working guy
Probably another autist like her, i dont know
Shy guys i bet.
Any living being except for Croix.
>thinking the witches are into guys
Gee, from non-consensual administration of substance to causing bodily harm, what will be the next?
>middle aged man
>in need of a haircut
>works all day in a wierd shop
>isn't even the owner
>his customers are all underage girls
Is he Sup Forums?
Only if he's uncircumcised.
Already wrong
A fat smelly sweaty balding guy.
All of them
>yfw Akko flies on Shiny Volley in the finale
She'll do the Gainax pose while flying with one foot on the Shooting Star, and the other on Shiny Volley.
>ywn take user's lump and uncover his bump, later having him hump and pump your plump rump, using it as a dump for his love
No that's just her burka
You're joking, right? Right??
Nope, weren't you paying attention? Lottie's whole family is Muslim
>Mako's dad is a fat goof
>Mako's mom is small, softspoken lady
>Lotte's parents are exactly the same
What is this meme, Trigger?
Are you saying that these threads aren't a general?
>She'll do the Gainax pose
But Trigger isn't Gainax, the only reason Trigger keeps riding on the coattails of Gainax is because Trigger knows they fucking suck and will probably go bankrupt soon.
Yes! We legitimately and thoroughly discuss the episodes, characters, themes, etc. here.
This isn't a general in the least bit
Kind of weird to have 'competing' brooms
Will Akko fly a regular broom, the Shiny Broom, or the Shooting Star?
You aren't allowed to have anything but generals unless you want your threads deleted on modern Sup Forums.
she will fly without a broom like the matrix
WHAT!? I didn't get that impression at all.
Is Trigger really bombing that hard in Nippon?
Good night Sup Forums
Good night user!
Me on the left
What if Little Witch Academia becomes Little Bitch Academia?
Do you think Barbara will sneak out with lotte to have a "nightfall book meeting"?
I want to pull pranks on Diana with Akko and hold hands while eating ice cream with Lotte
No. She probably just reads the book under her covers with a flashlight when she's sure Hannah is sleep and Diana studying late a night.
Then goes on to fourms and shit post
Be careful what you do with my wife user
Im gonna buy her 2 scoops of strawberry and then we'll ride gokarts
What kind of self respecting young girl would keep a skull on their nightstand?
So does every general ever. You discuss that shit briefly before descending into greentext >ywn faggotry and random shit just like every other general just is, was, or shall be.
amazingly comfy
Yeah they have tacky taste
This is a strange image. It almost makes it look like Akko and Diana have romantic feelings for one another but we know that is impossible because they are the same gender!
girls can't love girls
>because they are the same gender!
Or just don't have romantic feelings for each other
This is obviously the work of an enemy love bee.
That's not really what I was trying to imply, but eh.
or even worse.
>Hannah has perfect feet and tummy
>Barbara has a big butt and is a closet nerd
How can other witches even compete
More diaako
exm,do you live in the Middle Ages?
>But Trigger isn't Gainax
You just don't get it, do you user?
I'm reasonably sure all of the Nine left a relic; Woodwards was the Shiny Rod. I don't know who Shooting Star belonged too, but I believe it was one of these relics.
can someone make me a webm of the scene when akko realizes ursula is chariot?