Kill la Kill

Kill la Kill aired 5 years ago now. Did Trigger save anime?

Yes, but only for a fleeting moment. It's right back to where it was.

>5 years ago
Soon, we will all be dust and ashes.

The first episode saved anime and then the remaining episodes put it back in it's grave.

>5 years ago now
It's not even been 4 yet.

We only have anime today because Trigger saved anime 5 years ago.

Kill la Kill was Trigger's one hit wonder.


>What is
>What is LWA OVA
>What is Luluco

>5 years ago
It wasn't even 4 years ago

They don't count because shit

This show was funny and cute

how can I convince Trigger to make more trashy gurren lagann clones like this show


Post more lewd Ryuko please.

God no. KLK fucking sucked. The plot was a complete cluster fuck and the whole thing felt rushed.

It's mediocre, but the overhype ruined it completely for me.


>aired 5 years ago

It was 8 years ago, bro.

They couldn't even save themselves.

It was pretty solid

Trigger will save the world.

1990 was 37 years ago.

Everything Trigger does is potential saving for the whole session.

Nonon is my most fapped to girl.

>yesterday was 45 years ago