I finished watching Hibike Euphonium, so let's have a thread about it. What did you think about each season...

I finished watching Hibike Euphonium, so let's have a thread about it. What did you think about each season, and who were your favorite characters? Asuka and Kumiko best girls.

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S1 was GOTY S2 was OK. Kumiko

nobody watched this shit in 2016 so it's ludicrous to claim anyone would watch it today

What makes you think that? hibike is a relatively popular late night anime.

Regret watching S2. S1 was my surprisingly 10/10 anime for many years.

Natsuki x Yuuko OVA when?

What made you dislike S2 so much? Aside from Reina steadily getting worse about her love obsession and the lack of a concert performance, I thought it was pretty enjoyable and probably liked it more than S1.

Incoming Hibike Yuriphonium: Love Story movie.

What are the movies going to be about, and when do they release? I heard there was another that was supposed to be a S2 recap or something along those lines.

Not him. Reina's love for Taki was solidified a bit more for me in S2, I didn't mind that. S2 felt very disjointed, the arc format it had made the flow very predictable, the first arc with Mizore and Nozomi was kind of bad, poor characterization, and a retarded climax with the misunderstanding, it was also kind of illogical, how do they expect me to believe Nozomi not once bumped into Mizore for a whole year, even if Mizore was actively trying to avoid her, it just makes no sense. The Asuka backstory was good on paper but the way they went about explaining everything to Kumiko in an infodump session was annoying. Reina losing relevance to the point that she gets as little screentime in S2 as Midori or Hazuki. The climax with Kumiko and Asuka was a disservice to the whose series I think, and I don't really buy it, S2 never made me feel like Kumiko and Asuka were close enough to warrant that ending, I wasn't emotionally invested. Buchou and Mamiko subplot were good tho.

recap movie this year, nozomi-mizore & sequel movie next year.

Also not him, but I found S2 rushed and very harmful to the characters. There was so much charm (mainly thanks to changes, and other original content) from the first season that just wasn't in the second. For instance, did you notice that Kumiko hardly ever let what she was thinking slip out?
Of course that particular point is the least of S2's problems, but I just wanted to point out something obvious.

I just hope that given the latter 2 of the next three movies will be original, KyoAni will get back to making the show as enjoyable as it once was.

>did you notice that Kumiko hardly ever let what she was thinking slip out?
I suppose so since you mention it, though wouldn't you say her plea to Asuka rejoining the band would count as her blurting out her thoughts? I guess it's maybe not quite the same as the minor slip-ups she had previously, but it was still a very in-the-moment thing where she was speaking without much time to think. But otherwise, yeah, I can start to understand why you'd feel that the characterizations were damaged in S2, with unfortunate side effects like Reina's "character development" and other likeable characters getting less screen time.

Sounds like they could be fun, I'd assume the Nozomi/Mizore one is either a backstory of them in their middle school days or is going to be about their friendship (and possibly love with how much yuri baiting there is already) in their second year.

Reina is best girl hands down. Reina is probably one of my most relatable characters in anime

presidential shenanigans ensue.

I want to bury my face between multiple parts of Asuka's body

I'm literally watching it right now.

Fuck off, crossboarder.


I want to protect this smile!

S1 was great, dropped S2.
Can't wait for Yamada's movie, going to pass on Ishihara's.

I want to watch Kumiko progress through high school and be awkward and successful and make weird noises with her mouth.

That's a really cute Kumiko

All Kumiko's are cute. But yes, that is a pretty cute image.

i want to sleep between them

Natsuki was such a hot tease, she should have let her hair down more.

>S1 was great, dropped S2.
Mizore x Nozomi shitty arc
>Can't wait for Yamada's movie, going to pass on Ishihara's.
Mizore x Nozomi
This even makes sense?
> no Kumiko

I am a huge, unabashed Yamadafag. I sincerely believe she was the sole reason the first season was great, further evidenced by the lackluster second season since Yamada was busy working on KnK.

If there is one thing Yamada can do, its that she can turn anything into pure gold. I just hope they give Yamada a lot of artistic freedom with it and not be forced make it in the style of the TV series.

Yuuko is my favorite character anyway

>I'm sorry, I love Asuka-senpai.

> I'm a Yamadafag too but Mizore x Nozomi and no Kumiko is totally geh for me. I'm not saying I'm going to see it and this will probably be better than I expect because Yamada directing this. But right now I'm not emotionally invested in these retarded characters.

Ishihara is good enough for handle 2nd year. I like Yamada more but this Ishihara is ok.

Problem with S2 is not for the lacking of Yamada. The problem here is Anime and source material and having to come to an agreement between the two things. This is the real problem here.

> Yuuko is my favorite character anyway
Obviously mine is Kumiko but Yuuko is close. Such a interesting character.

>I'm sorry, I love Asuka-senpai.

As if this could stop Reina. She is mentally ill enough.
> Watashi dattara zettai nigenai
> If I didn't like them, I'd beat them down

Asuka a best

Why do people keep doing this, they are months even years late to watching a series then wants to talk about. "Hey I took a shit, lets talk about it."

Not this user but people have life's business you know? Are you a retarded with no-life going on?

S2 seemed like it was dragging things out too much. Taking the focus away from Kumiko with the autismo drama made her character more distant which is a completely different take from season one which felt more like her personal story. I guess it's the shift in storytelling that made it become less interesting in the end.

Big titty senpai is perfect.

It's not that it's about older series but the blog-style posting that makes me think OP is a faggot. Then again the posting quality on the site has been down the shitter since forever now.

stop while you're ahead, ESL-kun

>stop while you're ahead, ESL-kun
and a retreat on time is a victory, uh?
ELS-san for you, kun is only for friends, you know?

i'm not even the user that's getting angry over people talking about anime on an anime board
i just feel that you should stop typing out gibberish before you embarrass yourself further

Buchou best girl

>What did you think about each season
Season one was great. Season two was also good but I feel like they did a pretty poor job with Reina and Taki-sensei's relationship. They barely focused on it until the end instead opting to focus on yuri-bait making the ending seem kind of unnatural. Thought some of the focus on the side characters was kind of boring as well.

>nobody watched this shit in 2016
Are you having a laugh?

user, I don't care about this, really...

if you don't care about the quality of your posts then stop posting

I watched 2 eps of this earlier today m8

I haven't watched S2, am I going to regret watching it if I do?

Kumiko a best

Is this yuir?

Its not bad by any means, just not as good as the first season

What did Kyoani mean about this?

> What did you think about each season
Season one was great. Season two was also good but I feel like they did a pretty poor job with Reina and Taki-sensei's relationship. They barely focused on it until the end instead opting to focus on yuri-bait making the ending seem kind of unnatural. Thought some of the focus on the side characters was kind of boring as well.

I agree. I felt the same.

> focus on yuri-bait

But this is because the main focus point isn't Reina and Taki-sensei's relationship, "Yuri-bait" is. It stands between the relationship between Kumiko and Reina which is the strongest one. So, Reina's feelings towards Taki don't make much sense in this point, feels out he place. It seems like Reina is bipolar or are two Reinas in the same show (Reina S1 anim/u/ and Reina novels in one). They screwed it up depicting this.

>Reina says out loud: I LOVE Taki Sensei.
What you expect is Reina go for Taki in a serious way, what you get is a childish crush.

>Reina says to Kumiko: ai no kokuhaku in a low key.
What you get is Reina spending her time with Kumiko, dating, flirting and care about her. Even stalking her...

No makes sense.

Quality and bad grammar are not the same.

If you understand Hibike subtext you are ready to understand me.

And then I said to him "Huh, why?"

grammar is inexorably tied to your post quality
if you have an opinion that's thought provoking or otherwise encourages discussion but you can't articulate it worth a damn then it's all for naught

When were you when Shoe gave up on Kumiko, and the hairpin losing all its romantic significance?

I liked the body language and voice tone in this scene. To me it seemed like Kumiko was starting to fall for Shoe, and Shoe was already over her.

Hopefully he'll realize that Hazuki is best for him.

What a big crybaby

>[Insert weird Kumiko sounds here]

dose she say this to him


Asuka was best. Everything else sucked.


Kumiko noises are probably the cutest noises in existence. I still listen to her noise compilation from time to time.

That's not true.

What's your favorite "Kumiko noise"? Mine's probably pic related, or the slow-mo scream she makes when Reina first enters the band hall.

>S2 never made me feel like Kumiko and Asuka were close enough to warrant that ending
To be fair S1 didn't warrant Reina's "confession" to Kumiko either. The two of them had barely interacted with each other before the "date" episode. Reina in particular seemed to barely acknowledge Kumiko's existence and yet, whether you see their relationship as romantic or not, they became best friends out of nowhere, in just one day.
On the other hand Kumiko and Asuka were in the same band section and spent much more time together before the confession in the final episode, so it made much more sense from a narrative standpoint.
>The climax with Kumiko and Asuka was a disservice to the whose series
If you ask me the biggest disservice to the series, even worse than Mizore's storyline, is the "yuri" bait-and-switch in the first season, but since people are still enamoured of the Kumiko/Reina couple I'll let the issue drop here.

Kumiko and Reina's friendship was a pretty weird ride. They fell out with each other then immediately clicked again and became close friends, then there was a whole bunch of yuri baiting, then S2 happened and they sorta fell out again and all the yuri build up was tossed in favor of Reina going after Taki and Kumi after Asuka.

Kumiko's hair is silly and cute.

Would it have been better if S2 ended with Reina "winning" the Kumiko bowl, or do you feel that Asuka "winning" was the right choice?

KumiAsu > KumiRei

Tough choice, they're all really great. If I had to choose I'd probably say her Leinaaa~ even if it's not just a noise. But I also really like all her mhhms. They're always so warm and soft.

Honestly, I rather agree with him.
Although it could of course be due to the fact that Kumiko seemed so invested in Reina during the first season that her confession to Asuka came off as somewhat unbelievable, if not at least made Kumiko seem flighty.
Not only that, but it's a little less satisfying since while Asuka certainly cared for Kumiko quite a bit, it didn't seem to have reached the extent that Kumiko cared about her.

Perhaps the show would have done better to give more attention in the first season to Kumiko's developing feelings for Asuka, if that was to be their endgame. Because all through the first season, if not even the first season and the first arc of the second, Kumiko's relationship to Asuka seemed like one that existed within the blurred line of respect and outright weariness. And sometimes also irritation.
Although I suppose given the level of closeness and familiarity these two have always had (which is of course uncharacteristic for a 1st and 3rd year), one could have an argument for them. It would at least be better than the apparently more popular practice of saying they should be together because they're both good characters individually. Which they are, but still.

You just know that Asuka took a deep whiff of Kumiko during this scene. These are the blissful eyes of someone who sniffed some Kumiko.

>It would at least be better than the apparently more popular practice of saying they should be together because they're both good characters individually. Which they are, but still.
That's not why they are good together.
Asuka's tendency to lie and hide mixes well with Kumiko's brutal honesty.

I've been all for that since S1, but now I'd get lumped in with all the ones just hoping for any kind of yuri when Kumiko x Reina didn't pan out.

Small but important typo correction.

Midori is the best Hibike and this is a fact

>Asuka's tendency to lie and hide mixes well with Kumiko's brutal honesty.

I suppose that's true. Doesn't change the fact that a good number of people like them together simply BECAUSE Reina became so shit, or just post things like
>best girls
>best ship

But maybe everyone is just too busy to cite good reasons like that.

She also took a deep whiff of Kumiko hair after the finale competition, she was nose deep in that fluff.

Oh, you mean Sapphire?

>Ywn mess with Kumiko's hair fluff

Do you think Yamada' s movie will beat Ishihara's movie? Yamada has the handicap of having to animate the worst girls

>Kumiko was starting to fall for Shoe
falling in love is to go too far. She is embarrassed by rude reply and the situation.

It is true that Shuuichi after the gift earns some +1 points for the Kumiko bowl but he still far far far far far far away. Plus he is a boy...

It'll be interesting to see how the movie will play out, whether it's a backstory or post S2 story about them, but I'm more interested in the other too movies as of now since I wasn't too crazy for their drama.

>Reina became so shit
No. Not him but she brave enough to confess to Taki. I call that improvement.

Daily Reminder
Asuka is graduated and here Kumiko's second year is still a blank sheet. Asuka is gone guys.

I don't care but it's blatant that Shuuichi is the pairing for Kumiko in the novel, and Reina is her pairing from the anime.

Asuka was only to avoid the issue.

Depends on how much creative freedom she has with the film. If she has to try and match the TV series' style then it probably won't be much better but if she's free to do whatever I wouldn't be surprised if it was the better than the TV series.

I didn't even like Haruka, but this and Rydeen where my favorite moments.

Reina wants the Taki though.

I don't see that she has any problem wanting both at once.

>Reina is her pairing from the anime.
JEJ. Reina is clearly chasing delicious Taki dick in the anime, m10.

Why the fuck is Kyoani making a movie about these drama queens?

The drama got real stale fast and the friendship isn't enough for a movie, I don't know why this got the green light.

Problem is that Reina's character becomes solely focused on her love for Taki, and all /u/ bait with Kumi is basically tossed out the window. I'd even go as far as to say that her character gets a bit worse because of her actions involving Taki during the final few episodes, like asking about his wife and confessing to him.

Oboe duck is cute

JEJ. And Reina is clearly chasing delicious Kumiko's bow in the anime too.

Bisexuals exist.

>like asking about his wife and confessing to him.
What's the problem with that though?

>I don't know why this got the green light.

Because Yamada like Mizore and Nozomi... this is. But yeah such boring drama queens.

> tossed out the window.
Don't worry, in the movie for sure we get again more Kumirei moments.

It was just one of those social boundaries that shouldn't have been crossed, especially since it's a student/teacher relationship. Kumiko found out about his wife through small bits of coincidence without really meaning to, but Reina just outright asked him about his dead wife and what she was like (even finding out where her grave was located), and to me I can't help but think "why the fuck would you do this". Building off of her borderline obsessive love for Taki, the confession scene was clearly the climax of her character arc, but to me it was the climax of "OH SHIT REINA WHAT ARE YOU DOING", just kinda painful to watch in a way. She just kinda became annoying because everything was about Taki with her.

>Why the fuck is Kyoani making a movie about these drama queens?
>The drama got real stale fast and the friendship isn't enough for a movie, I don't know why this got the green light.
Agree with this tripfag for once.

>Because Yamada like Mizore and Nozomi
[citation needed]

> just kinda painful to watch in a way.
I think this was the idea, and this was the excuse for the Kumiasu end.