Prison School / Kangoku Gakuen

Good morning!

Hana a CUTE!
Hana a PURE!
I love HANA!

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you'll never meet her medusa much less kiss it

Could we have at least waited for the new chapter before starting a new thread?

i would love to speculate, but Hiramoto always proves that futile.

raws have been out for a while but nobody cares to dump or translate.

Where are the new raws? They seem to promise a lot. Mari's dropping out, Chiyo seems to be realizing there's something up with Hana and Gakuto's getting a threesome.

Those are spoilers and they were dumped yesterday.

I was there, I saw those. I was saying that until we get the full chapter those spoilers are from there is no point in having a PS thread up.

>there is no point in having a PS thread up.
I beg to differ. Post some waifus

Postan waifu.

You know it's only a matter of time before shipperfags, yurifags and all the other detritus show up and drag this thread into the muck, right?

Also best tits


>it's only a matter of time before shipperfags, yurifags and all the other detritus show up and drag this thread into the muck
They're already here


>best tits
My nigger.


Someone this hot should not have a personality this rotten.

>Mari's dropping out
Like dropping out of school?


Her personality is great actually. She's loyal, caring and would do anything for the people she loves. She just needs to get over her issues, which she seems to be doing.

I usually don't go for girls like Mari or Kate but something about them just really does it for me.


>"I... decided to drop out of school."

I love bitchy high class women. Also the yuri made them extra hot

Posting some Meiko, aka the best girl in the whole universe

So guess this is a reddit poll. That explain all the pissfags.

You Marifags are insufferable faggots, but sometimes I remember that blind love does that to you

>tfw Mari will never see your tight ass and start salivating.


Which one was the cutest, Sup Forums?


I still don't understand if Kate is a gay stalker or wants to skin Mari and wear her like a suit.

>piss wizard

Eww, nah.

Why not both ?

She's just a jealous bully.

>tfw you're able to look past the piss and catch a glimpse of heaven


Mari of course

kate pls. control yourself

>shipperfags, yurifags, and waifufags, oh my!

All of them are the Prison School fandom.

ikr baka. No one to have an intellekchual discushion about the deeper implications of the plot in Prison School.

We can. I'll start:

I think what seperates Prison School from other romcoms is that it manages to link up the romance of the characters to also growing up and changing. It's not that it hasn't been done before, but I don't recall it being done in a comedy setting, at least that I can recall.

For example: We have 3 female characters in the current arc trying to become better people for their crushes. This isn't something just relegated to the male characters. It means the female characters are also going through character arcs. Also, they range from the most major characters to the most minor.

Each of their stories are running along similar paths, but on different routes. Also, they still involve characters we care about so it's not as if it's giving stories and wasting space on characters I don't give a shit about that some stories do (and it happens to be a personal gripe of mine.)

This is one of the reasons I heavily disagree with people who claim that Prison School isn't that good of a story or subpar. Yes, it has its flaws, but it's such a gripping and layered story. It's just a shame what happened to the Calvary arc.

Gakuto wins.


I agree that I enjoy PS plot and plots. I don't think I put enough thought into the plot to write an essay though. Except for best girl, I could go on and on about her.

Hana is one of my davorite characters in the story. I feel she's one of the most complex characters in the cast. I feel that's she's leagues above most tsundere characters by having an actual inner struggle that you are able to empathize with despite how ludicrous it may seem.

I just wish the same had been given to Mari. I feel like Hana's desire to keep up appearances was laid out stronger than Mari's desire to be the president of the USC. Like we never got to see what she stood to lose from it. Like what would happen to Mari if she lost power? What would she do? Does she only feel any self-worth when she has the adulation of her peers?

That was never really explored and I feel that's why she felt weak as a main character. I would even argue that Kate is a stronger character Han Mari in that regard.

>I feel she's one of the most complex characters in the cast.
There we go, 45 posts in and the retarded Hanafag has started shitposting.

Well he gave his reasons for believing that but youre just shitposting. Why dont you join the discussion and offer some counterpoints?

Honestly, the characters here are all pretty standard. Some are one note, some are two-layered. Pretty standard formula. Really, the main thing that sells it for me is not the characters themselves but the way they interact.

Different user here, I've argued on previous threads that Risa is everything Hana should be and then some

Risa was better as a bit of an uggo.

Another thread already? Alright, I guess. Just as long as we avoid the usual "who's gonna win Kiyoshi" and "is Mari lesbian" debates that go nowhere.

The only person who has started shitposting is you. Come back when you have actual arguments rather than empty insults.

I feel that her main goal is to worst boy a better boy as well as becoming a better queen...maybe?

Disclaimer: Unapologetic Hanafag opinion.

Agree that Hana has a lot more depth to her than the other characters which is a big part of her appeal to me.

Also agree that if Mari were given similar attention by Hiramoto she'd be a lot more interesting and attractive. As you point out, we really don't know anything about Mari other than she has a great pair of tits and she hates her father's objectification of women and by extension she hates all men too. What does she even want at this point of the story? What motivates her? I'd wager that nobody has a clue, even Marifags.

Haters shouldn't blame Hana for being a better character, or her fans for liking her for that reason, blame Hiramoto for bad development of your respective girls.

:^) thanks for bumping saltyfag.

Risa has gotten a lot of love from Hiramoto, comparable to and arguably more so than Hana really. Unfortunately, no matter how much he polishes shit, she's still shit. He'd have done better to put that effort into other girls like Mari or Kate. Meiko doesn't need development because she's the mascot tits and ass, but the others will quickly get forgotten without.

>implying the Hanafag is interested in arguments
They just want to shitpost how their waifu is best at everything. They're not interested in opposing opinions as those don't into their delusions.

Hana has by no means "depth" or complexity. She's just a shitty generic tsun character.

If the user who wanted the spinoff chapter from Young Magazine the 3rd is here, I forgot to post it before the thread died a few days ago so here it is. If not I'll post it again in the next scanlation thread I catch.

There's nothing wrong with liking Hana but do you really have to be a smug ass about it? Kind of hypocritical to criticize Mari's writing for the same things that apply to Hana. The extend of her "depth" only goes as far as she likes Kiyoshi and she's slowly coming to grips with it. Nothing remarkable here.

Hanafags like these have already made up their minds before they actually try to proof anything with facts. They want Hana to be the most complex character so they'll just say she is and will make up anything or ignore anything to back that up. Trust me, there's no arguing with these kinds of people.

>no smug allowed
Deal with it senpai. Your bias against Hana is so great that you can't appreciate her development throughout the series, your problem not mine.

The ad hominems!

This is a clear example of the anti-Hanafag we are talking about. Anytime a Prison School thread pops up they come here and start shitposting in order to get the thread derailed. Notice how the anti-Hanafag only attacks other anons and avoids actually making a coherent argument to counter to points made in any of the posts.

There is a difference between attacking other anons for their opinions and actually creating counter arguments. An example of someone who may not be a Hanafag, but isn't an 'anti-Hanafag' is this user:The anti-Hanafag will constantly try to deflect in order to hide what they are doing and make it seem as if 'Hanafags' are the ones who are 'hysterical,' 'deranged,' or 'attacking others simply, because they don't agree with people who hate Hana.' This particular user was already outed as being a BTFO MarixKiyoshifag in another thread.

So fuck you and what you are trying to do. I wish there was someway to extract you from the threads.

TL;DR: Ignore this particular shitposter who starts their shit with the same type of post every time. They are trying to derail the thread.

See perfect example. YOU'RE the one that's biased. It can't possibly be that they're biased as well.

Read more manga if you really think it's more than the basic tsundere arc. And your bias for Hana makes you impossible to tolerate other people's preferences. News flash: it's entertainment. Everybody's biased. Don't be dense.

Dumbass, everybody's biased. Don't treat anybody's preferences here like it's some sort of objective truth.

I appreciate the compliment. Do keep in mind that the whole "anti-Hana" shit is a bit of a meme at this point. You're right about the guy attacking Hanafags, but there's also people like this who suggest that people who don't like Hana are "wrong".
Either way, anybody who falls into either category should just stop whining and discuss the manga.

At this point, if it's not the Hanafag derailing the thread, it's the yurifag. If it's not the yurifag, it's the Marifag. Leave that shit in the past where it belongs. Honestly, I'm disappointed that even with just the spoilers, there's quite a lot to discuss yet nobody's discussing.
I guess I'll start it off. Did Chiyo just refer to Kiyoshi as the boy she likes?

I'm biased but I'm tolerant about it, you're the fags with the hate ^_^

Take it easy fellow Hanafag, no need to get upset over these literal losers. Praise Hana!

How could not liking a character be "right" or "wrong"? I'm saying you have bad taste and you're free to swing that insult back at me, I can take it. Don't be so sensitive on the internet senpai

Marifags never derail threads, this meme needs to die.

I'm betting it's Mari.

Even if Hana's character revolves Kiyoshi a bit we still understand what's at stake for her character.

Yet, what was at stake for Mari's character during her arc? Yes, her losing her power, but I feel as if I don't know how much Mari wants her position. I don't how hard she worked to obtain her position. Was it for Revenge for Meiko? I just feel like I don't really have a good grasp on her character.

But I also brought Kate being a stronger character than Mari, as well. Like we understand what's at stake for Kate and we understand what she wants. Mari just doesn't feel as compelling. Even Gakuto is a stronger character than her and he took a huge backseat for a good while.

>I'm saying you have bad taste and you're free to swing that insult back at me, I can take it
That's not the point. The point is something as subjective as "taste" shouldn't be treated as if it's canon. Nobody's being sensitive here, it's just a retarded argument that goes nowhere.

That's because Mari hasn't been the manga in the last weeks and she hasn't interacted with Kiyoshi yet.

With Chiyo liking Kiyo she already won the Kiyoshibowl by default. Dream is dead.

>Yes, her losing her power, but I feel as if I don't know how much Mari wants her position
>being this much of an idiot.
Try actually reading the manga, Hanafag.

>Gakuto's disgusted look

There is literally nothing wrong with a character revolving around the MC. No idea why antiHanafags think this is an argument. In fact, it is the sign of an important character to have multiple interactions with the MC. To put it simply, the MC and his interactions drive a plot, yes? If your character has little to no interaction with the MC, maybe your character is irrelevant, hmm?

I think you're putting words in my mouth user. I like Hana and expressed my views, and you're unhappy because I'm making something canon when it's not? What is your line of thinking here?

Oh, I'm with you on the Mari thing. Don't get me wrong. I think at the core of her motivations is the man-hating but we still have yet to see where exactly that comes from. I think you're on to something with the whole revenge for Meiko thing. Then again, I think not giving Mari a motivation against Kate is good. Kind of emphasizes that it's more of a one-sided rivalry fueled by Kate.

I just explained my line of thinking. Arguing about taste is retarded and a waste of time because ultimately, it's subjective. Just stick to discussing and speculations the actual events of the manga and we can avoid shitty threads like this one and yesterday's.

Considering everything that Mari and Kate have gone through together, it would be really silly to make it a one sided rivalry. Do you find the one sided rivalry Risa has with Meiko interesting?

>I'm tolerant
You literally just called anybody who's not on your ship "fags with hate". Go be retarded somewhere else.

>who suggest that people who don't like Hana are "wrong".

No they did not. Plus, even they did who fucking cares? It's just one person's opinion and does not impede on your love of another character. Just discuss what you find wrong with their argument by making coherent discussion as opposed to attacking anons like this asshole:

Why was this overlooked? Mari and Kate have sex. Like, full on gay sex.
In a series like PS, you'd think a much bigger deal would have been made about it.
Or is it the whole "Japan won't let a you publish an acknowledgement of homosexuality" thing? Because Kate is either entire fucked in the head, or entirely fucked in the head AND gay for Mari.

Naturally, considering Risa's one of my favorites. Though Hiramoto needs to make something happen soon because I do see the potential for that arc to grow stale, as it has for some people already.

>no they did not
Saying that people who "can't acknowledge her development and are therefore just hating" is exactly that. It's no different that the "anti-Hanafag" some anons keep crying about. Neither of them contribute to discussion and should both therefore fuck off.

You can be not on my ship and not be hateful. Now look at these posts and tell me they're not hate filled

Fair enough, I find the Risa-Meiko-Andre triangle boring. Likewise while I really enjoy Hana x Kiyoshi shenanigans, I feel her rivalry with Chiyo is super boring because again it's one sided. I hope Hiramoto's going to change that over this next arc!

You can't cry about anti-Hanafags but then act like Hanafags aren't instigating shit either. Neither side has any interest in discussion.

In contrast, just look at the hype drawn up by the introduction of slut-san as a rival to mitsuko. It's more interesting that way.

I've posted plenty of discussion.
Have you? Oh wait you're just a hater.

>People call you out on your shit
>"N-no, you're just hateful!"
Typical Hanafag response.

See though you're right calling those particular posts hate, not every post against Hana should automatically be taken as REEE UR JUST HATIN LOL. That's the most beta shit ever, and it's also just as devoid of discussion as the "Hana hate".

Ah I too support [best girl] I feel her developments with [male character] are the best part of [series]

The irony of claiming you discuss but in the same exact post, dismissing others as "just haters". Please just stop.

Why do we fight?

Why hasn't this post been deleted yet?

>Reminder that the one Hanafag is just mad and insecure that Chiyo possibly called Kiyoshi "the boy she likes"
>Reminder that another Hanafag is mad that people keep calling him out for retardation
>Reminder that one Marifag feels the need to respond to every Hana post with autism
>Reminder that everybody on this thread, myself included, should do the world a favor and commit mass ritual suicide

no way fag

This user gets it. Now let's please get back to discussion. I'll try again. Did Chiyo refer to Kiyoshi as the boy she likes?


If it was one sided why would Mari try so hard though?

I think she's referring to some sumo wrestler

>same tired hate filled posts

Only with you gone will PS threads truly flourish again.