What's the least soyboyish option if you are balding badly and early?

What's the least soyboyish option if you are balding badly and early?
Is shaving ok in your book?
What about facial hair? I think it makes a bald head less plain but it's hard to not look like a hipster then.
I know /fa/ is a more appropriate board for that but they are metrosexual fags.

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Lift weights, become the bald action hero. Longer hair is gay anyways.

is that you eggy?

Holy fucking shit your genes failed catastrophically.

Go for the Statham. It's the only way

you can't pull Statham while being fat fuck, and if I had to pick I'd go for 'fat fuck' option for OP.

finasteride. most effective hair regrowth/preservation treatment and it also reduces ur libido so u aren't so depraved.

Kek, you have shit facial aesthetics by that pic. Might as well lay down and rot.

>mfw i see a 30-40 something with an intact crown and not a shed of thinning


bruh. bruh bruh. cmonbruh

gotta make the best of what u got and be as happy as possible despite ur problems

OP should do something if he wants to. balding can be good because it makes a lot of guys get fit/ improve themselves in other ways. that's a blessing in disguise.

Get fit then cut it very short, I.e. The statham meme
Only option

>reduces your libido
kek, it can possibly ruin your sex drive and ability to get an erection for life. Even if you get off it, unless you're planning on being a tranny don't take that shit

Also interesting note, if you go on hair loss forums and look at progress pics there's a few trannies that go from having less hair than the OP to regrowing the hairline of a 5 year old. They take some heavy shit though

Whoops sorry for the flag I was larping in auspol


Shave your fucking head you berk

that shit can make you permanently impotent even when you go off it
it looks like it's working and it is working and then one day your penis doesn't work at all and you quit the medicine and all your hair falls out and your dick is still 100% soft and numb for the rest of your life

Premature balding usually means you have high test.

Buzz head, grow facial hair

Nice try shlomo

Inject yourself with estrogens and hope that your hair grows back.

Skinhead time. Get some jack boots

This is the only option but the problem with it is the fact his head has a good shape and has a cool face.

If you're ugly, then you will get uglier when balding. I'm balding and I hate it. I've been shaving it for a while now and it looks good but jesus it's going so fast the last year.

i’m 31 and like 60% bald. i just shave my face and head together once every 2 weeks. looks clean right after and looks pretty bad ass after 2 weeks with stubble everywhere. i actually got more pussy after i started losing it than when i had a thick lustrous head of hair

horrific posture

This. A few weeks ago I wanted to try it after all... but now I just gave up.

We need to wait for a few new treatments which will probably arrive in 2019.

Let's hope.

>permanently ruin sex drive

as if. that happens to barely anyone. in nearly all cases sex drive returns to normal after cessation of drug.

my sex drive isn't going anywhere bruh. cmon now im gonna lose the ability to get hard cos of hair loss pills at the age of 24? pffft. we'll see about that.

do you even know the percentage of ppl that happens to permanently or are you just spouting scare stories and excuses for why ur willing to go bald?

pretty sure that is a really rare symptom. most ppl just get a slight to moderate reduction in sex drive and i dont see that as a bad thing at all.

you're an idiot if you take that sex change drug

men need DHT

bro it happens to hardly anyone. it's bullshit scare tactics from pussies who dont have the balls to secure their hair and future beauty.

whatever. im taking the 0.1-0.5% risk. honestly everyone who ive heard talk about finasteride have maybe cited a lack of libido but when they get off the drug, it all comes back like normal.

like really i'll take a reduced sex drive with gratitude and keep my fucking hair, and if the sex drive really becomes a real problem then i'll get off the drug.

im at least gonna see what happens.and not just resign myself to the depressing and inevitable baldness.

It's not like I have sex anyway but still.

I also have gyno from puberty, very very small but I'd rather not get more.

Good for you tho, good luck.

Do not be dense. Your sex drive will really take a nose dive even if you are still a young adult.

why do men need dht? you have some scientific reasons i suppose?

i just looked it up on wiki and apparently DHT is mainly important during puberty but after that it only really serves detrimental functions.

ima read more 1sec

well ive been on the stuff for like 5 months and ive only noticed a slight reduction in sex drive. honestly it feels healthy. i dont want to be horny all the time bro. that's not nice.

i mean, it's proven to at least keep ur current amount of hair, if not grow some back.

we'll see where the symptoms go. im at least going to try it out because it does work for some people and not everyone gets the really bad symptoms, or they don't mind the symptoms.

thanks bro. wish u the best

I'd kill myself if I looked like that. I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror without wanting to be dead.

shave it off.

Get a good beard trimmer and figure out what’s best for you as time goes along. Seeking personal style advice here is beta as fuck. Be a man and make your own decisions

If you're balding then buzz it. If you haven't already then start lifting. The only way to look non-soy when bald is to be jacked.

so the information is confusing and i'd love for something to enlighten us, but DHT seems to have detrimental features after puberty. it also seems to have some beneficial features like body hair growth past puberty age and some weird anti anxiety/ enhanced brain cognition effects.

i dunno it's all really weird and technical. i obviously need to research this more. maybe my hair won't really be worth the negative effects.

but damn my hair feels important man. i know im shallow but you can't blame a man for wanting to look youthful and beautiful.

Rigorous weight training and add neck isolation training at least 3 times a week in your routine. Fatcels and skellies can't pull off the bald look

Shave now, transplant if you still want hair later. The transplanting tech has come a long way in the last decade and will continue to make strides until pills will claim to solve it


you fuck

>neck isolation exercises 3x week
Don’t think he’s going for a Randy Savage promo video

kys and hope you have better luck in your next incarnation

I go with the Kane look.

> fuck Davis Aurini, I was Kane in the Alt-Right first.

Probably not what you want to hear but past a certain point you're better off shaving it. If OP pic is your hairline I'd say it's about time.

You could try to let your hair grow out a bit and style it to cover it up a bit, but people will know even if they're too polite to say anything. I'd say you have a year or two tops before even you admit that you need to shave it, which will be liberating and actually make you look better.

Grow out a beard if you want as a counterpoint.

You could fake finasteride but it is already too late for you OP.

Become a bald, gym rat. You will get more dick than ever.

Once it gets past the simple V shape receding stage, it's time to shave.

Some guys can actually pull off mild receding hairline and look pretty good, like pic related, but once that middle part starts to creep back it's pretty much ogre.

Don't go full joe rogan OP

Stop masturbating, dht increases due to masturbation which causes baldness.


It's also an anti-estrogen.

I have a pretty high forehead. Not like OPs pic, but bad enough that it annoys me. Tried the buzzing it meme. By the end I looked like a cancer victim.

No, that's just what teenagers looked like in the 50's


bald = suicide

You get used to it, because it happens over a longer period of time. The first few months and years are the worst, because first you are in panic mode, then depression sets in and you try a bunch of snake oil or hope for the best with minoxidil etc., then when you still lose your hair you come to accept it, although it still hurts every day you look in the mirror. Once you have the balls to shave it all off and you really come to terms with it and accept it is the new "you", you will finally experience that bit of relief you were hoping for. It will still suck, but much less.


well seems like inhibited DHT is sub-optimal to arguably quite a signifcant degree but then again, losing hair and going bald is pretty fuck sub-optimal.

low DHT doesn't seem like the end of the world by any means. i guess im concerned about the cognitive function problems which might arise and the other weird little things that go on.

whatever bro i still need to research this more.

*deep breathing intensifies*

You need to have a trained neck

I tried DHT-blockers for a while. Made me lose all energy and gains on the gym. I also developed lots of fat tissue. I have bitch tits now. In the end I lost all energy when using that shit, now I'm balding but with bitch tits and with 20 pounds of fat.

Shave it off and grow a beard faggot. Lift and lose weight too. Also learn to use sunglasses with frames appropriate for your face shape.

so ive made my mind. im staying on the finasteride until the side effects get so bad that keeping my hair is not worth the trouble that goes along with it, if that day ever comes.

so yeah im taking a chance and hoping it pays off with minimal payback required. and if it gets bad i can just get off the meds. big deal. might as well try it out

looking at my not yet JUST'ed crown in the mirror makes me want to sing with joy. i wish i was shitting you. maybe that's its own form of JUST but i JUST wanna keep my hair.

you fucking liar. why are you lying.

why didnt you stop when you first noticed the tits growing?

if people are wondering why there are so many people getting rare side effects while taking finasteride it is because most people here are genetics trash

soyboys don't go bald, because going bald requires testosterone.

the costanza, wear it proudly. get a rug or combover.

the constanza is the most alpha route, because it shows you don't give a fuck. or be a faggot and grow a topknot.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oh yes that's what i wanna hear.

niggers saying i'll lose my libido forever im like bitch what. nigger please.

im going balls out trying to keep my fucking hair and taking a fucking chance because it could well pay off. i can always just get off the meds if the side effects get bad and everything will return to fucking normal because im fuccin healthy.


DUTASTERIDE! azelaic acid- cream and Nizoral 2% shampoo

as I said, you are genetic trash

that is not true and a oversimplification

Lift the fuck out and adopt a manly demeanor.
Pic related

Shaving was the best decision I ever made. I ended up looking better and had more confidence. Whatever confidence you have tied to your hair is fake and you’ll realize that afterwards.

>Hating on longer hair
Plebs the lot of you

Compared to a well planed plant based diet the consumption of animal products is self harm

Shit happens. Shave. The fuck more can one do?

>I bet I'l be there within 5 years or so

Bald head and a beard are the real man look. Hipsters try to copy that but they look gay anyway. Just don't overdo with grooming etc and have it as long as possible, and try not to be underweight and you won't look like them.

my genes are fuccin a1 genes fresh from my fuccin KANG ancestors. im not concerned about rare side effects.

>not going for the classic Quentin look
It's like you don't want success.

spotted the fattie.
Eat less Twinkies and sort yourself out, sunshine.

how to stop balding if you're under 30:
>stop masturbating
>take biotin and saw palmetto daily.
>never use shampoo
>brush hair daily with bristle brush. focus on hairline and thinning areas.
>once a week do a ginger scalp treatment (burns but effective)
>if you vape quit asap. Huge hair killer (cigarettes don't cause baldness but vaping does)
>water wash and massage scalp daily. remember Never use shampoo. Deep condition every two weeks with tea tree oil conditioner

this will stop and reverse your balding. The key is bust nuts less often and let your natural oils develop

YEAH pretty sure men are destined to go bald by god in an effort to make us more masculine in nature. if we're real men with real and meaningful foundations for confidence in this world (ie purpose/achievements) then we don't need hair. it's like a test which goes, "do you wanna be a pretty boy bitch or do you wanna be an actual man who commands respect and admiration from women from ur substance alone?"

but fuck all that im jumping on the bitchtit pills

>not going for the based nazi ganbatte nihon look

Grow some facial hair (sideburns/mustache can be very manly) too

thanks for the tips i was going to buy biotin anyway and you just reminded me. i'll get saw palmetto too cos apparently it's really good for u and yeah good 4 hair too.

hmm i dunno if i can part with the shampoo. i have long hair and it gets greasy as fuck. maybe just like, less frequent shampoo

well if you had good hair it'd be tough, but shaving it is the best option
ive had buzzcut since I was a kid and when the time comes the transition will be easy.

>accepting balding
Balding is the result of high DHT.
More testosterone is converted to DHT after masturbating or having sex.

Mechanism explained here:

Want hair back? Stop masturbating.
I used to be balding but since quitting masturbation and removing soy from my diet, my hair has grown back.
Most people who remove soy from their diet and stop masturbating and having sex for a long period will see their hair loss reverse. If you don't have that self-control, you deserve to look like a soyboy.

I hate bald people now. They are reckless people who masturbate as often as possible. I would never hire a bald person now. It shows poor-self control. Ever notice they are almost woman like in their nagging and complaining? That is because sexual excess feminizes the brain, which is why bald people are notorious for being assholes.
In some cases it is genetic but it's very rare to be genetically bald. Look back at pictures from 1950s and prior. Barely any bald people in group photos. That's because there wasn't porn everywhere causing people to inflamed with sexual desire and waste their hormones on a 15 minute high.

Go SS calvo blanco

Cut it very short and grow a short beard. Then DO NOT EVER THINK ABOUT BALDING AGAIN! Listen.....redblooded women don't care about a bald head. We aren't that worried about a perfect face either. The stuff you see on tv etc. is not how real women feel. Do you have a good carreer, a few muscles, some rough manly hands, or perhaps broad shoulders? Would you be someone that a lady would feel safe & secure with, or a good dad? THESE are things that matter to us. Women have pretty hair, a man doesn't need hair on his head at all.
>t. Married to a balding dude since I was 21 and think he's the sexiest dude ever.

>nofap AND soy memes in a single shitpost
woah, color me impressed.

then u are compensating so hard lmoa lol

Just shave it off OP.

I've noticed a worrying trend - most men nowdays in their 20s going bald try to do the combover (masquerading as "messy" or matted; see Ed Sheeran for example) - it's appalling and says a lot about their self-esteem. Also somewhat effeminate.

Shave it off, show the world for who you are - fuck anybody who thinks you're less of a person for a natural occurrence.

Pic related; me before and after - didn't turn out too bad

Either go for the Statham or

Not a shit post, watch the video.
Soy isn't a meme, it has documented estrogenic effects.
Nofap isn't a meme either. Increases T and better still, decreases DHT.

Your argument on the other hand, is a shit post and tries to debunk me by saying "its a meme guise".

Just buzz your head, grow a short beard, and give no further fucks on the subject. A no. 2 clipper comb is your new best friend.
If you're a tubby cunt, do something about that as well. Spend a bit more time outdoors to get the shine off your dome.

Is that Eggman?